[Suggestion] MAX revives need to come back

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JarredGalaxy, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. JarredGalaxy

    The title is pretty self explanatory, the MAX as an infantry class is not what it used to be especially following the removal of the revives last year. In my eyes that was Wrel's last scar he left on the game before leaving, once again giving into tryhards that just hated MAXes and only worried about their personal needs, the MAX even before this change was already in a pretty bad state when the addition of more anti-material rifles, HESH rounds and of course C4 from Light Assaults, Combat Medics were one of the only things keeping them somewhat effective. Ever since the removal of the revives the amount of MAXes seen being used has declined, including the usual MAX squads. It has ruined MAX gameplay especially for players that often main MAXes and it significantly altered the role of Combat Medics given one of their top priorities in the game was keeping MAX units in the fight by reviving.

    Like seriously it's been a back and forth argument ever since it was done and it wont see any decline anytime soon, MAXes were able to be revived in this game since launch over 10 years ago and then gets removed by the same developer responsible for removing/changing other long time features like rumble seat repairs for example which made some vehicle players quit. Now the same has been done to the MAX which ticked off more players. And those defending the removal of it aren't seeing the big picture of why MAX revives were necessary.
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  2. MaxDamage

    I just want them to dial back AMR damage against MAXes. And I think they should be able to survive 1 C4 by default (barely).

    I used to MAX main and they're still my favourite thing in the game, but I got over the lack of a revive pretty fast. I don't think it was the wrong choice.
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  3. AuricStarSand

    Ye I agree. 2 statements.

    AMR's do insane dmg verse max's like 2 hit rapid hits, ur dead.
    Luckily most people don't know that & don't use AMR's.

    As for C4? Ye well if the Max is 350 as it is now.
    Then yes the max should survive the first c4.
    The max isn't able to outrun c4 thrown at the door step.

    The max right now is worth 275.
    250 too low. 300 too high still.
    Give the max 30% resistance to ARM.
    20% resist to C4. For 300 nanites. Not 350.

    The max is still good at low pop regions verse noobs.
    However any 2 vets will quickly HA rocket you so fast,
    2 seconds later your dead. Also solo max's can't get past doors
    without a max crash.

    However do I believe the max should get ressed? not truly. I agree with all of Jarred's base theory threads. Unique base designs are good, even the bio lab windows are sweet to return. At least for one new bio lab returned to Esamir, to replace Ymir containment site, for the lab to have those gateshield windows.

    Yet just not the max ress. Since I've seen some max's who stay max for the entire 1 hour 30 min alert, prior to the max nerf to resses.

    As for medics having a role; and as for medics reviving a tanky ish unit is more entertaining; well if they made HA and Medic into HP and Shield tanks. As suggested via thou " buff medic hp " thread. Instead of DPS hs hunters. Then medics get to ress infantry than actually are able to take a hit. & not just die again soon after.

    Their should be 2 versions of the max. One where it's at now, is the " dps max " & the second version gets 100% more hp for 40% less damage. and is used to storm rooms and tank your team from bullets.

    Not even the NC max's shield helps " defend " your team of noob medics past doors. So the max isn't the meat shield, the HA isn't the meat shield for anyone other than himself for 1vs1's, I asked for medic to be a tank class too. Then who is? Just the NSO max for a few seconds that's who. Meh. For a " Hallway shielder ".

    tbh the lockons for NSO are bs. no max should have vehicle lockons what the heck? op. one NSO max; high ground; locks down vehi terms so ez. So they can't buff max's and keep nso max with those troll lockons. Single handedly killing 10 sunderers, multiple ants, from a mountain top.

    This game is a mmorpg to some degree, even it's only pvp. Yet every class is mainly just for dps. Besides a few tiny tools. They should redefine some of the classes as actual classes, rather than just for different dps weapons. Even if that means an extra tool slot, & few extra tools. Plus other class defining suggestions.
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  4. Effect

    No, they don't need revives. Maxes are NOT infantry. They cost nanites and as such should be unrevivable. Maxes are still absurdly powerful without revives.
  5. littleshan1

    you have the right idea, that there are too many methods to Kill MAX, after 10 years of releasing MAX (can revive MAX), this game has added a lot of weapons and developed methods to kill MAX and ESF

    so much so that just one infantry can kill MAX and ESF if he is lucky (and infantry have 50 times more than MAX and ESF).

    However, if MAX can be revived, there should be a revival fee. MEDIC wants to revive MAX and must pay 100 nanites. If MAX agrees to revive, he must pay 200 nanites.

    Why ?

    because effective methods of killing MAX also require Nanite such as c4, anti-tank mines, anti-tank grenades
  6. Ps2pIayer

    nah the revive removal was a good move. too many NC dorks were abusing running 3 man squads with a max a medic and a engie ghost capping regions and you couldnt kill them because they would just revive or heal eachother and thats one of the soul reasons why it was removed in the first place.

    you can thank the NC shytters for that nerf.
  7. chamks

    i just made a thread few days ago about archer dealing twice as much dmg as it should on max. for **** sake its a unit that cost 350/450 (if changed), cannot be revived, cannot capture the point, cannot gun in most vehicles, big bulky and slow, takes dmg from everything and more. i dont think max should be revived, but man are they creeps, squeeshy ducks right now.... just make it back to 450 nanites, and reduce the c4 and amr by 50%, and rocket lancher by 20%
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  8. Amador

    MAX's Units are infantry. Infantry is revivable. This is how the game has worked since PlanetSide 1. Though it seems this understanding was clearly lost due to lack of experience, or by those who deliberately forgotten it for their own convenience.

    The association of Nanite cost with "disposable assets, therefore unrevivable" is a bogus topic.

    In PlanetSide 1, we simply had "cooldown timers" that prevented the same asset from being pulled twice in a short timespan for MAX and vehicles alike. In PlanetSide 2 however, Sony instead chose to introduce the new Nanite system as an accumulative resource currency over time (and formerly part of a territorial resource system which is now depreciated).

    By the way, Medics can throw Revive Grenades which cost 75 Nanites a pop, yet can revive an entire squad. Your perspective is invalid.

    If a MAX is revived by a Medic, it doesn't solve the MAX's dilemma outright. Because MAX Units still need Engineers to repair them, or given about 30-60 seconds for them to recover with the associated self-repairs. Let us not forget that MAX's upon revive are weak enough to be killed again simply by typical small arms gunfire.

    The limitations that MAX Units have in game are vast. Riddle me this... Have you ever tried to fulfill the role of a dedicated MAX Unit for a high-speed squad that constantly redeploys across the continent? It is outright impractical.
  9. VV4LL3

    MAXes for the most part are a massive waste of resources. A Lighning has more survivability, damage, and utility... costs the same and you can exit the vehicle predeath.

    Maybe if they allowed people to exit a MAX suit, or instead of dying the suit sheds off and you're left in a class build... that might make more sense.

    If you've played NSO MAXes, then you truly know how much of a waste the nanites really are.
  10. Amador

    You know what's worse?

    Knowing that the purpose of MAX Units was to help punch through stalemates using MAX crash tactics. But then to design the game to willingly allow MAX's to still get instantly one-shot by a pocket Orbital Strike while inside a building and below ground.

    Imagine the audacity someone must have to put Fallout Hardening as a Suit slot item rather than as a Passive System. As if players would ever sacrifice practical survival traits upon the rare off-chance they might be at the epicenter of a laser beam from space. Even maxed-out Fallout Hardening doesn't protect from a double pocket Orbital Strike as far as I recall. How laughable.

    Peak MAX gameplay now consists of equipping Burster's and firing out from spawn at camping aircraft. To say that MAX's were given the least amount of consideration by the developers is an understatement for the ages.
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  11. AuricStarSand

    This statement is the solution & essentially what we all want, without having to return max revives. +100 more nanites for some resist buffs. Then ye indoor os maybe survive with 10% hp.

    However to the guy who said max crash is the meta for breaking past doors; WELL it shouldn't have to be. I've asked for the devs to add 11 new tactical items to get your team past doors. Extra tool slot too. The game needs many new door frame; hallway defense items.

    I've yelled at people to buy smoke barrel attachment often for months, to assist with getting past doors. I'm semi popular, yet they still don't buy it; spare 1 guy. Even tho I liked the Arsenal update & most did; attachments aren't new player friendly. Heck smoke attachment isn't even vet friendly.

    So attachments aren't the way to go, for non niche vets, even tho I like their utility & fancy new types of ammo. Still a huge obvious new tool slot or medium size new tactical slot is easier to find, then these tiny lil attachment slots. For guns half the players may not even have bought yet. Aka smoke barrel guns, they may not have.

    Tactical Item slots are better than attachments. A 2nd Tool slot is better than attachments. & all these type of items should be the meta for door advances, not max crashes. Max crash should be just something that happens once awhile, not some meta you need just to get past every bullet locked door the game has.

    & if your team doesn't have nanites, you what? sit outside the door & wait till the timer's over? Easy for 20 guys to lock down 2 doors with bullets, where nobody is allowed to enter. Happens 200% more often then max crashes happen.
  12. VV4LL3

    Being one shot by C4, that costs a fraction of the nanites, Alpha Burst in one pass by A2G, or demolished by a AMW just makes it less countered, and more locked out.
  13. Amador

    I've literally seen players in MAX Units crouching in a corner amidst some of the toughest gunfights in game.

    Let that sink in. MAX Unit with the heaviest armor an infantryman could possibly wear meant for durability, seen huddling in a corner because he ate 1 rocket when Heavy Assault carries them by the dozen.

    I'm beginning to think MAX Units should be taken off the Nanite resource cost and simply be given a flat 5-10 minute Cooldown timer and granted enhanced durability while in Anti-Infantry configuration though limiting the damage/range of their weapons.

    Whats worse is having discussions like this at length, and having no indication that the dev's will even attempt to fix this. This is a fact. Because when the Arsenal update came out, not a single thing was done to improve MAX Units to some respectable degree and it's only gotten worse years later.

    MAX Units have been left in a terrible state, while the anti-vehicular weapon threat has steadily increased over time.

    You do not solve a problem by ignoring it and pushing an infantry class further into obscurity. This is incompetence.
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  14. VV4LL3

    OMG Yes! The POINT BLANK Heavy rocket to the face that will one shot you in a MAX suit, but the splash damage wont even faze them. As a NSO MAX, that's ultra frustrating because you take an absurd amount of damage from your down grenades, yet a heavy can erase you. Heavy, Light, Engineer... all have a hard counter for MAX units.
  15. Effect

    Max units are not infantry. They have a nanite cost. You can't revive a tank, you can't pick up c4 or mines you've already placed, you can't unthrow a grenade. That something worked one way in a completely different game is not relevant to now.


    Planetside 2 is not Planetside 1. Get over it.

    Medics not being perfectly balanced doesn't mean we should have revivable maxes, what a smooth brain take. Your perspective is invalid.

    99% of the time the Max got revived it will generally be repaired to full. The only time a freshly revived max is in any danger is in situations where the max's side is being outnumbered by a noticeable amount.

    The limitations on the Max are largely irrelevant. Don't have a single player dedicated to max suits then, dedicate multiple players to rotate suits out as necessary if trying to play more mobile.

    If you think maxes are weak you have a massive skill issue, they're braindead farming wheelchairs that should have never existed in the first place because you cannot reasonably balance them in a game like planetside.
  16. Amador

    You are mistaken if everything about this game and its origins must be forfeit, simply because PlanetSide v2.0 came to town and a generation of players with CoD-brain refuse to adapt to the concept of "Combined Arms" which this game was built upon.

    This is why the game is in shambles and just about every aspect of gameplay fails to draw allure towards new players. All because of a niche group of toxic remnant infantry-only players whom have been listened to on reddit for far too long.

    PlanetSide isn't CoD in a sandbox, and the developers better stop catering to this mentality as its dangerous to the game.

    MAX Units have been revivable since PlanetSide 1. MAX Units have also been revivable in PlanetSide 2 since the Beta only until recently. Yet this epiphany of yours and due to a highly misguided former Lead Developer, its no wonder its fallen to disarray.

    Medic Revive Grenades were brought up to debunk your erroneous mindset that Nanite cost = no revives. My point is proven.

    MAX Unit class: <Exists in a crippled state for years.>
    Heavy Assault Meta Thrall: "This elaborate 4D chess rotational teamwork schedule plan keeps MAX's *balanced* through multiple players." <One class army skips off with LMG, Rocket Launcher, Personal Shield and First Aid Kits.>

    MAX's are meant for a different style of gameplay. Whereas you choose to viciously scorn it with bias, yet any normal person who's played video games in the last two decades would easily recognize a MAX Unit as a "Tank".

    That's right, a Max is a "Tank".

    "Tank" being a term broadly recognized across many games such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Overwatch, etc. These units were always meant to sacrifice offensive capability to have increased durability, sometimes offering special utility.

    But because of the toxic infantry-only bias that exists in this game, we can't even have a simple discussion about MAX Units. And the ideal path that I see is to bring back MAX Unit revives, increase their durability and reduce their offensive capability in regards to their Anti-Infantry role.

    Oh by the way!

    MAX Units are actually an excellent class choice for new players, because new players often benefit from slower-paced gameplay until they develop better skill and understanding. Imagine harming a class that attracts new players simply because you think an original class to PlanetSide is an "inconvenience".

    This is why PlanetSide 2 has problems. Lack of origin. Lack of vision. Lack of progress. While taking forever to make corrections.
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  17. Effect

    It's not a mistake, Planetside 1 and Planetside 2 are vastly different games with the only similarity being naming/color schemes, 1v1v1, and large battles. Mechanically speaking Planetside 2 is effectively a Battlefield game.

    The game fails to draw in new players because the devs never addressed core flaws that generate boring one-sided gameplay, which the max unit directly contributes to. Claiming the game is infantry centric is ignorant.

    Combined arms doesn't mean "farming infantry with vehicles simulator" which is all vehicles have been since CAI.

    Planetside 2 is not Planetside 1. Get over it. Putting maxes into planetside 2 at all was a massive mistake.

    You don't know what the word debunk means. Again, medic existing in it's current state is not evidence that maxes should be revivable. Your smooth brain take isn't going to be any less smooth brained just because you repeated it.

    Maxes aren't crippled, you just don't know how to use it. And designating 3 players to rotate maxes is hardly complex, it's about as simple as it gets. If maxes were actually crippled they'd see zero usage during outfit wars/lanesmash. But nearly every top-end team used them frequently even after they lost the ability to be revived.

    Planetside 2 is not a game with a "tank/DPS/support" trifecta of design. If maxes were "tanks" they'd have way less damage output in exchange for being more durable, but they deal just as much if not more DPS than actual infantry. You want to buff max in other ways go for it, but revives coming back is braindead.

    Oh by the way!

    Making something new player friendly doesn't mean anything if a more experienced player can abuse it to an extreme level of effectiveness, which even in their current state still happens. Just because you and your ilk don't know how to play Max doesn't make a Max weak, it means you have a skill/knowledge issue.

    Planetside 2 has problems because people like you think that cheesy ******** must exist in Planetside, without failing to realize that said cheesy ******** is a direct contributor to the game having never seen anything more than niche success.
  18. JarredGalaxy

    Possibly the best summarized explanation I seen in some time both in terms of the MAX and the dangers of some entitled and toxic players on Reddit, the same players that caused several other changes to be made that didn't need to be and are responsible for the TR getting shizz nerfed that didn't need to be, mainly cause of a VS main head developer catering to them.

    This argument about MAX revives did not start until Wrel removed it, to which both negative and positive opinions about it quickly came up and that just turned into the current clash between those who understand the real reason MAXes need revives and their vulnerability, and those who are those infantry mains that are the ones normally running around killing MAXes, to which now they don't have to worry about the same MAX getting up and getting retribution.
  19. Effect

    Just because you don't know how to use maxes doesn't mean they need revives.
  20. JarredGalaxy

    You immediately assume I am a MAX player when in fact I spend more time supporting friendly MAXes as an Engineer and killing enemy ones fairly easy with either C4 or anti-material rifle. It's not about just the MAX, it's also about the use of Combat Medics, one of their top uses was keeping MAX units in the fight as they are one of your best assets for pushing forward in a crowded base during a heavy firefight. MAX revives existed in this game since day 1 over 10 years ago, if it was a problem or OP the old devs would have removed it long ago, it was removed to cater to infantry players that simply hate MAXes, now I agree a nerf may have been necessary to revives in terms of how much HP they had upon being revived but removing the revive for them was a stupid decision and a change that really left a negative impact on the game.