No one will every get in my harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Uberclocked, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Sagabyte

    I think the harasser needs more durability. It packs a punch already, but the duration it can punch is fairly little unless you are pro at ****. I was thinking that comp armor could be improved to 3/6/9/12 and backseat repair could be 1/2 the rate of outside repair. That way it's not painfully slow to repair when its most needed or you can actually sustain slightly more damage with slightly more powerful armor.
  2. GaBeRock

    trust me, you don't want more durability. As we've seen from the liberator changes, infnatryside absolutely despises durable, mobile crew-operated vehicles. Just stick to asking for non-crap faction-specific AI and AV weapons.
  3. Sagabyte

    Its not too much to ask for some more comp armor or teamwork-based repair. I brought it up because harassers often die to tanks too quickly when engaging, but I'm not too sure about firepower buffs either. We need more weapons to be seen on harassers other than halberds, and buffing halberds will just make it an obvious choice, which SOE will then Nerf because of equip rates. Armor increases on the other hand will make the car more ready for infantry mowing, but not to the extent of the liberator (if done right).

    This doesn't mean that some weapons are balanced. The canister, marauder, and a gun I forget the name of are in desperate need of a buff. It makes sense to do a little bit of both I guess.
  4. oberchingus

    hahahaha Love that expression!

    Harasser's Rumble Repair took 3 hits, but most only talk about 1:

    1) About 2 weeks before they nerfed the harasser into oblivion, SoE nerfed backseat repair so that the sweet-spot to repair while moving was more concentrated making it much much more difficult to find.

    2) At nerf time, they killed the rate of repair while moving (which everyone knows)

    3) Some camos (bug maybe) can be repaired while others cannot, while the vehicle is moving.

    Restoring repair ability in itself would be a great addition, but Infantryside would be reminded of the past when they chose not to play smart and adapt to how they fought harasser crews, so they chose to cry nerf on forumside and redditside, and they got their way. If you ask for something like this, in it of itself, people won't separate the dysfunctional repair with what they projected as the harasser being OP. They can't separate it.

    Harasser needs traction reverted back; flip-prone physics fixed; bottom heavy business removed; and repair area increased. Whether game code, or game mechanics etc... This is for the vehicle alone. The weapon buffs would be the icing on the cake. This is assuming we're operating on a scarcity model and can only fix one or two things.

    Pick your poison, whatever you choose, infantryside will always win.

    That's okay. A small group of us chose to adapt, and adapt we have. May the nerf cries continue.
  5. ajma

    I will if you promise we'll have some fun.
  6. Pathogenic

    Infantryside hates tanks that are twice+ as fast as other tanks, have more firepower, and somehow got tossed up in the sky. Pretty sure tankside didn't much care for Libs either :rolleyes: Dunno how the changes have impacted things, been super busy lately :(

    Durability seems meh for the harasser conceptually. I don't see how it'd be much different than a really weak MBT at that point. Firepower and speed seem the most obvious solution. The weapons could be tweaked to more bursty versions with lower mag size, ammo caps, and reload speeds in order to support the hit and run style while limiting the direct combat capability. I consider the craptastic handling of vehicles to be a high priority bug given how godawful it is, but yeah it needs to be fixed as well.

    If they were absolutely settled on not ever boosting those two things, though, sure. If not *that*, then a severe, severe, frickin severe resource cost reduction. It needs something: I attack tanks alone with a HA and expect to distract them at best. If I catch a harasser off guard, I have a much better chance of getting a kill all around or at least forcing them to **** or fight me on foot. For a 2/3 or 3/3 vehicle that costs a good chunk of resources, it's super weak from the perspective of a majority infantry player.

    Oh and the rear seat could seriously use the ability to turn 360 degrees. They could stand with their feet magnetized to a rotating pad for all I care as an explanation, but it's never going to be much more than a place to repair on the go until then. I do hop in the rear with outfit members from time to time for feces and short bursts of laughter, but I usually have to exit to be anywhere approaching effective.

    And change the frickin voice callout to "Harasser", not "Transport". The name is pretty bloody well chosen. Why hide it behind a term that obfuscates the purpose of the vehicle? If they want a "just a transport" vehicle, it definitely would need more than that many seats.
  7. GaBeRock

    V/O was recorded before they knew they were adding the harasser. As for the durability thing, the point was- infantry don't want to see vehicles like that, so if you get an actually significant buff to durability, you'll soon be nerfed straight to the trash heap by QQ, even if you deserve at least part of that durability because your vehicle is basically forced to operate with a crew.
  8. AshHill07

    I seem to be able to get Vanguard gunners provided there is infantry around me, which some may say is quite weird since my usual secondary of choice is a C85 ... I LIKE IT DON'T JUDGE ME!

    I guess having a friend to run shotgun may encourage someone to actually use the jump seat.
  9. uhlan


    There are plenty of really good Harasser crews out there and do quite well.

    The Harasser is where it should have been all along. It was ridiculous before and if you're upset about the certs invested, well, you got a great six month run of awesome.

    The vehicle takes more skill to run effectively and when it's driven well, its a potent force. Especially when two or more together assist each other. One running gauntlet and the other sitting "hull-down" picking everything off or spotting, but this isn't necessary to kick butt on the battlefield.

    Wolf-pack tactics work great against armor AND infantry.

    You might not have people waiting in line to farm in your Harasser any longer, but it just means you'll need to join an outfit or make some friendships to crew that thing and go hunting.

    The Liberator will eventually be the same way.
  10. CDN_Wolvie

    Show me the video then. Because last time I played, the 'insane' jumps result in the vehicle instantly blowing up.

    As a couple of examples check out the date stamps on these videos and note the difference in the distance of the jumps.

  11. Astealoth

    Put a Halberd on your Harasser, people will have knife duels over the gunner seat. Also bling it out with some cash shop cosmetics, like a peacock trying to attract a mate. This all may sound silly but it actually works.
  12. Vixxing

    You might be new or sum... at the time of harasser nerfs, vulcans killed heavy tanks from behind faster than other heavy tanks... also melted infantry, ESF and LIB's like nothing else...
  13. McToast

    Tbh I don't see any on Cobalt. I guess we have too many good MBT crews, instagibbing the Harassers around.

    The problem with the Harasser (and to a certain degree with the Liberator too now) is that is requires a skilled crew, but doesn't reward this skilled crew properly. And that is the reason why all "skilled" crews, apart from some diehard Harasser-fans, left the vehicle alone and play something else.
  14. oberchingus

    So you can still do those types of jumps, but you're right in that you have to be careful in your landing otherwise, you will take more damage nowadays than you would have when we were more frivolous in 2013.

    My best example is from my own library:

    And one from another:

    You can still do insane jumps, you just have be precise with your landing and do it right and you won't take damage. Stumble a bit and you might take some. Miss it completely and you're done.
    • Up x 1
  15. hansgrosse

    Completely agree with this. Leave the durability as-is, then buff dem weapons. That is how the Harasser needs to be brought up to par.
  16. 8ThousandPeople

    The struggle is real.
  17. Strikejk

    Equip a PPA on it and everybody will go in a queue for it!!
    Oh I see you are TR, my bad :rolleyes: