[Video] Hitreg

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. Alan Kalane

    You hurt me.
    I've been playing this game for almost a year now. Certainly some people do have more experience than me but I don't consider myself a complete noob.
    And yes, I did notice a few situations where I believe that hitreg failed - C4ed Mag didn't take damage, invincible lagged players appear from time to time and sometimes I just don't hit my target when I think I should. But this is a known issue and SOE has been working hard to fix it. Personaly I see an improvement.

    But by releasing a video like this you don't help to solve this problem. If you wanted to help you should put this thread in the "report a bug" subforum or send a support ticket to SOE. By putting this video in the "game discussion" forum you get less attention from devs and more attention from people who are looking for excuses.

    Furthermore your video doesn't introduce anything new to the forumside as there are dozens of similiar videos or hitreg rant threads already
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  2. Ssg Reaper

    Not that I have room to talk I just started playing a few weeks ago and I'm coming from a call or duty background in fps I find the aiming and hit detection a little strange but like I said I just started and there is a lot of experienced players who have aiming down to a science in this game.
  3. Alan Kalane

    That's not exactly what I intended to say.
    There are 2 things to consider:
    1) This problem is already known to SOE. They've been working hard to fix this and I see a lot of improvement. It's not perfect yet but I believe they will keep working on it until the playerbase is satisfied.
    2) If Matti wanted to get the Devs attention there are better ways for doing so and without the attention of people who are just looking for excuses. He could for example put this thread in the "report a bug" subforum where it belongs, or send a support ticket straight to SOE.

    What Matti actualy did could have a negative impact on the community. A well-known player like him has a huge impact on the way people think. If he told them that weapon X is unbalanced for example, many players would call upon him and demand that weapon to be buffed/nerfed because that's what MattiAce said so he certainy knows what he is talking about. Even more so if they wanted that weapon balanced before - they would use Matti's opinion as an argument to back up their demand.

    I also noticed some hitreg problems (C4ed Magrider didn't take any damage) but instead of joining many other hitreg rants on the forum I sent a support ticket.
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  4. Captain Kid

    Indeed. I see no hitmarkers half the time. Only in the beginning and the end.
    (should still be about 10-15 bullets which hit)

    Anyway, this crap happens to me all the time. I don't understand why they didn't make the weapons hitscan and lower the recoil and cone of fire. Now we have bullet travel time, drop off, cone of fire, recoil ON TOP of hitbox stuff and faulty hit registration and server lag.
  5. Alan Kalane

    I'm sorry but didn't you create a PS2 rant thread where you said you're leaving some time ago?
    Welcome back, I guess?
  6. Calisai

    The invisible tracers issue has been going on for over a month. Most infantry won't notice it, but it becomes REALLY apparent when you are using a MBT... a single shot every 3 seconds, you tend to notice when the tracers disappear.

    However, the projectile is still in flight and will hit the target as normal (including hitmarker)... it's just the visible tracer that is not showing. Makes it really difficult to adjust your shot if you can't see where it flies reliably. Makes every shot a first shot.

    It's been confirmed on most slower firing, highly visible projectiles, (Max AV weapons, etc) as well... so I'm assuming its the same with the high RoF ones, you just don't notice it because its not consistent and you can see a good %age of them.

    This is of course different than the previous issues of non-registering hits or late-registering hits... which can happen during server overload. This one is a relatively recent (doesn't seem like it to us) bug.
  7. BULLET010

    Since the last major update I have noticed that bullets sometimes zoom towards me at a 90 degree angle while my opponent is looking to the left or right of me. Seems like there is some problems with the animations. Also I like to play Light Assault and notice at midrange I can hit somebody with 15 rounds while I die in like, 3? Hits seem to register. Maybe it's just distance or heavy suits, idk. But hey, new years brings new games!
  8. QuakerOatsMan

    I'm going to have to go with the others here that it was a CoF issue. The crosshair bloomed to a point where you got very unlucky with the several shots that traveled just to the left of the HA even if your aim was mostly on target.
    It also doesn't help that the clip displays only one instance of "poor hitreg."
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  9. StormyWeather

    Matti, I agree that this was a hit detection issue. I have similar problems on Miller. Let's face it, hit detection and server lag are in a terrible state, at least for some of us on the European servers.

    Is it a universal issue, though? Apparently not. There seem to be numerous players who claim never to have experienced anything like this. Do they lie? I don't think so. We all have different hardware and different network connections, so that may be a factor in who experiences these issues and who doesn't.

    Incidentally, there also is a relatively sizable group of people like myself who experience such issues several times every hour. Some days things work fine, and I wonder how on earth I have suddenly become good enough to maintain a K/D of 3.5. Then hit detection/server latency turns sour and all of a sudden, my K/D drops to a mere 1, and I have to work very, very hard to even maintain that.

    For me personally, these issues began with the Hossin update, which hit the live servers a couple of months ago. Before that, everything wasn't picture perfect, but I was able to maintain a K/D of 1.7 with absolute ease, doing crazy stuff like Kamikaze missions at the same time. Nowadays, that is no longer possible.

    What does that tell you? I'm not even remotely a great player, but I'm better than a 1 K/D (if K/D means anything, duh!). So if some of the vocal guys in this thread are right, my performance in the game simply spontaneously, mysteriously plummets. Yeah, right.

    Again, I believe that you guys don't experience the same issues we do, at least not on that scale. But that does not mean we are wrong, and you're not within your rights to call us liers.

    What I'd like is that SOE finally stops to dish out fully random gameplay changes and finally fixes the core mechanics of the game, including its performance. After all, PS2 is an FPS game and FPS games are (in essence) about defeating other players. Some of us are denied this core feature of the FPS genre because our weapons are pacified through bugs, terrible server performance and abysmal coding. Please get your priorities straight as long as there are still some players left.

    Now, not all my issues are hit detection related. Some are caused by bugs, others by bad server performance. But it certainly hurts your overall performance when you empty an entire magazine into a guy at point blank range, only to get killed within less of a second of said other player turning around and noticing you.
    Some more items on my "fun" list:
    - Enemy players sometimes do net render at all or randomly pop in. You get shot by people you cannot see, even in small battles. What are you supposed to do, short of trying to move from one cover to the next, always playing it save, never trying anything spontaneous or new?
    - enemy players facing away from you while they shoot you (very common occurrence)
    - dying around a corner a full three seconds after you have reached safety
    - micro-freezes or "hiccups" (very very rarely)
    - dying from a single bullet of an SMG while at full health and full shields
    - getting sniped across the map by an automatic weapon (straight headshots; used to happen more often in September, if I recall correctly)
    (- dying to hidden aircraft in Hossin right after leaving the spawn room --> not performance-related and hence bracketed)
    (- I play infiltrator most of the time and depending on server performance I have significant cloak/decloak delays. Significant as in: I run, my outline shimmers, I see the guy, try to decloak and shoot. Then, and only then, the guy sees me, shoots at me and kills me before I can even fire a single shot.)
    - Another fun cloak issue when the server performs badly: You try to cloak and recloak in quick succession between kills, but sure enough, server lag messes up your cloak and it goes haywire, randomly cloaking or decloaking. It probably is a delayed reaction to my button presses, but it gets me killed 97% of the time it happens.
    (- In some environments I have almost zero chance to escape from vehicles (both air and ground) as an infiltrator. Worse, I have next to no way to hurt vehicles in return if I'm on foot. To top it off, even indirect hits are sometimes enough to one-shot me. Sounds fair to me.)
    - Sometimes when using stalker cloak, I've been sitting still, unmoving, for several minutes when all of a sudden an enemy approaches and shoots me right in the face, as if I was not sitting in deep cloak. And no, these people are not using flashlights, I'd see that. It happens in all environments, during daytime and nighttime. It's really annoying.

    Other things I hate (but SOE is not to blame for these):
    - TKers (some TK you intentionally over and over again)
    - players using flashlights that they light up on their own faction's infiltrators so they are revealed to the enemy (intentional harassment is what I'm thinking here)
    - vehicle drives intentionally running their own faction members over
    - friendly players abusing my stalker infiltrator as a meat shield, forcing me to move or giving away my position

    There might be more to put on those lists, but I don't much care for racking my brains anymore tonight. So I guess the TL:DR is as follows: Don't be lazy and read the first half of the post, ignore my rant at the bottom.
  10. Casterbridge

    Yeah that didn't look like hit reg issues, having said that it did look absurd with your bullets flying well behind the HA when at that range they should have all been mostly on target.

    CoF would be my guess but it did seem rather extreme.
  11. Thrones

    Add a small bloom graphic for ADS.. problem solved... When I ADS I expect my bullets to land where my target is set, if they don't, what is the point of ADS.
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  12. Hatesphere

    its funny because the particles are unrelated to the tracers. just watch any CQC sniper video in slow mo. the impact particle is rendered independently of the actual bullet hit in many cases. so using the little flashes as an indication of a hit isn't the best idea. traces are where its at, now only if they could fix the bug where the tracers dont render now and again.

    it decreases your max cone of fire a lot. the real question is what is the point of COF, and the answer to that is that its a skill equalizer and it prevents the best players from all having pin point aim at all ranges while auto firing. unfortunately some skilled players forget this and get angry when the dice dont come up just right.
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    Well I've definitely seen more hitreg issues on my end lately, or a ton of lag rather. Basically the whole package ranging from ridiculous amounts of leading required to hit people even at almost point blank distances, hitreg delays or hits not registering at all although you can clearly see bullets impacting your opponent (flinch/particles), receiving an entire magazine worth of damage from an automatic weapon almost instantaniously, getting shot miles behind cover and jerky player movement at unreal speeds. Today was particularly bad. I logged off after 10mins and a frustrating death streak where I got all of the above at the same time. Maybe it's my connection idk. PS2s infantry gameplay is super inconsistent for me in this particular regard. Sometimes it's completely fine, other times it's flatout unplayable. However what is clearly noticable is that the longer a server runs w/o a restart, the worse it gets. You get by far the best performance for the first couple of hours after a server restart, then everything starts slowly going downhill again.
  14. Captain Kid

    It's called forumside :)
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  15. TheKhopesh

    I've had hit reg problems that felt just like this, but my target and I were less than 4m apart, I was using a shotgun with the entire cone of fire over his chest when I fired off 3 rounds, and neither of us were moving.
    He also flinched after every hit, and I had a ping in the 80 m/s range with the green "good" indicator.
    The server just decided randomly that my shots didn't count for some reason.

    (But yeah, Matti, in this video your shots just missed. You started reloading and turned to run with 7 rounds left in the mag, plenty left to kill him, and possibly the time to do so as well if you'd kept firing.)
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  16. LT_Latency

    I wouldn't have been aiming at the top left shoulder while he is running right. If it was the top right shoulder you would have a better case
  17. WildCatNL

    I didn't read all the replies and its quite possible somebody already pointed this out.

    To analyze you video and break it down.
    You took damage from at least 2 sources. Your Killer did 43% damage, who got assisted by someone who did 40% damage, this leaves us with 17% damage from other sources. During the engagement you can see your damage direction indicator, showing damage is coming from the front and right side.

    You engaged the heavy when he had his shield still active.
    You open fire, bullets hits, sparks are flying and you get the hit confirmation indicator as well.
    Around the point where his overshield appear to drop, your aim is on his shoulder pad and you can see some bullets flying just behind his back. With 20 rounds left, you re-adjust your aim and fire of 10 more round. Some miss, but most hit get soaked up by his shield before it breaks. You are off target by this time, wasting the majority of your last 10 rounds left before being forced to reload.

    There is absolutely no problem with hit detection going on here in this video.

    Your problems where,
    -Engaging a heavy with its shield up,
    -Sustained fire, (CoF Bloom)
    -Taking damage, handicaps aim (CoF Bloom)
    -Multiple aggressors hitting you seriously decreasing your time to stay and kill

    Those facts thrown aside.
    Yes planetside 2 has odd hit detection problems, as well as an annoying server side network delay, but I could not see any of them in this video. You almost killed the dude despite taking damage from multiple aggressors.
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  18. Matti

    Not to be disrespectful or anything but you seem to have spent more time trying to
    make your reply look good than to actually understand what happens.

    Even if your theory was true he would be dead but you still missed the reason I uploaded in the first place.
    You can see the sparks flying of the HA Model from the bullet impact without indicating damage.
    You also, probably haven't check out the actual bloom of the Pulsar C. Trust me, I have.
    And you bring up CoF Bloom while taking fire, only the fact is that I take fire only at the very end
    when I have already fired almost 20 bullets already.
  19. GoyoElGringo

    So I guess we are going with "you have to lead shots at 10m" and "cone of fire is massive on a carbine..."

    Forumside disappoints me. Also I think he was burst firing, which would rule out COF bloom.
  20. Hatesphere

    no, it doesnt, you even see him do a little hop on the roof as he lands just before ADSing to fire, which set your COF at a pretty large value to start with. he missed, plain and simple, and is confusing the particle effect with hits which are related to the tracer not the impact particle. hit detection issues do happen, this is not a good example of them.
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