[Suggestion] MAX revives need to come back

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JarredGalaxy, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Effect

    No, I'm assuming you don't know how to play Max, it has nothing to do with what you main. You're not alone, most players don't know how to, hence why you kill bad players in maxes as well. Combat medics are still insanely powerful without max revives and are in fact the most relevant class for the meta pointholds. Max revives existing for 10 years is not relevant. Higby regretted adding maxes in the way he did and Wrel wanted to nerf maxes way sooner than he did but was afraid of backlash (see player reaction to CAI). Max revives were removed because simply put, they don't need them. Maxes are still incredibly strong at the sweatiest levels of play (Outfit Wars/Lanesmash) and absolutely destroying fight quality at smaller fights. Removing revives has only improved gameplay, now killing a max camping in overpop actually matters instead of it being a case of "why even bother trying to kill the max".
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  2. Somentine

    Reviving maxes was not even remotely Medic's 'top uses', it was just the extra cherry on top of an incredibly broken ability.

    Broken mechanics have existed since launch, many have been changed since then.

    Also, they've been complained about since launch. Even the devs didn't want to add maxes into the game (at least how they were on launch), as they knew it would **** on infantry balance. The only reason maxes were added was because their boss pushed for it "because Maxes are a staple of PS".

    It was removed because it was a ridiculous mechanic. Even being able to constantly revive normal infantry is considered one of the most powerful mechanics in the game, never mind being able to revive a light-tank that can go indoors.

    No, it would still be broken even if they revived with 1HP.

    And no, it was probably one of the few good changes Wrel made in his whole career. But if you want to truly make the claim that it left a negative impact on the game, show proof.
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  3. MonnyMoony

    Yet they set off anti infantry mines (as well as AV mines). They don't have access to composite armour (unlike vehicles) - they have the same armour options as infantry. They take massive damage from small arms. They take headshots (unlike vehicles). They trigger auto turrets like infantry do. They can be road killed by all vehicles (including flashes) which act like they are made of mashmallow - just like infantry. They are slow moving like infantry. They are affected by AI grenades (like flashbang, EMP etc), just like infantry.

    If they are intended to be vehicles - then make them vehicles. At the moment they get all the downsides of infantry, without any of the upsides of vehicles. They cost more than a Harasser and get less health!.
  4. JarredGalaxy

    I normally don't even waste my time arguing with people who make baseless claims like you have and oppose MAX revives as automatically having an irrelevant opinion, calling the MAX suit OP is already the first red flag, just cause you were getting gunned down by them or wacked by their melee doesn't mean they are OP, just another player that don't understand the infantry gameplay.

    MAXes even before were already in a bad position with how easy they are to take down, it's almost like this totally blows over people like you, back in the day sure MAXes were a menace but nowadays even before the revive removal they are about as easy to takedown as a Heavy Assault. anti-material rifles, rocket launchers, C4, LMGs, grenades. Only the NC MAX is what actually made people hate MAXes so much with how busted a couple of their weapons are and have they can block a lot of incoming fire with their Aegis shield.

    Proof you need is the game right now, ever since they removed it a significant amount of players have stopped pulling MAXes and instead pull a Lightning or pair up with someone and get a Harasser cause they have better survivability for the same price. Some players who main MAXes still use them sure but a lot of MAX players even quit the game following this change cause unlike "some players" they understood the real effect this will have on MAX gameplay and how it would make them basically cannon fodder and disposable which is now proven by how easy they now die and cannot be quickly brought back into the fight which makes their use even worse cause instead of being right there in combat they now have to brought from the nearest terminal again after dying which can be precious time if having to try holding down a certain area and not having MAX support cause they were taken down by a Heavy Assault with a launcher or Engineer AMR sniper behind cover.

    Yeah players still use MAXes cause they are a significant part of the game but their effectiveness is not what it used to be cause of how they can no longer be gotten up after the one cheesy player with a lucky C4 toss got them, MAXes ARE infantry units, they are not a "powerup" or vehicle, they are the primary tank class of the infantry and are more meant for survivability and damage absorption for the more vulnerable infantry around them, rather than damage output, and that survivability is now basically 65% gone with the revives being cut from them. Ignorant players like you are what ruined and will continue to ruin this game.
  5. Amador

    PlanetSide 1 had MAX revives since 2003. PlanetSide 1 was shut down in 2016. A run for 13 years.
    PlanetSide 2 has MAX revives since 2012. PlanetSide 2 has been out for 12 years. At least 1 year without MAX revives.
    • Reddit Hysteria: "MAX's ruin my Heavy Assault KDR! Push the agenda! Weaponize the memes!"
    • Meanwhile: <MAX revives have existed in PlanetSide for an accumulative duration of 20 consecutive years.>
    This isn't some fringe or obscure change that just recently landed on the PTR with no former track record. MAX's Units themselves and MAX revives have existed in PlanetSide for over 20 years.

    Now its suddenly wrong simply because the reddit army screeched about it?

    Anyone with a functional sense of smell can tell this is "bovine feces".

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Also there's people in this thread saying how; "The original dev's didn't want it this way." Oh, you don't say?

    I'll remind you this game was brought up essentially as a side project for Sony. Practically built in a garage with bubble gum, shoe laces, an 18 month timeline and the insanity of a Free-to-Play business model. The consequences are vast and long-lasting.

    It's no wonder the original dev's weren't fully satisfied with it as they didn't have adequate time to integrate it the way they wanted. Far too many aspects of the game were half-baked, yet PlanetSide 2 is a ship that already sailed.

    Just because the game didn't pan-out the way the dev's wanted doesn't give you the place to make the game worse.

    Most of you who play PlanetSide 2 only know PlanetSide 2. It's no wonder to me that many of you have some incredibly bizarre opinions that aren't even in alignment with PlanetSide's original values at times.

    I constantly see people trying to hijack PlanetSide and turn it into anything but. It's bad enough that reddit ruins the game. It's even worse when actual PlanetSide developers consider the bad advice seriously and ends up on live servers.

    It's like asking a novice tourist for directions - no wonder everyone's lost.
  6. Somentine

    I could say the same thing, just in reverse; crutch, bad players coping because their OP toy got slightly nerfed, don't understand the infantry gameplay, etc...

    Also, post fisu.

    Not even remotely close, and requires specific weapons to do so.

    Oh no, the morons who abused the Max left the game because they couldn't do **** without it. What a massive loss... except it wasn't; about a month after release, there was a ~10% drop in Max USES, not even players, while the game's population after the patch actually increased.

    But continue to go off on your baseless claims.

    The irony.
  7. Effect

    Irrelevant. They are not infantry. Flashes can set off AI mines when you're on them. MBT's, Lightnings, Colossus, and Corsair's do not have access to composite armor. They don't have many of the suit slot options infantry do. They take massively reduced damage from small arms (having roughly 10k EHP against small arms damage) compared to actual infantry. Flashes trigger spitfires. Flashes, Harassers, and even lightnings can be roadkilled by heavier vehicles. There's always going to be slowest vehicles, Flashes are affected by AI grenades.

    Currently maxes get all the upsides of being incredibly braindead farming machines. They can go anywhere infantry can, so of course they're going to have less EHP than a harasser.
  8. Effect

    Posting another coping wall of text isn't going to change reality.

    Revives existing for X amount of years is not relevant. It's not a real argument.

    Maxes ruining KDR is a strawman argument used by bad players. For starters I'm not even a "heavy main" I play all classes and my most used weapons are carbines since my favorite class is LA (and I main LA on jaeger 6v6).

    Again, max revives existing for x amount of years is not a real argument

    Removing Max revives made the game OBJECTIVELY BETTER. Your ignorance and lack of basic motor functions doesn't mean maxes are weak without it. We have direct evidence that shows otherwise thanks to Outfit Wars where all of the top teams all used maxes heavily.

    I played Planetside 1 more than you did, having two BR40 CR5 characters. Bringing up a completely different game is not relevant and is also not a real argument. Planetside 1 is NOT Planetside 2.

    Calling other people novices when you're a mediocre player is hysterical though.
  9. Effect

    It's hilarious that you're talking about baseless claims when that's exactly what you're doing. Maxes are braindead farming machines if you have any basic FPS kills. I still actively play solo berserker max suit when I'm not playing NSO and it's not hard to stay alive.

    Maxes were in a bad position in the sense that they actively made the game unfun to play, which they still do. But at least now if you kill a max you know that you get a bit of breathing room before another one shows up. Learn how to position and use meta suit slots and you'll find that the only threat to a max is an AMR (which can still be mitigated with good positioning) and Orbital strikes.

    Your proof isn't even real, because zergfits on TR and VS have started recently spamming maxes again since they realized that maxes are still stupidly unfun to fight against when they sit in overpop.

    Maxes are still just as effective as they were before, they just get punished for dying now unlike before. Use Ordnance armor and you won't get one shot by C4 anymore. Maxes have just as much damage output as infantry and if you position well, your survivability is completely unaffected.
  10. MaxDamage

    I'm not pro revive, but the obvious counter is that ESFs are routinely used to do and soak up damage, before the pilot bails with full health and finishes someone off. So... remove bail from ESFs? Since an ESF "isn't infantry"..
  11. Amador

    Actually it does. It's called facts and the way MAX Units function has been part of PlanetSide's game design for 20 years. Though you do squirm to deny it. Kick and scream even, demanding what I say isn't so.

    The facts are in. And siding with the "death throes" of a former Lead Developer further ruining the game upon his departure gives your opinion no merit.

    Ah, you cite Outfit Wars as your primary source of reasoning for MAX's. Outfit Wars being one of the most dubious events in PlanetSide history known for its vast lack of integrity and low-key use of hacks. Which takes any type of tactic and attempts to stretch it to the absolute extreme.

    Interesting how you feel the need to destroy PlanetSide simply because it was observed that a number of hyper-sweats used MAX's in a closed competition where every advantage must be leveraged, no matter how small. Even if it includes swarm tactics.

    Here's some free wisdom for you; "The exception isn't the norm."

    The maximum Battle Rank was BR25, with another 3 levels being offered as prestige during the game's peak under Sony up to its end.

    ... "BR40" you say? Pointing to a niche private community-driven PlanetSide server far past the game's prime and frequented only by a mere fraction of its former playerbase once a week/month does nothing to add clout to your argument.

    If anything can be said at all, it is likely that you arrived too late to experience PlanetSide 1 when it mattered most. Because you certainly don't act in a manner to preserve PlanetSide for what it was meant to be. I'd say you're contrarian just for the fun of it.
  12. MaxDamage

    This is all gaslighting nonsense. You're not solofarming with a MAX anywhere except 6 man fights at 4am. And if 2 of those are halfway good players, you're not going to have a good time.

    As for positioning well, you're slower, which means enemies can outmaneuver your position with relative ease when you're spotted.
  13. Effect

    Just because you can't do it doesn't mean anyone else can't. I've literally done it for several days in a row now.
  14. Effect

    No, it doesn't. Irrelevant facts are still irrelevant.

    Hardly, Wrel made a lot of bad decisions, removing max revives was not one of them.

    Your personal skill issue doesn't mean other players are cheating. Outfit wars is about as sweaty as Planetside gets and if "low-key use of hacks" was actually occuring it only strengthens my argument, because it means Maxes were actively being used against "low-key use of hacks" and easily carrying their weight.

    Planetside isn't being destroyed just because you don't know how to play.

    The fact that you think Br 40 is a "community-server thing" is hysterical given how much you're trying to lean into the "Planetside 1 veteran" angle (doubly funny making that argument to someone who has easily doubled the amount of time you played PS1). Planetside 1's maximum BR was extended from 25 (it was never extended to BR 28, you got free Rexo armor if your character [or account?] was five years old) all the way to BR 40 in mid-2009.

    Ignoring that I started playing Planetside 1 in August of 2003 just a handful of months after its release and have many thousands of hours playing it. The difference between us is I recognize that Planetside 1 wasn't a perfect game that did nothing wrong, like its sequel it had many flaws (though mostly different ones).
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  15. Effect

    Plenty of people would unironically be in favor of that.
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  16. Amador

    They are facts. You've deliberately chosen them to be irrelevant for your convenience, as it suits you.

    Your incorrect response; "Gotta nerf MAX's cause hackers are inclined to use them."
    The correct response; "If hackers exist, they must be removed from the game."

    Then I will help refresh your memory, as it appears to be faulty. My signature is an actual screenshot of my old character at maximum BR with nothing else to earn. Use your eyes and read the bottom of the image. Behold what actual proof looks like.

    As for "BR40", it exists on the PSForever community. Where upon reaching it, everything under the sun is unlocked for certification. Wildly too broken for a mainstream live server if you ask me.

    The difference between you an I, is that I believe in PlanetSide's origins and that good intentions paired with good game design adds content that all players can enjoy in their pursuits. To ensure that PlanetSide always feels like PlanetSide, and not some senseless knock-off of another modern game.

    You on the other hand... have not offered any constructive suggestions to improve MAX Units for PlanetSide 2. Your current tone and demeanor has only conveyed a disdain for MAX Units, and you'd sooner see them pushed into obscurity, if not total removal.

    Your bias is clear and apparent, without any regard to put forth a good mind and make tastefully suitable adjustments. You screech demanding removal or the amputation of features, rather than finding a reasonably suitable solution to the dilemma.

    I've used my time to elaborate several reasonable solutions for MAX Units to be restored to their former revivability, while increasing their defensive traits but also to reduce their overall offensive capability in turn. In example; like a "tank" from an MMORPG.
  17. MonnyMoony

    Not irrelevant at all. For 10 years they were treated as infantry - you can't just take that away and not compensate in some other areas (and a slight reduction in nanite cost doesn't really compensate for this).

    The vehicles you listed don't have access to composite armour because they don't need it, they are invulnerable to small arms fire from the outset.

    Vehicles don't have access to suit slots - but they have vehicle defence and performance slots instead. Ironically, Max suits do have suit slots, which arguably makes them more like infantry than vehicles - the very thing you are arguing against.

    They may take reduce damage from small arms vs infantry - but its still significant. A max without kinetic armour lasts mere seconds under sustained small arms fire and since they are much slower - it's much more difficult to evade than say a Flash or Harasser.

    Flashes and Harassers might be able to be road killed by heavier vehicles, but it's not an instagib as it is for Maxes. They can take glancing blows and take only minor damage. A flash road killing a max doesn't even suffer a reduction in speed or direction, let alone taking any damage itself. For vehicle on vehicle collisions - both vehicles usually take at least some damage and usually suffer a change in speed/direction reflective of a collision with another object.

    I'm not suggesting Max revive should make a return - but Maxes do need a rework. If they are to be treated as vehicles - then do it properly, implement vehicle collisions, give them composite armour, give them defence and performance slots etc
  18. Effect

    It is. Maxes are still silly strong without the ability to be revived.

    They still don't have it. Galaxy's and Liberators are immune to small arms and have composite.


    It's significant because they're not agile, but with good positioning and a dedicated engineer you can heavily mitigate a lof the damage you can take.

    It absolutely is an instagib. Have a friend pull a flash and drive a ANT or Sunderer into it at full speed and it will INSTANTLY die without any damage or change of direction.

    I'm fine with a Max rework taking place.
  19. Effect

    Irrelevant facts are irrelevant. Planetside 2 is not Planetside 1.

    Again, just because you're bad doesn't mean they're cheating and again. Maxes held their own against supposed cheaters. Maxes aren't weak, you're just bad.

    BR28 was never the maximum BR at any point in Planetside's history. The game went from BR25 to BR40. This was a change made to the mainstream game. Your signature is proof that you had a single character that made it to BR28, it is not proof that BR 28 was the cap. You want proof of BR 40? Easily done. Keeping in mind that PSForever did not go live until after Planetside 1 shut down in 2016.

    Random forum thread from 2009 - http://forums.f13.net/index.php?topic=17360.0
    Reddit thread from 2014, 1st comment- https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/2bx6j4/so_i_tried_out_planetside_1_today_and_wow/cj9sr96/
    Main game patch notes recorded by the PSForever wiki, June 2009 - https://www.psforever.net/patches/

    BR 40 unlocking everything WAS absolutely wildly broken so it was actually not a particularly popular addition to Planetside 1. If you're still skeptical go to the PSF Discord.

    No, the difference is still that you think Planetside 1 was some perfect game it and it just wasn't. Yes it absolutely did somethings better than PS2. But maxes were a mistake in both games as they are/were designed. I'm all in favor in a full rework of a max suit, but making them revivable only has downsides.

    I have no reason to offer buffs to maxes because in their current state they don't need anything significant, at most resistance to being roadkilled (think safefall 5). Past that the only other real suggestion worth doing would be a full rework which I'm all for. But reviving MAXes is off the table, plain and simple.

    Whining about how Planetside 2 should be more like Planetside 1 isn't going to change reality.
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  20. JarredGalaxy

    The fact this forum post went from discussing the factor of why MAX revive removal was bad to the typical toxic back and forth argument between the pro-revive and pro-removal (Thanks a lot Wrel) to now who's opinion is actually the most relevant based on gameplay statistics of both games...