Patch Notes 6/16

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by Kevmo, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. Foxirus

    You mean like how majority of the air game does now? The nerf was much needed. If you want a game thats all about flying and nothing else, Go play Topgun.
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  2. PastalavistaBB

    Libs were clearly OP to some degree, but this patch isn't much different from the Harasser/Striker/ZOE Nerfs. Dalton is still usable against Vehicles, but RIP Zephyr, it'll be totally useless now. On the other hand, Duster is getting a much needed Buff, but it might turn out too good in the end. Shredder is getting a harsh nerf too. It was the most versatile and fun to play Lib weapon. It rewards good aim. Now that's gone too.
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  3. Alarox

    This exactly. Especially the part about the Vanguard running to cover.

    How are we supposed to kill other tanks when we can't catch them out of position, and if we flank they just drive away in reverse? By driving at them in a straight line and ramming them?

    The end result of this patch is going to be even less effective tank battles. If SOE only adds the stabilization then it will do wonders and make tank warfare more mobile. With the inclusion of the reverse speed increases and range reductions, it will just be terrible. People will still stay at long range but just never kill anything. If you do get in close, they'll just reverse away to cover (if you don't get killed first).

    Now obviously there will be exceptions to that rule, but I see absolutely no way that tank warfare will me more enjoyable after this.

    If you're really good at aiming, it doesn't matter. The range reductions mean you're going to have hell trying to kill anything. If you're really good at flanking, then consider this a gigantic nerf to your playstyle due to the reverse speed increases.

    Think of it this way. It takes an AP Vanguard 14s to kill a Prowler from the front. A Racer Prowler will be able to reverse at 75KPH (21m/s). This means that in the time it takes me to kill a Prowler, he can go about 280m in reverse.
  4. WycliffSlim

    Really the only lib changes I have a problem with are the degree to which the ammo cap was nerfed.

    I was fine, and in support of reducing it. But, bringing the max rank down to the current rank is a bit much. 40 rounds in a Dalton means you'll be reloading more than a Vortek Reaver.

    It takes a significant amount of rounds to kill things, especially since only direct hits will deal damage. Realistically 40 rounds is maybe... 4-5 dead MBT's with really good accuracy. And it's hardly enough ammo to have a Lib fight. I'm usually heading back for ammo when I drop to about 40.

    I would propose bringing max ammo cap up to about 80 and go from there. That's still a 33% reduction and would be a good starting point.
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  5. Linus

    I am downloading the PTS client so I can do a deep test of those changes from the perspective of a Magrider.
    Perhaps the new reverse speed gives the Magrider an insane mobility, because it will need it for sure.
  6. Foxirus

    I can't help but feel our pistol is just fancier beamer clone. I would like it to have two fire modes. Single fire in which shots can be charged, and burst fire in which your shots do not charge if held. This would give us the best of both worlds and allow all of us VS to be happy, Those who want the charge up feature, And those who want the burst fire can switch at will between the two. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT HAPPEN.
  7. Helg

    SOE developers, please stop nerfing (weaken) weapons and vehicles (Harasser is ridiculously weak as bicycle)!!! It's the shame. We live on 29th century (!) on Auraxis and we have vehicles and weapons which are more weak than vehicles and weapons of 20th century!!! If you will continue to weaken all and everything, I will stop playing "PlanetSide 2", I will not pay for my usual Premium Membership and I am sure that many Members will leave this game as many of them already did. Do you listen to newbies whining? Or what make you weaken weapons and vehicles? Let the newbies learn to play. And on the contrary, our vehicle and weapons must correspond to the 29th century.
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    • Max resistance to AP rounds increased from 48% to 60%
    oh look another tank nerf..
    this is stupid, AP rounds should one shot maxes not do less damage.
    if you hit any infantry with an AP cannon they should die regardless.

    Max AV is already extremely powerful against tanks. what are you trying to do SOE
    Its just worse and worse every change.
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  9. PoiZone

    RIP Liberator.

    Maybe you'll rise again like a phoenix in 3 months or so, when the devs will understand, too late as usual, they did a ****** job, just like for the harasser.
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  10. Alarox

    Tanks shouldn't one-shot a MAX, but I do think the current TTKs are fine. Considering how much damage a MAX can do to an MBT at most ranges, and considering the fact that a MAX can be revived, I don't think there's a problem with tanks being able to defend themselves effectively.
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  11. Alarox

    How do any of these changes make the Liberator useless?

    These changes let tanks once again defend themselves or at least punish Liberators for flying carelessly. Thes changes specialize the Shredder and Dalton but buff the Duster. The ammo capacity changes mean a Liberator can't harass a battle over an extended period of time and need to fly back for ammo frequently (not sure what the right numbers should be though).
  12. PoiZone

    • Liberator stock resistance to Armor Piercing rounds is being reverted from 10% back to -20%
    • Liberator stock resistance to HEAT rounds is being reverted from 10% back to -33%
    • Liberator stock resistance to non lock-on rocket launchers rounds is being reverted from -70% back to -88%
    audio adjusted to be more noticeable from greater distances
    + Every ammo cappacity nerfed.
    Nuff saif, I guess. It was already pretty easy for any tank to get on a rock and find an angle to hit any liberator. But yeah, let's go back to that time when liberators were destroyed instantly by tanks, leaving ni chance to escape or avoid these shots. And it's not a problem of mobility. I've been a lib pilot for abour 86 hours, I know what I'm talking about. But it seems the devs don't know what it is to be a liberator in a 25 - 48 fight / 48+
    If you leave no chances to libs to go to these big fights, then there will be no one to stop zergs. Welcome to ZergSide 2, where tanks are kings, and there's only other vehicles to make you feel like there's some depth to this game.
  13. OddChelsea

    A buff to the zeph? This is a flat out nerf to it, not a buff in any way. The duster is getting buffed yes but the zeph was hit hard.
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  14. Alarox

    You're absolutely correct, I misread the notes.
  15. Kirppu1

    too rough on dalton and the zeph
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  16. Alarox

    Leaving no chance to escape or avoid these shots? Sounds familiar... OH!

    You mean just like how tanks can't do anything to stop a Liberator from stomping them, completely unable to escape or dodge the shots? The only difference is that the Liberator attacking the tank is OPTIONAL while the MBT has no say in whether or not the Liberator flies over and attacks him. Did you even think that through?

    It was fine a long time ago when you could actually defend yourself and even kill Liberators who decided to tankbust in your angle, hover in one place, or fly low to the ground.
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  17. PoiZone

    Keep in mind a liberator is just 3 people in one single aircraft. Communicate as good as we do with 2 other players and you won't have any problem with liberators. MBT + Skyguard? 3 ESF? 3 AA Maxes? 3 Lock ons? If we destroy a few tanks, then we deserve it. Teamwork bro. You should know about that and have an Anti-Air defense whenever you go out with a tank.

    Basic rules of survivability tho.
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  18. Alarox

    So I need to convince people to follow me around with AA at all times in order for me to play the game, but you get to go anywhere you want and do whatever you want simply because you got into a Liberator? Get off your high horse.
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  19. PoiZone

    Are you really mixing everything? Like, for real?

    What's the point here? I'm able to go whenever I want because I'm a flying thing, and you can't because you're a tank going slow on the ground?

    Well yeah? In any case, you have to be prepared to any situation. This game is all about teamplay, you can't whine about liberators farming you just because you're a lone wolf and you have no chance by yourself. See, if everybody has chances by himself, then the liberator is completely useless, because it will take damages from fckin EVERYTHING and everywhere.

    If you do complain about liberators destroying you, but you have no will to defend yourself from them with the massive arsenal you have to do so, then I call bad faith. And so yeah "you need to convince people to defend you from air ennemies", just like a skyguard wouldn't go by himself against 10+ ground AP vehicles.
  20. PoiZone

    To me, the main problem is:

    Dalton weapons nerfed against everything because it was OP against pretty much everything with weapons clearly not made for what it was used at.

    Dalton resistance nerfed, because F*** it, we, tank gunners, want to be able to shoot them down with weapons clearly not made for air combat.


    As I said, you have an entire arsenal to deal with air ennemies, but you sure won't use it, as a tank shooting heat / AP rounds will be more powerful than a skyguard.
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