As a full time Liberator Pilot

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by A Crispy Taco, Jun 7, 2014.

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  1. Alarox

    That video is from July 2nd though. Are you saying that the clips themselves are from months ago?
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  2. JackD

    Pretty easy to see the footage is older. There is a cut after each shot and there are some pretty good shots into it. It takes months to get that kind of footage and it still doesnt prove anything, since it doesnt show the uncounted times were he missed. However iam sick of having a discussion again i had a hundred times. You, MisterBond and Razto are invited to gun for me on Cobalt JayGat (VS) Jackthedumb (NC) ive spend over 300 hours in a Lib so if it is as easy as you guys say and the Lib as strong as you say with you guys as gunner we should be able to go on insane kill streaks.
  3. MisterBond


    "Veterans on the ground do not get killed with impunity, they see a liberator coming, they put on all their shields, and they run away because they can't fight the Liberator"

    This translation has been brought to you by Lemon Scrub: If you're on the ground sucking lemons from overpowered Lib attacks, might as well enjoy yourself with a cool glass of Lemon Scrub! Its the lemonist!
  4. MisterBond

    There's no reasoning with these guys, the videos could be time stamped 6 minutes ago and they would still deny it

    Its always, ALWAYS some sort of excuse, its ZOE/Harasser all over again

    *post video from July 2nd of Lib destroying everything*

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  5. Alarox

    Why me?
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  6. clem976

    I still don't get how it is difficult with more than 4-5 heavy focusing on aa duty with their 250 cert launcher to kill libs.
    Even more now as they made the lib only capable of killing 2 inf max per reload with the zepher ( 1 only if using flak armor ).
  7. MisterBond

    Even in a perfect world where that happens, 5 rockets is not enough to take down a lib, who has now popped his flares and ran away
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  8. clem976

    I know it takes 8 rockets to kill a full health lib. But seriously when i played 2 months ago only 2-3 heavies were enough to make me run away. Plus i don't think many libs run flares nowadays. For 5 coordinated people i think a lib is not a serious threat.
    I was once in a 8 man squad with lockons heavy and any vehicle who passed by us was intagibbed in a few seconds.
  9. Dead soldier

    Why did you post a MONTAGE in a discussion about real gameplay? It's a freaking montage! people post their best work over a couple weeks. The long shots that zelp made were all on targets not moving who didn't even realize that they were there. The ones that realized they were there but died to zelp were the ones who don't know how to fight them. They didn't dodge in multiple directions.

    Your are honestly comparing a weapon that fires multiple shots to a 1-shot reload weapon.... -facepalm

    But Libs are the flying versions of MBTs but "have more maneuverability but less survivability". A lib can wreck havok on smaller fights but can't even enter a big battle or a medium battle if the AA works together (6 lock-ons or mass flak). A lib seems to only be a force multiplier against tanks and infantry to the already winning team.

    Also, don't compare PS2 to real life. That just ruins most things IMO cause if I wanted a "realistic shooter", I'd go in the military.

    The dalton has less ammo so making long range shots isn't done as often because you end up wasting precious shots that could end up screwing you in the long run when someone is actually attacking you
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  10. Alarox

    I'm aware of that, I thought there might be something that changed the functionality of the weapon versus ESFs though. I heard something about CoF being added to the Dalton.
  11. MisterBond

    Its ALWAYS an excuse! Always! Without fail! Every time!

    " The long shots that zelp made were all on targets not moving who didn't even realize that they were there. The ones that realized they were there but died to zelp were the ones who don't know how to fight them"

    Translation - The ones standing still were newbs, the ones flying were newbs, its always newbs that die! Newbs newbs newbs! That's my answer every time! There is no other explanation for why they die, because Libs are so underpowered the only reason somebody died to a lib was cause they were newbs!"

    I've gone on kill streaks of 17 ESF's and over 70 kills in some lib runs, but "Oh no its not true! its not possible cause I say so! I got my fingers in my ears LALALALALLA can't hear you Libs are fine lalalalalalala!"

    You are officially up there with defending ZOE/Old Magriders/Old Rocker podders etc as being unreasonable. I could post you a video taken today IN THE LAST HOUR and you will still try to rationalize it out as it wasn't the Lib was overpowerd, its cause the other players sucked.

    You are not making any sense, all of you, when Libs do good and wreck ground? Its skill. When video proof is posted of Libs just WRECKING stuff? Showing how fast they kill targets etc? Oh, its not skill, its cause they're SCRUBS or other crap.

    I feel like I'm talking with feminists, you have this super huge confirmation bias and you keep changing the record no matter what.

    I want you, RIGHT NOW, to define your stance. No flip flopping, no changing your views etc every 5 seconds etc, define it now.

    Does it take SKILL to kill targets with a Lib, or can you ONLY KILL NEWBS with a Lib?

    Pick one, cause I'm sick of you guys changing the record every five seconds.
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  12. Lightwolf

    Go get some stats that support your viewpoint. I'm pretty sick of your yelling libs are overpowered without any actual evidence. Otherwise I'm out.

    Oh look! Nerf flash because video I posted.
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  13. Dead soldier

    It's kind of true. The only people that die to liberators are the ones that are sloppy and/or don't know how to fight them. Otherwise, it was probably a fluke. You only need to be careful around the best liberator crew. Yesterday I died to a good liberator crew and I was flying sloppy cause I was desperate to kill them to get revenge for my fallen tank and I wanted to kill them before my squadmates did.

    Engaging air takes skill, engaging ground doesn't.
    If you kill an aircraft with the dalton, it normally is because he was flying sloppy and lazily or it was a fluke and will only happen 1/100 times.
    Engaging ground is very easy if you are already winning the fight and/or the fight is small.

    You say the liberator is still OP, they why haven't you died to it in the past 100 events?
  14. Sebastien

    There we go. Someone admits flying A2G is ******* baby-mode.
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  15. WarmasterRaptor

    What's awesome it's that it's coming from one of those air "lords" ! :D
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  16. WarmasterRaptor

    Okay, so TWO flashes using teamwork and sneaky tactics are still unable to TANK DAMAGE. They'll die in the shortest amount of time when fired upon. Where does that compare with a lib? When does a lib need a buddy and sneaking to be as efficient as that footage? They don't. They do it by themselves. One vehicle.
  17. MisterBond

    Now that we have established THAT, why should libs be flying tanks, when engaging ground doesn't take skill?
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  18. PKfire

    This thread needs to be buried
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  19. Krunkez

    Because 'Nanites'

    The only changes that were made to the Dalton were the removal of splash and having 40 shots. There is no CoF on the dalton because it reloads for every shot. I personally feel the ammo nerf was a bit over done because a default lib has 20 rounds now and feel a 15-20 round increase would suffice.

    I have a lot of time in both my Vanguard and Liberator and statistically my vanguard almost doubles in effectiveness.

    I never leave the warpgate with out Rudelord or Rguitar as my cover. That what makes me so effective.
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  20. Dead soldier

    LOL. Look at my stats, I'm nowhere near a "skygod". I just enjoy to fly even though I'm still pretty sloppy and need to plan better. i still get rekt by most of the good pilots but I can have a chance.

    Because it is their specified role is to engage ground. It's like how MBTs can also engage infantry very easily with the normal loadout (even with AP rounds, I still do well against infantry because they don't move fast I can easily take cover if I stay at a good distance) but not air.
    Liberators can easily engage tanks easily but not so much infantry because flak and the liberator is moving very fast and the bulldog is the only good weapon at splash (but nerfing it would completely screw the gal and the need for a 3rd seat member).
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