Warning dont pick Waterson as NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nimx, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Braken

    Huh, so THAT'S why the TR have such a large pop advantage. I didn't realize Total Biscuit played on Waterson.

    Well... I wish he chose a different server, then. Or that a faction pop cap would be implemented.
  2. AuditMF

    That's a little harsh. His zerg will die down in size once most of the fanboys realize that playing Planetside 2 won't make him notice them or be their friend. Give it time, it's still early release, things have yet to settle.
  3. Hyena Grin

    I'm pretty happy with NC on Waterson. I feel like the TR and VS gang up on us an awful lot, but when they're not doing that it's pretty fun. Never a dull moment. When the NC gets a tank column rolling with a modicum of air support, the other factions crumble beneath our tracks. It's glorious.

    I think if/when they balance things a bit better for the factions, things will improve. NC is a bit short-stick at the moment. Not by an enormous amount, but enough to make a difference. And if it's enough to make a difference it's enough to drive players away. They need to fix the balance issue soon, because faction population (and quality of that population) will take exponentially longer to recover the longer this discrepancy exists.
  4. WedgeAntilles

    I played PS1 as NC. Looks like I know where to roll my new character for PS2. Here I come Waterson, thanks OP. Veterans incoming.
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  5. MrEllis

    As luck would have it I picked every faction that was weakest on my three toons. So no matter what faction I play I get steam rolled. Seems like the NC get tag-teamed an awful lot by both sides on Waterson. As for the "fight harder, better, faster" comments, there comes a time when you get sick of being a whipping boy and farm status may be fun for the reds and grapes but it's not fun when it's a permanent fixture. PS2 is not a game of solo heroes it boils down to numbers with skill and more important tactics helping numbers will always win out when you're being sandwiched on two fronts at 24% server pop. Gets a bit long in the tooth and I've only played since launch.

    Overall though, fun game, there should be some sort of penalty for the constant zerg or some super bonus for getting rolled. The 5% xp bonus doesn't make up for much when all you do is get rocket podded and pounder spammed on every square inch of the map. It's pretty much convinced me to not spend a single dime since the first couple days because I'm regretting dumping my station points into my NC dude.
  6. AuditMF

    Welcome, and be sure to bring friends.
  7. GTGD

    While everyone feels like they get tag-teamed, let's be fair: the NC on Waterson is so disorganized they often attempt to push on both fronts at once, which is just asking for a response.
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  8. Ribonucleic Acid

    shameless plug: our outfit is looking for competent, mature players for NC on Waterson. We only run a squad most of the time, but we have the leadership and experience (PS1 vets, myself included), we run gal drops and normally try to flank the frontlines to get influence and hold smaller objectives. head over to our website in my sig if you feel like you want to apply.