T2 Striker - Confirmed coyote mechanics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kociboss, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Gamingroach

    I'm actually excited for this change, I've always wanted a hand held semi-auto rocket launcher. This is going to become the new Fracture if it does become effective against infantry.

    inb4 post patch Striker OP pls nerf :D
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  2. sindz

    Lets all pray it does similiar dmg at the lancer/phoenix and have zero splash like the other two so it doesnt become the new fracture/pounder device.
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  3. Auzor

    Proximity targetting is unworkable:
    proximity targetting would essentially mean you need to aim at an enemy vehicle, and then fire.
    -> Hopelessly impossible to hit moving aircraft; you will send your missiles to where the aircraft was
    -> Miserable against moving vehicles; a moving harasser strafing you? Again, impossible to hit.
    The above presumes the missiles don't suddenly get a massive speed boost (which would be completely unbalanced)
    Overall, a proximity targetting striker is useless, except against static vehicles.

    Incidentally: I would suspect that balance wise, the ability to dumb fire and "dumb home" requires nerfing of the damage (sorry terrans!) :
    -It would ignore flares
    -Unlike the Phoenix; the wielder would not be posing for a snipers killstreak/enemy action; the missile will fly faster and due to numbers alone be harder/impossible? to shoot down.
    -This launcher may well become the perfect answer to annoying flashes.. will it home in on a cloaked flash?
    Getting a lock-on on a flash is insanely difficult: cloaked, so you notice it very close; fast moving etc. The same thing makes it difficult to hit with a dumb launcher too. A self-guided missile however? Spread your volley out a bit, some should enter 'lock-on' range.
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  4. Covah

    I don't think SOE is THAT stupid.

    Regarding the last changes they made with launchers i doubt it will have any splash / big dmg to infantry.
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  5. libbmaster

    I believe that it will not have AoE, and that fact will put it in line with the other launchers.

    If SoE pulls this off, I will be most excited.
  6. sindz

    There is no limit to how stupid they are at SOE. I mean look at the spiker and the shotgun pistol as their recent complete ****up. But hope this new mechianic works out well and this game will have 1 less lock on. *praying*
  7. Reclaimer77

    This is what I'm afraid of. Unless the missiles have a VERY fast velocity, you'll waste entire clips of missiles from someone making a little turn in a vehicle or aircraft.

    Sure it would be good at close range. But if you're that close to a vehicle...you're dead already anyway.
  8. MasterCheef

    i didnt know. this was a good PSA
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  9. Flag

    Vehicles can't do anything with regards to actual base capture. And there's a lot of bases where they can't even shoot into them, especially on -not indar-. So with vehicles being sectioned away from a lot of the base fighting, that leaves the open terrain as their only real playing field. So why shouldn't they be the dominant force there?
    It also means that the act of using vehicles to transport infantry from one fight to the next (either in the sunderer or on the deploy screen waiting for it to deploy) gives vehicles the role to protect, or destroy the sunderers (with a similar situation in the skies for galaxies).

    So in the end you have bases where infantry dominate, and vehicles dominate the (limited) space between them.

    So if you find your striker to be insufficient at dealing with vehicles... Maybe get some people together and use your own vehicles? Or ask for help from someone who can?
  10. Casterbridge

    I didn't know either, Striker has needed some changing for awhile so as long as it doesn't become ridiculously OP kudos to the TR.
  11. Runegrace

    See, this is funny because it's exactly what you're doing to him.

    I've been having no issues getting into infantry scraps since the update. In fact, the number of vehicle + infantry fights have been pretty refreshing as well. You can take either and do a good deal of work, either hunting down or evading vehicles while fighting.

    Striker update would be great. Striker has always stepped on toes with the Annihilator, and having dumb fire would be great. I don't expect that it would even be all that powerful against infantry if they keep the same fire rate as long as splash wasn't crazy. Looking forward to this.
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  12. AdmiralArcher

    it wont, the coyote is only good against ground and stationary targets
  13. Lamat

    Congrats TR, I know you've been waiting for this.

    Are we going to see massive "suppressive" dumbfire Strikers now? What kind of infantry damage will these do?
  14. Runegrace

    If the new Striker has the same RoF and no real splash to it I think you won't need to worry about it mopping up infantry.
  15. ColonelChingles

    It was literally (and I mean that in the literal sense of the word) shooting through mountains and hills. And when they "fixed" it, they gave it better AI than most players in PS2 have. As in "go to last known location of the target, spin in circles and look for the target, repeat until hit".

    Only in the most recent iteration was the Striker nerfed... with incredibly dumb "predictive" launch vectors and the need to keep the target visible (like how they changed the Tomcats).

    In its heyday, the Striker was using the same mechanics as many hacks. Shooting through terrain and stuff.
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  16. DQCraze

    No wonder the game is so f'd up, Higby has ADD. He cant focus on one thing, hes got 50 things going and its chaos reigns supreme.
  17. vanu123

    VS are still waiting on a decent pistol, MAX ability, Tank Ability, etc. Come on Higgles.
  18. Bape

    Wow wait let me get this straight the striker now ha a coyote mechanic and on top of that has a dumbfire mode? Ok if they add that coyote mechanic to the dumbfire mode it gonna be OP as ****.
  19. DatVanuMan

    So, will the Striker FINALLY become a Terran ESRL that will actually compete with my Lancer? If so, the TR only deserve it:) The Striker is the only thing I feel sorry about for you fascist tyrants, so go ahead and enjoy!
    P.S. Will it be OP?
  20. WTSherman

    So now the NC will be the only faction whose HA can't engage tanks past 300m? :(

    Well, on the bright side I've already been doing well enough with the Striker in its current state, so it'll be good news for my TR character...