For the Love of God VS Maxes are OP...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by =ADK= Turrican13, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Soturin

    This ADK guy has to be the most uninformed player to post on these forums. I won't even bother putting up a logical argument because I honestly can't think of how a person would post with such misinformation about maxes. He has to be trolling us.
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    Funny you say this. Matherson used to be heavily dominated by TR. After BCP left we only then went to having a decent pop and also. Waterson always had a NC or TR overpop and never a VS. So where are you getting your false information from? And NC have the highest pop as a whole across all servers sooo? Yeaaahhh look at that VS overpop we sure do get all the new players :rolleyes:
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  3. Aerius

    Vortex no, Comet yes. It's really the only way to have a chance against an NC MAX. It actually works fairly well against regular infantry too because hardly anyone moves when teleport room camping; strafe out, shoot, strafe in.

    The sad thing hes complaining about comets when Pounders are even better than those.
  5. Leondre

    VS has been doing this for a while now. Surprised it took this long for people to notice.
  6. Ironclad Lion

    *Ahem* as a mainly NC player, I truly don't find VS Max that hard to fight. The only annoying thing is when I'm in a vehicle and they pull out their Anti-Tank Zeus bolts that destroy everything in a beautiful show of lazer lights no matter the range. Other than that, VS Max suits are really meh. I use sprint boost on all my Max suits so I don't really care about the faction specific abilities.

    NC and TR MAX suits destroy at close to medium range (AI and AT weapons) but I think VS have the best long range Anti-Tank options.
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  7. Agnt

    Just make rocketlauncher hipfire 1.0 or 1.5 and problems with maxes are over.
    In PS1 skilled player could take down a max easy, in PS2 you need to be stationary to aim and before you get the shot your are already dead.
  8. Foxirus

    Back in your Pokeball, The troll might eat you.
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  9. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Use anti-vehicle grenades spam - it hurts MAX, 2 nades - if MAX still alive, you can kill him with few bullets
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  10. DFDelta

    So, a player from the NScreeeeeeeeeeeee complaining about VS MAX AV (I guess Comet, because Vortex would make even less sense. A guy with one magazine left for his pistol is more dangerous to infantry then a pristine Vortex MAX) weapons being good at AI.
    Now I've seen everything.
  11. sindz

    Tell me which weapon can take out a tank at 100meter and still kill infantry? Vortex? Try using that in VR vs infantry. Comets? Slower than your run speed almost and only 2 in each arm pr mag, making you need to reload constantly.

    Post a thread when you researched what weapons that VS max have and what they can actually do, instead of trying to "lie"/exaggerate your way to a nerf. which a) doesnt work b) makes you look oblivious.
  12. DramaticExit

    Some NC use falcons in biolabs. I've done it. It works. Pairing up a falcon MAX with a shotgun MAX, then having them defend one another. It helps to deal with the fact you've got extremely limited range otherwise. There are a few locations in a biolab where you're at more than hugging distance from the enemy.
  13. Thefailknight

    You can have my max when I get to kill off Infiltrators. They aren't NEARLY as indestructible as so many people seem convinced they are. If they're using flak infantry weapons (Good ones anyway.) Go through them like butter. If they're using kinetic a grenade will cripple them and a C4 will outright kill them. Heck if anything they need a buff to base survivability and a nerf to maxed out survival. (Maybe remove the certs and stick them at rank 3 or so for both. Or..more like 2.5)

    Seriously. I have WAY more problems with Infiltrators and their BS decloaking AFTER I'm dead on a 60-90MS latency connection nonsense. 'Oh but they're easy to see-' No. No they aren't. You're talking bullcrap. They're easy when they move. They're invisible when they freaking crouch unless you sit there and STARE at them. And that's if they're not at 250 meters dropping people like flies through nanoweave 5.

    I don't care if troll. I needed a vent. Bite me.
  14. entrailsgalore

    I think all 3 of the faction MAXes stand out in specific situations. NC stands out in CQC with their shottys and Shields. TR at ranged combat with their frame stabilizer thingy magig, and VS is usually just an "All-Round" usefell max frame. With the Nerf to ZOE, VS doesn't have a real niche anymore, they are just average imo, and I have played all three.

    As far as removing MAX suits, they were in the original Planetside 1, so I don't see why they should be removed.
  15. Taemien

    Get your outfit leaders to teach you how to deal with them. We need alot less complaining on the NC on Connery and more adaptation. Someone in that multi-thousand outfit has to know something. If not.. well then thats on them.
  16. RoughTR

    Complaining about VS MAXs like it's a faction specific problem is just silly. MAX's are annoying and need to be looked at for rebalancing for every faction. I did this at a fight the other day... 48+ vs 1-12 in a tower. [IMG]
    That's like a kill every 3.3 seconds or something like that. And it wouldn't have mattered what faction I was and there wasn't any real skill involved.
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  17. palto1826


    jk...there are definitely great situations that just scream grab the max suit, you sir, have experienced one...hope you had fun cause if all this complaining catches on, you would be lucky to get out of a 1v1 battle with a stalker infiltrator
  18. RoughTR

    I don't like pulling MAX's. If they want to nerf them I'm all on board. Right now they are just "be like an infantry player except better in every way" and that's just bad.
  19. Trollensw

    Also, please remember the OP is ADK, 90% of ADK are walking/flying/driving certs.

    OP, are you facing dual comet MAX's? Get dual falcons.
    If a VS MAX is running dual comets just pounding you, don't get all shotty happy on it with a ScatMax, dual Falcons and problem solved.

    Vortexes at LONG (Really long) ranges? You'll more than likely be able to LoS (Line of Sight, just in case) that MAX.
    Dunno about what are you complaining about, everyone now is getting MAXes like crazy.
  20. Crayv

    While it is not as common as it used to be, people can and still do that with tanks and aircraft. I'm also willing to bet that you did receive repairs and ammo from engies.

    This is extremely effective at dealing with entrenched MAXs. I have taken to calling my AV grenade bandoleer loadout my "Thumper" just because of how effective it is at clearing rooms.

    As for the VS MAX, I wouldn't call it OP but they do seem better in the AI department than the TR... Comets kinda suck these days however. The one thing I will complain about though is how freaking silent the VS MAX is compared to the other two factions.