So... New LMGs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Oleker2, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. LordKrelas

    When it's CQC range, and it's easier to fire: Those extra bullets matter, and the damage tier also factors in.
    When it's built for longer ranges, has a harder time landing, and the damage tier is less: The more bullets is needed, but not grand when compared to the trade for this weapon being a better CQC weapon added to another side's arsenal..

    Or are you seriously having an issue with two weapon ranges, having different things matter?
    I nail head-shots, have to, otherwise I'd never have Aux'ed the NC LMGs, lmfao.

    Higher Skill, with more bullets to use.
    Gauss Saw's extra 25 bullets, is often enough to put away the Godsaw's extended range for those 25 bloody bullets at that tier.
    When VS is also packing highly accurate hip-fire Orions, it means the Heavy-as-hell shots also fired by VS, means unlike NC, they have both rapid-fire & heavy-hitting weapons in CQC & medium range easily among their ranks.
    NC's options for these is more limited, and in CQC the Orion is hell.
    In CQC, the NC Anchor usually wins by the head-shots.
    Which means, VS unless suffering from NC's recoil issues will have an easier shot to land, and more in the clip to use in landing it.

    Broken however? Never said broken.
    Said it's incredibly poor, murderously horrid to take NC's best CQC LMG and hand it to VS whom already has CQC dominance over NC there when you aren't chain-head-shotting every encounter.
    VS should've gotten a new gun, that isn't a clone, one that suit's VS not takes NC's stuff.
    NC should've gotten a new gun that suits them just like TR's gun actually suits TR.

    Instead, TR gets a proper gun.
    VS takes NC's, and improves it.
    NC takes a downgraded VS gun.

    Should've been each getting a new gun that isn't a clone.
    Hell, the damn SMGs were better in diversity, and VS dominated due to solely an AMMO.
    Canis itself was poor, but turned into an OP monster from an obviously-poorly-thought-out ammo type.
    Each SMG had faction flair at least: Even the Canis!

    LMGs? TR gets flavor.
    VS steals from NC hard.
    NC copies a VS.

    What the ****? The models are better than the contents!
  2. LordKrelas

    If VS was inferior, VS should be incapable of leaving the warpgate or winning an alert with less people.
    While having less tanks, less people, VS isn't shoe-horned into a grave for years.
    NC has however the track record of loses for years -- while having a massive % of the population.

    If having the most people, and you lose..
    While having the least people, you win..
    With the same people & quality of people on all sides..
    One side's equipment is the deciding factor.
  3. Prudentia

    143/698 is a close range damage tier.
    and yes, i already accounted for damage difference between the 2 weapons
    the Meow gets enough bullets to kill 1 extra person or exactly 1 heavy with NWA/NMG with 100% accuracy bodyshots at point blank.
    the Ballast gets enough bullets to kill 3 extra people or 2 Heavies with NWA/NMG with 95% accuracy bodyshots.

    "hgher skill, with more bullets to use." is that to supposed to mean that you think VS players are more skilled in general? o_O

    the Godsaw has 35 less bullets than the Gauss Saw not 25 less. you know, 13000 damge per mag instead of 20000. meaning that you now need to hit 1 in every 13 bullets instead of 1 in 20 at point blank. or damage per mag 10855 to 16700 at max range so that you you'll be forced to take on the incredibly difficult task of hitting one in 11 bullets instead of 1 in 16 to kill at range with the GODSAW.
    and ofcourse the Meow will suffer from the Anchors "recoil issues" :confused: it's a CQC weapon. on top of that a Vanu weapon which will mean higher FSRM so that medium range bursts are less accurate.

    and while i'd love to get something unique for VS from the devs, it'd still be a gun. and as Vanu already got every single 143 damage tier and rof combination and every 167 rof thats not 600 (just checked, the Ursa is actually another 167/550) we'd get what? a third Pulsar LSW? 167/600 is literally the only thing VS does not have yet thats not a 200/500 or a 125/900

    so what? VS is OP which is why they beat everything but they are UP which is why noone wants to play them?
    VS has been underpop for most of the time of Planetside 2's lifetime and they tend to win a lot. just like NC and TR tend to win a lot when all the scrubs leave for the other side and only people who are dedicated to their outfit remain and suddenly are forced to organize to keep their footing. VS just is more accustomed to that, but NC and TR can really kick some *** when they realize that they need to start pulling their weight and can't rely on having 20% more people than their opponent
  4. Pacster3

    Lol, you are making it only worse. After abusing the statistics and getting roasted for it you now try to hyperbole. But it's not a "VS only veterans and only 2 manning tanks"-situation. If you got just 10% more veterans or 10% more tanks being two manned that is enough to make quite a change in such a statistic.

    Who the hell cares if a MAX is reloading faster? The VS MAX is usually dead before even having to reload. THAT's the issue. What does a theoretical performance in 10 Minutes matter if I die in 10 seocnds cause I can neither stop LAs nor HAs if they are not running right at me from like 30m away?
    Past 15m? Well, you at least got those 15m(not to mention that it only matters what ammo you use). What does it help if you can fight at all distances but at none good enough to survive? I don't know any veteran that claims that VS MAX isn't underperforming compared to the other 2(not matter if they think MAXes are too strong or too weak overall).

    Whatever you used your 5 vs 25 fantasy for: First ask yourself why it's 5 vs 25. Why the magrider is pulled less(and that although it's the coolest MBT by a large margin. Look, movement...even the main cannon is at least special). Hint: players tend to use overperforming toys...and stay away from underperforming toys.
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  5. EinPixel

    Hey guys,
    I try to contribute to the "discussion" as a new player.
    My PS2 XP is quite small (I started to play in last third of October 2017).
    As a father of a young family my playtime is limited to 1-2 hour sessions on 2-3 days a week.
    But on the positive side I played a lot of online FPS games starting with UT1. Thanks to this XP I still have some "battlefield reading skills" and trigger discipline.

    So here are my two cents to the new LMGs:

    While all three of the new weapons close gaps in the arsenal of their faction, there is quite a difference between the VS/TR weapon and their NC counterpart.

    The TR one will offer its DPS advantage to everyone how is able to control his trigger finger.
    The VS weapon will offer its advantage to everyone who is able to go for headshots.
    The NC counterpart in return only flattens the learning curve of the trigger control.

    What does it mean for a player with kinda OK aim, mediocre reflexes, not superior positioning?
    The TR weapon will mow down everything in CQC with simple spray and prey tactic. At range this thing kicks and sprays to much
    The VS weapon will get problems against every fast firing high DPS weapon without good aim for head. But it will be great at Medium range.
    The NC weapon will be great at medium range thanks to its ease to use. Hold the trigger and profit. In CQC the game changes, as prolonged periods of fire and reduced CoF Bloom do not matter that much...

    But the balance changes if the guns are whilded by an experienced player, played agains an experienced player.
    For TR:
    Aim for head/neck in CQC and your superior DPS will do its work. At range: Aim for chest/neck and lern to control the trigger and you will deal at least so much dmg, that it will give you the possibility to change the position.
    For VS:
    Aim for head/neck in CQC and profit... Ancor says hello here. Med to long range, still a good weapon, offers enough DMG per shot to force the opponent to cover.
    For NC:
    Aim for head/neck in CQC and still lose because of lower tier DPS. Med to long range: The ease of use counters the lower DPS and you can stand your ground... but at ranges TTK is usually so long, that the enemy can still get to cover... Same as for Maw and Watchman in skilled hands...

    In conclusion: In a hand of an average gamer all three weapons will work great. But in the hands of an skilled player, the game changes. You can counter the downsight of the Watchman (CoF Bloom) by learn to control the trigger. You can counter the downside of Maw (slower body TTK) by aiming for head.
    But you can not improve the lower DPS of the Ballast as it is unaffected by skill. No matter how good you can control the trigger or how good you hit the head.

    My opinion as NC Main:
    While I am able utilize high skill weapons with some kind of success, i am happy about an easy to use weapon that does not require a full focus to be effective. But I can absolutely understand if some more skilled player is disapointed to get Ballast instead of a "real" 143/750 tool.
  6. Prudentia

    so are you saying the default VS Assault Rifle, carbine and 2 of the VS LMGs are underpowered and can't be improved by a skilled player even if he aims for headshots with a consistent 4 shot headshot kill at all ranges?
  7. LordKrelas

    When the Max that is reloading faster has a larger magazine, and it's quicker than the mentioned reloading time...
    At a further range than the short-ranged RNG weapon that has the smaller magazine & longest reloading time
    That VS max that dies before the reload, has the same TTK as the NC Max, but has a further effective range & firing time.

    At 15 meters max, the full RNG spread is in effect, firing at 15 meters without slugs which raises the cost of even operating an NC AI Max.
    Given even with slugs, it's not effective, and is still limited to under 12 rounds... After 12 rounds, the reload time is enough to die.
    VS ES Ability for Maxes hasn't been classified as anything but suicide -- however none has underpreformed out of that, that I have found. claimed nor have I, that the Max outside of that ability is worse off than the RNG Shotgun Max.
    Given even at the closest range, RNG dictates pellet spread which literally means Slugs are required or you can drain an entire magazine into a single target & only then kill it.

    The 5vs25 is to ensure the numbers are clearly different.
    They are not a ratio from the data numbers.
    If the Magrider was under-preforming, then the user-base that isn't elites would pull the entire vehicle down with that few tanks.
    Since no way in hell, against the sheer cliff of numeric difference would any Magrider fight only singular one-man MBTs from TR or NC that also were novices.
    For why VS isn't populated as much:
    Given how easy to use the weapons are, the Magrider which drives like infantry, and how none of it works inferior to NC or TR tools.
    It certainly isn't the weapons: Which work damn well for novice & skilled alike.

    After all, VS is not populated solely by Vets.
    Nor does VS face nothing but novices.
    On the new player level, a VS operates damn well -- from gear alone.
    On the advanced level, a VS weapon is a breeze to use & land hits.
    The Magrider has no reason to not be pulled, outside of the faction's odd-as-hell cultist appearance & sounds.
    As the weapons work beautifully.

    Given the claim VS is underpowered due to numbers:
    Then you must think NC must be overpowered due to this:
    While it has the longest losing streak for several years.
    Which if it was OP due to sheer flocking, should be impossible given the number of users with the gear.

    Instead, we have NC preforming better with NS weapons than VS or TR users of the same exact weapons.
    While VS claims their smaller population who's data is easily affected by singular novices, to magically be better skilled for why their victories are long for years -- while the difference in Vet numbers isn't nearly VS only.
    Love that "VS Superiority" complex for player skill, matched with inferiority complex on VS equipment.

    Are the weapons in the same class.
    Is the Pulsar then equal to the Anchor in firepower.

    Any user of higher skill, with the Anchor clone has more bullets than the original to use with the ease of use provided by VS weapons.
    Given this, and how a VS user-base of an NS weapon platform is less capability of using that NS weapon compared to NC users of the same weapon, I think not.

    Gauss Saw has 100 rounds.
    Godsaw had 75 last time I checked the ammo count on it.

    I doubt the recoil pattern will be the same - not to mention, how with that damage tier, the Unstable Ammo will play out.
    Or do you forget if it is the same ammo, what it does.

    By new Gun, I mean new mechanics or similar.
    Look at TR's LMG: No damage drop-off on a longer-ranged bullet-hose.

    VS Could've have an actual laser, to some kind of DOT (Damage-over-time) weapon, to even an LMG that had an AOE at closer ranges, with an alternate firing mode to switch off the AOE \ Effect for more traditional weapons-fire.

    NC could've gotten limited piercing ammo, allowing them to "charge" a round with alternate-fire mode to deal more damage & higher velocity at the cost of a charging time & single-fire.
    Granting a little variety & adaptive weapons.

    Would've brought some life to VS & NC infantry play with LMGs.
    Rather than cloning weapons.
  8. EinPixel

    Whats your problem?
    I simply wrote my toughts on new weapons.
    I did not say they are underpowered/overpowered or something else.
    They are more userfriendly, but have not the same DMG potential as their counterparts.
    DMG POTENTIAL =/= DMG done. But in certeain situations this Potential can make a difference.
    And this difference is, what (REALY) skilled players can make work more reliably.
    Its a simple fact, that GR WILL kill faster than its VS counterpart in optimal range if gone for headshots.
    Same with Maw and Ballast. The potential of Maw is higher (but beside this FACT I would still take Ballast over Maw, because I do not count myself toward those pros, how can make this headshotmachine work).
  9. DarkStarAnubis

    FWIW I tried the Meow today.

    it is a good looking weapon, handles well and seems a stable fire platform aside from kicking a bit to the right.

    It is going to be replace my Ursa as long-range LMG and the Unstable Ammo is implemented is such a way it will reduce 80% headshot damage but no negative effects on CoF. Considering a long-range usage you aim to the body anyway so you get only advantages.
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  10. Campagne

    Afraid not, does actually only have 65 rounds per magazine. :(
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  11. Rydenan

    That, on top of the Anchor damage model?

    God help us all.
  12. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    crossbow best weapon eva
  13. csvfr

    Yeah and close range you hipfire anyway and at mid-range the opponent can ADAD-away headshots. Figuring how the unstable ammo nullfies the effect of ADAD and how it feels up close, I think the MEOW can be interesting at all ranges.
  14. LordKrelas

    Hmm. Damn it.
    That's more annoying.
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  15. csvfr

    What makes me surprised indeed is why the Ballast has a 143/698 model, if there are any reasons at all. To not upset and pander to the other factions, especially TR? Because if I was designing that gun, I'd make it such that players actually wanted to buy it, instead of being looked upon as an inferior "alt-gun" only there to smooth out the faction diversity. I mean, the 143/750 model has the same stopping power but totally dominates the Ballast. Meanwhile NC only has one 200/500 model (Gauss SAW) and certainly could use a tradeoff in magsize/hipfire accuracy. Why not make a 200 DMG gun with a 50 round magazine?
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  16. LordKrelas

    Why indeed.
    If it used that ideal model, then NC has a very NC weapon, which would be nice. So it's not just the SAW...

    And VS could get their own weapon, rather than literally take from NC.
    Which also would get less lashing, since it's not giving VS NC's damage, with a better magazine...
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  17. csvfr

    Well there really are not any other damage models to take from, other than create (another) 167/577 inferior LMG, which all factions already have. Besides, if it is true that MEOW has a spinup as the Canis, it really ain't the same damage model, but an inferior one, though complemented by the attachments and other stats. Also do note that NC has a 167 LMG with 100 rounds (EM6).
  18. LordKrelas

    If it has different advantages or tricks, the raw damage tier itself isn't as important -- at the very least, not take one of NC's flagship weapon's damage tier with a larger mag to boot.

    I don't recall a mention of a spin-up, only the UA.
    If it does have the spin-up however: Begs the question, is the damn gun's stated RPM before or after the full spin?
    Which is important, given that affects it severely: Example being the Canis' reaching the highest RPM only after being damn near depleted.
  19. csvfr

    Anchor is NC's flagship due to necessity not stats - in CQC it's go Anchor or take a different weapon class. VS players will have an easy time switching to the Orion if the Meow doesen't work out for them.

    The spin-up is unconfirmed, but there was someone in this thread mentioning that it had the same "spinning" sound effect as the Canis. I think the max RPM is what is quoted in the stats, and the starting one being lower.
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  20. Rydenan

    Ballast should have been a 200/522 weapon, with the trade-off of having a small magazine (50 rounds?) and an extra tier of damage drop-off (200 -> 143).
    Barring that, it should absolutely have at the very least been a 143/750 weapon, judging by the class-leading stats of the MAW and WM.
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