Anyone else sorry they chose TR now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TotalNoob, May 8, 2014.

  1. TotalNoob

    Invested a massive amount of time in TR. Was always loyal TR since PS1 came out.

    Recently I tried the TV guided nuke and ZOE max and other stuff and to be honest I was horrified. Two things really took my breath away:

    1) total lack of recoil in NC and VS weapons in comparison to TR
    2) total lack of bullet drop in NC and VS weapons in comparison TR

    Now you can argue that TR have one gun that has faster RoF, that's fine if you actually hit your target. Now I finally realised why I can never win 1v1 at range with VS or NC and why they ALWAYS get the kill if you surprise each other.

    I'm sad I invested so much time in the handicapped faction. I can only assume that the ongoing jokes about Higby being NC bias are in fact true.
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  2. Hasteras

    Try maining as VS or NC for two weeks. Then go back to your TR. If the TR weapons still feel underpowered to you at that point than let me know. Otherwise it's just 'greener grass' syndrome. Everyone seems to come away with an overly positive impression the first time they try the other empires. I think it's some kind of psychological thing, like a confirmation bias or something. Not really sure. Whatever it is I'll bet money though that within 5-10 hours you'll start noticing that you're not actually performing better on your alts than on your NC main.
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  3. Leftconsin

    I did this already. I did not like NC. I LOVED VS and my VS performance was vastly superior to TR.
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  4. ManicUndies

    You should probably try out the BS faction. They have best weapons.
    • High rate of fire
    • High ammo capacity mags
    • Zero Recoil
    • Zero Bullet Drop
    • All rounds do 1000 damage
    • Damage doesn't degrade over distance
    • Fastest reloads
    • No movement penalty
    • Perfect hipfire
    • All attachments can be equipped simultaneously
    They should be right up your alley.
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  5. NinjaTurtle

    Everyone claims the other factions are easier. In fact this is untrue and just a case of what feels better to each person individually.I've heard many people claim NC is harder than VS but having played both I personally thing NC weapons are far easier to use compared to VS... just personal preference

    Plenty of TR players do just as well as NC and VS players of equal skill and vice versa
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  6. ViXeN

    Yeah, that is what I have always said. Its one of those "the grass is always greener...." situations. :eek:
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  7. Epic High Five

    Naw, I'm NC and I'm here to say that the NC is hands-down the best faction to play as. TR guns can be crazy powerful but they're also crazy boring, and it's the faction that all the armchair generals and hyper-militaristic control freak boat-missers flock to. VS guns are just samey and dull and the VS meta tends to trend much more strongly to things like MLG-tier performance and alert tryharding that are pretty marginal in the grand scheme of things.

    I mean if the TR and VS are enjoying themselves so much how come the NC have a stranglehold on the Honks Per Hour rating? Do you know ANYBODY with a bumper sticker that reads, "HONK IF YOU'RE HAVING AN OKAY DAY I GUESS"? :cool:
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  8. DrPapaPenguin

    I'm sorry all right. For whatever gets in my sights that is.
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  9. Pikachu

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  10. ViXeN

    DJPenguin's dad has the right idea. ;)
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  11. DrPapaPenguin

    Yeah that's right, I am the....

    Wait wat?

    *looks at MCG*

    But I used gloves when I maintenanced you!


    Am I right? :D
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  12. Greiztoph

    I must agree, I recently went TR and I'm loving everything about them, especially the max
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  13. Llaf


    I've been TR since release and I have a somewhat high level NC alt that I play on and off. I've had the opposite experience from you. Although my stats are better for my NC, the weapons sometimes feel awkward to me, don't get me wrong though, I like them... It's just that they aren't the type of weapons you can just pick up and shoot(at least to me). Maybe I've been TR too long and they have this too, but it seems like almost all NC's weapons(even the higher RoF ones like the Carnage AR) have a bit of a learning curve that just doesn't exist for TR. I realize I'm making TR sound like "easy-mode" right now, but please consider that that was not my intent.
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  14. SavageBacon

    I'm not sorry for the choice, I just wish our community was a little more cooperative and less trolling, though I guess a lot of folks would say that about their respective faction (depending on the server)
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  15. Nakar

    I'm only sorry I couldn't convince the people I run in outfits with to roll as TR, so I have to play my TR guy solo. :(
  16. FaLI3N

    Grass is definitely greener over there on the ESRL front. Phoenix spawn room warriors are worse than snipers :p
  17. pnkdth

    Pretty much. In almost every discussion you end up with people pointing at what they don't got as the most important stat/trait/vehicle/weapon/etc, and vice versa. It certainly wouldn't be a bad thing if people stopped talking about what they "feel" about certain things as objective fact, but here I am expecting people to be civil and reasonable when playing Forumside.
  18. GaBeRock

    Are your alts on different servers? I tend do come out with better k/ds on my waterson alt (VS) than my mattherson main (tr) despite playing full on derpmode on that server.
  19. SavageBacon

    I'd take the Lancer nest intagib, though the Phoenixes are nice in their own way.
  20. Trudriban

    Make this a $10 vehicle specific cosmetic and I will buy it for every single vehicle in this game
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