Average KD

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. SKYeXile

    I think he's trying to start a K/D war.

    I shall respond with a session stat.


  2. Chubzdoomer

    I guess the average for most players is around 1.00. Mine is roughly 4.00 just because I use armor so much and it's very easy to rack up kills by taking out infantry, then speeding away to collect more ammo and repair. If I was on foot, it'd probably be closer to 2.00. It really depends on your playstyle, whether or not you use ground or air vehicles, and even the skill of the people you play with.
  3. Derpina

    holy jesus you win hahaha. What have you been doing?!
  4. GTGD

    KD is pretty important but it's actually not a very descriptive stat in terms of player skill. Plenty of highly skilled players who mainly play as infantry, who will have much lower KDs than people who use vehicles. Plenty of players are objective-oriented and while they have good KD it may not be as high as the kind-of-skilled zergling who hangs out near the spawn rooms or snipes simply because they don't encounter as many enemies while they're getting stuff done.
  5. sirinon

    I dont obsess over KD, I dont even check it.

    my squad gets the job done and thats all that matters.
    • Up x 2
  6. SKYeXile

    that was a magrider, farming morons, im not exactly cautious the way i play either, hence the excessive deaths...
  7. Solafide

    K/D means squat, zip, zero......and forget the leader boards, they are filled with hackers..one guy after 2 days had over 10k kills, and he's bragging on PU about how great he is...seriously, I have playerd hours and hours and hours and I doubt I have even seen that many enemies total, let alone get the chance to rack up 10k kills in two days...

    what's that smell? I smell a rat with 10k kills
  8. Mafia Puppet

    I think he meant median K/D. I think it'd be around 1.3 like it is in CS:S. But MAX, Vehicle, and Air all push that number up, so overall I wouldn't be surprised if it's as high as 2. But for infantry, a 1.3 means you're above about 50% of gamers i.e. alright. If you do nothing but infantry and have a 1.7, you're a very good player.

    AVERAGE K/D is going to be 1, but that would have been a stupid question.
    • Up x 1
  9. SKYeXile

    Who is this god?
  10. Solafide

    Your another one..I do not know you so I will reserve judgement, and not repeat what was said
  11. Solafide

    How is it after 3 days you have over 10k kills? I doubt it's even possible to see that many players total, let alone kill them..
    That's 121 kills an hour, more than 2 kills a minute solid, 24/7 according to your kill count...
  12. Sinist3r

    HAR HAR I have 6.8 thousand kills and only 3 days playtime I WIN
  13. Solafide

    And seriously, who cares about your kill count, there's medics, support, engineers, all these people you rely on to rack up very dubious stats, did you ever think of thanking people for help and support? No, because on PU, all you do is brag
  14. SKYeXile

    Oh 3 days /played...thats different, yea 123 kills per hour, bout right.

    Some of my gameplay footage:

    its like that, all the time for me.
  15. SKYeXile

    Actually I don't rely on any of them, waiting for a engineer to come heal my tank would be time wasted, obviously i play engineer when im in a vehicle, if there's no ammo around for my vehicle, ill pull my own sunder to resupply it, if im low on HP, ill just use a medpack. I dont wait for a healer. especially not in combat.
  16. Solafide

    Sling yuor baloney somewhere else pal, seriously..this ain't my first rodeo..and I'm not as stupid as you think everybody else is....
    Plus, I seriously don't care
  17. mow

    vs have a massive population on the aussie server so that will help k/d along, so play the right map at the right time and farm away really.
  18. Sinist3r

    woops meant 6.8k kills
  19. SKYeXile

    You have posted like 5 times in this thread in reply to me, it looks like you do care.
  20. SKYeXile

    Having meatshields does certainly help with K/D not KPH though.