[Suggestion] To all Infiltrators that snipe

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IronMouse, Jul 7, 2015.

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  1. Jubikus

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  2. Obscura

    1. Cowards? This is a video game, not real war where snipers can be completely concealed for days without being found where they kill your friends off slowly one by one.
    2. How can you say for sure they don't influence battles? there are lots of infiltrators laying mines, darts, proximity detectors, and harassing enemies to keep them from funneling into points. An infiltrator shoots 3 darts and marks 14 infantry pushing up nearly to point with 1 dart, finds enemy sunderer and marks where more infantry are pushing from with the other 2, then because of those darts other fellow infantry get rid of that push, and spawn point that much faster and the enemy push fizzes out. How is that not influencing the direct outcome?

    the rest of your points sound like whines and groans because some infiltrator who sniped you good a few times and got your jimmies rustled.
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  3. IronMouse

    This is the last time I'm correcting a clueless guy on the forums: I'm criticizing camper snipers far away from where the battle takes place. Who cares if they lay mines there? Or proximity detectors, for no other reason other to protect their own ***? Who and how will they funnel anyone into anything?

    Also, proximity detectors are way over the top and shouldn't exist. You can clearly see the whole battlefield on your mini-map, but that's another topic entirely.

    You are correct about one thing, that this is a video game. Why not play the objectives, then, but camp instead? The fact that it is a video game makes all arguments invalid? Should we validate cheats too?
  4. Obscura

    Thats a camper sniper, who yes is playing pretty much to get kills and stat pad, most infiltrators aren't camper snipers and actually are alot closer to the battle than this thread is saying they do. They influence the battle in different ways than other classes, just like engineers aren't only useful for ammo pack and repair and can do other things in fights if they choose to,
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  5. Jubikus

    The long disntace sniper has many places hes likely to be around for a while and hes a deturrent for light assults trying to C4 maxes holding doorways who else is going to have decent views of the rooftops other light assults? well yeah but not quite as good the whole distance thing makes your FOV the whole base not just part and light assults in general dont typically hold points their job is actually similar to the snipers they prevent people from getting to the point if a long distance sniper kills 10 people on their way to the point and a light assult kills 6 guess who was more valuable to that battle.

    And also you talk about campers like they are only snipers guess what? every single person in a building guarding the point is ******* camping..................
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  6. Jubikus

    hell if you take snipers out of the equation the next most useless class is the light assult SMG infiltrators and stalker cloakers bring Motion spotter to the point which is majorly valuable medics revive people engineers give ammo put turrets in the way of the enemy so its harder to push and can tank mine or AMR enemy maxes Heavy assults bring the power they have more survivability C4 if needed a rocket launcher lmg they hold the point and maxes well they are just Heavy assult 2.0 nanite sink and guess what most points are in buildings where that little jetpacks is almost useless i mean they were more usefull back when they could actually kill sundies but now their C4 barely takes down the deploy shield......
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  7. Rikkit

    let me ask you,
    who keep spotting the ennemy sundy?
    who keep killing the engy reapairing said sundy?
    who keep killing the spitfire turret next to the sundy stopping LA from C4ing it?
    who keeps the pressure on targets behind cover?
    often thats a "camping" sniper far away with great view over the battelfield.
    you may notice the guy right next to you, saving your ***, but you will never know if your *** just get saved by a sniper far away.
    A sniper may not sit on a point, but you don't need to sit on a point to force a descision.
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  8. IronMouse

    Trust me, chances you'll snipe me for OHK while I'm moving, from a distance, are slim. It's possible, I won't argue that, but it's very unlikely.

    Let's not lie to one another - VERY few Infiltrator snipers are doing anything useful for the team, they are just getting cheap kills for themselves. Don't go into such demagogy.

    And it is true, any class can be turned into and played like a camper. It also happens on daily basis, and I certainly think nothing better of them than I do of Infiltrator snipers.

    Difference is - sniper Infiltrator is DESIGNED to be a camper.
  9. IronMouse

    let me ask you,
    who keep spotting the ennemy sundy? - any class
    who keep killing the engy reapairing said sundy? - any class
    who keep killing the spitfire turret next to the sundy stopping LA from C4ing it? - any class
    who keeps the pressure on targets behind cover? - any class. I, as LA, will actually kill them instead of just keep pressure
    often thats a "camping" sniper far away with great view over the battelfield.
    you may notice the guy right next to you, saving your ***, but you will never know if your *** just get saved by a sniper far away.
    A sniper may not sit on a point, but you don't need to sit on a point to force a descision.

    I don't need snipers to save me. I need medics and engineers.

    Also, what I said applies to ALL snipers - to ones from my own faction as well.
  10. IronMouse

    Correctly played LA isn't useless. Though we DO need a class update and boosts in utility/mobility departments.
  11. Jubikus

    So ******* what? do you have any valid things to say about them other than "oh they sit up in one spot on a hill shooting people i think thats cowardly and disagree with that play style".

    I pull more weight in most battles sitting at a distance just because theres guaranteed to be a few idiots on the enemy team that just cant resist the urge to try and revenge kill me i very frequently get 3-4 people trying to snipe me in almost every battle because i killed them and this by itself contributes to the battle because that useless ****** on the mountain 200 meters out now has 4 morons pre occupied with him not playing the objective.
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  12. TyranEndlos

    It's a combined arms game, simulating (and I use that term loosely) a battlefield situation. A sniper in real life isn't just for killing, they harass and DISTRACT the enemy so their teammates can gain an advantage. You fly around your enemies to gain an advantage yet decry someone else using theirs against you. If you want pure close range combat matches you are playing the wrong game.
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  13. IronMouse

    Idiots and morons, how you call them, don't do much for objectives. You have fun with them. So no, you still don't do anything useful but stat-pad.
  14. Jubikus

    Agreed any class can do most of those things but its really easy for a sniper they have a veiw of the whole battlefield or at least most of it its 3 shots to kill a spitfire turret they are free points its ridiculously simple killing engys is also pretty easy and pressuring targets behind cover yes the thing is do to our low risk we can constantly harass thees things because its not as likely to get our ***** killed and sometime just sometimes its good to have somone that has a different angle on the battle than your push you know that engy thats behind the sundy repairing bam sniped from the mountain. the thing is your right were on the mountain people dont notice anything we do.
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  15. Jubikus

    morons still absorb bullets and throw grenades hell some of the are actually good players but just have too much of an ego and just have to kill that sniper that got them thing is every battle is different. sometimes you even get tanks and **** trying to run you down or you kill the tank driver when he was repairing eliminating it from preventing push theres just so many scenarios we could go over them all day..................Gah i just love taking out vehicle drivers nothing like that feel of knowing you just shut down a 450 nanite machine probably the same feel light assaults get when a tank isnt paying attention and gets well some C4 stickers.
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  16. IronMouse

    In a real battlefield situation, sniper kills would count because:

    1) a hit in any part of the body would severely incapacitate an enemy and would likely disqualify him from a fight. In PS2, it only takes a part of your shield or the whole shield away, until it regenerates seconds later. Only OHK really counts, but even then comes 2)

    2) in a real life battle, killed soldier cannot revive. In PS2 you are inactive for 10 seconds in a worst case scenario. In a game where numbers are meaningful, a few and apart kills by snipers don't help much. Someone did mention low pace of getting kills as a sniper.

    Please, notice I'm not criticizing HAs with overshields, LMGs, C4, RLs and Healt Packs. I'm not criticizing Infiltrators in general. I'm not criticizing anchored Prowlers, strafing Magriders or shielded, powerful Vanguards. I'm not criticizing infamous MAXes. I'm not criticizing farming lolpodders. All of those get me killed and one could argue they have an "unfair adventage". I'm not trying to homogenize the game. I'm not trying to change something that does me harm inside the game.

    I get killed by Infiltrator snipers rarely. Much less than any of the above mentioned. So no, I'm not pissed I get killed. I'm pissed I get killed in a CHEAP MANNER. Death I did not deserve, and a kill sniper did not deserve.
  17. Jubikus

    I disagree you have a kd of 2.5 at the minimum as light assult this means your pretty freakin good a sniper that actually manage to hit you definitely deserves that kill because itd be a hard shot to make and helped his battle because he slowed down you from wrecking a few of his guys its not likely that youll die without taking a few with you.....

    And i agree real life comparisons to a game are almost always a bad idea
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  18. IronMouse

    Dear friend, I clearly stressed more than once that I am not snapping at the Infiltrator community in general, but only certain ones who share a disgraceful play style. And if I was a dedicated Infiltrator, I'd join the critics because I'd want to rid my favorite class of those who discredit it.
  19. TyranEndlos

    Snipers in this game still slow down the enemy, and if they kill one person in a group moving towards you that might be the one person that you would have ran out of ammo with and been killed by. Or he would have slowed him down enough by making him stick to cover that he would have broken away from the squad. But really all it comes down to is what you said last. You are his enemy, you do deserve that death. The battlefield isn't fair, expect everyone to fight in a cheap manner.
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  20. Rikkit

    This, a simple kill cost the ennemy ~3 to ~20 seconds, (rezz or respawn+run back) hunting a sniper cost several minutes.....
    minutes your prey isn't doing anything usefull for your team.
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