Balance Pass Post 1: Vehicle Weapons and the Harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshua, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Craeshen

    agree'd the es mbt secondaries need a small buff and by small I mean massaging the numbers a bit and a total buff of no more the 5% of any one stat.

    imho harrassers biggest issue atm is the ability to repair on the move and it taking more c4 and tank mines to kill than an mbt o_O

    the buffs to the tank ap secondaries seem solid. While your doing the balance pass can we get a small increase in mbt's ap round raw damage too make it more the definitive choice for av work.
  2. SharpeShooter

    your argument is silly. I have spent station cash on everyone of my guns I have used in this game, and not once thought I was entitle to a refund if the weapons price gets cut later on down the road. This happens all the time! You cant buy a TV from a shop today for £500 then a month down the line take it back and tell the shop they owe you £250 because they have lowered the price!

    However, if the shopkeepers come to your house and change the TV you purchased for £500 to a toaster then you have the right to ask for a refund.

    The same goes to Prox radar, because they have changed the skill to a defense slot, it has rendered the skill useless, the same as a Toaster would be if one was expected to watch a DVD on it! As such, they SHOULD refund the certs and give people the choice to re-cert into it if they feel the skill still holds use. Do I think they will refund the certs? No, but I can hope.
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  3. RobotNinja

    But harassers have the same weapons already as other vehicles so you're saying you're going to nerf mounted weapons for just the harassers despite the fact that otherwise they have the exact same stats on every other air and ground vehicle? Yeah, the harassers need to be worked on but to me that is just yet another lazy, blanket and likely ineffective nerf so you guys can claim its fixed.

    This is just like what you guys did with people complaining about infiltrator camo coverage being unfairly biased against the TR since they're covered all over in red stripes and VS and NC weren't. Instead of just giving TR better camo coverage you put two barely noticeable dark purple stripes on the VS and then slapped bright baby blue $$$less chaps and a bra on the NC infiltrator and have still failed to acknowledge despite mass outcry that it was a terrible design choice and gave players cause for belief that it was bring your daughter to work day in the art department and some little girl told her daddy to dress up the NC in a a pretty blue bra and chaps.

    What would actually make more sense is to lower harasser's armor, lower its hp, lower its speed, remove backseat repairing, make it open like the original harassers where you could actually hit the driver, etc, etc...literally any of those things. If you're going to nerf turret weapons it makes no sense to just nerf them for one single vehicle.
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  4. DeadLamb

    so YOU have "seen" a few Harasser do something in some fight, I have BEEN in well over 8,000+ (won 6k+) Harasser vs whatever battles over the course of wasting hundreds and hundreds of hours I should of been doing something productive with.. lol

    yet some how my version is a "lie"... :rolleyes:

    This idea that some how a patch failed to balance anything at all, before we have even seen it, being "OMFG REPAIR ON THE MOVE IS STILL IN!?!" is just bizarre..

    you flat out can't "tank" shots from a good MBT crew with it, period.. You can use it to keep yourself alive while running from ESF if you can find cover, no cover and you will die sooner or later.. It can't save you from a good dalton lib. You can use it to do a fun "repair or fight?" dance with other 2/3 Harassers doing the same thing. It's not much help vs a battle sundy, it's no help vs a parked one.. It's not even needed vs lightnings in most cases, if you do heal at all it's just a tiny top off, no need to even bother to fully heal..

    it lets you get into battle a few seconds sooner with out having to bother to run behind a hill/tree or whatever else for a few seconds. Something that at 120+ top speed vs anything else is NO big deal to do.. They can't catch or close on you anyways, ever.. so you already KNOW, not think but 100% know you're safe being you left them in another area code with in 2 seconds...

    it's main pay off comes if you are down in the red being you lose turbo..
    At that point just getting back a tiny bit of health to get on the boost CAN equal getting away or not IF you have something to blast over (cliff, rocks, hill etc) right now.. Yet at that point anything can kill you and you would not be that hurt if something was not already pounding away.. So in most cases, you still die..

    Yet every now and then your team pulls off a nerd miracle escape!! Burning repair, cliff launch, 360 spin etc. One of the best thing to happen in game. I don't want to lose that great panic near dead but you some how live moment being people who don't drive Harassers think repair on the move does stuff it can't do..

    none of that above is a "lie"..
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  5. NoctD

    I've said it already, but I decided to respond direct to you in case you're watching for replies.

    The problem is not proximity radar - the problem is C4. Its time you guys balanced C4 and make it require more skill than this senseless quick drop and blow up all them things that C4 currently is. C4 crosses the realm into everything... its better to use C4 than it is to use grenades even. AOE should be GREATLY reduced, and direct damage applied only done when it is actually stuck directly onto a vehicle.

    Look at what C4 is in the real world. Plastic explosives don't have much blast radius and are meant to be strategically placed/used.

    Currently C4 is just a skill-less blow all things up weapon. It need to be balanced/toned down and the skill cap raised.
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  6. kevin33598

    BR 50ish here, I never really did the grind much, but I've played since a little after open beta, Ive led an outfit, and ive played a decent sized role in the NC for a while, the name is Mydros,

    I will not be naming people due to me not having the ability to ask then if they would mind or not currently.

    I've quit the game completely as of two months ago, the neglect to the NC arsenal is ridiculous, some of the most prominent figures in NC have gone TR due to the imbalances,

    An example, I have tested this a few times.

    1: the 1000 Rate of fire machine gun on the mosquito takes ONE clip, to down a vanguard from the rear WITH it's shield on.
    The NC's reaver weapons cannot even kill a prowler in one clip, with anything, Period, many arguments consider the prowler to be a lighter variant of heavy tank as well, I find this to be absurd.

    There is no arguing with me over this fact, Ive tried and tested it with witnesses and it should be common knowledge by now, And if you even try, I can also bring up the fact that the Reavers' specialty is supposed to be it's afterburn speed being the fastest of the 3 ESFs, While the mosquito Outruns the reaver, same gear, even with the reaver having fuel tanks on and the mossie not.

    And don't even talk to me about A2G missile comparison,

    So whats basically being said is NC aren't supposed to fly, I can sort of get that, since we're a Rebel type faction, SO with that in mind, How about the Striker Vs. Annihilator argument?

    People say, get the same organization as a striker ***********, with an annihilator, and it'll be the same, that the TR is just organized and the NC aren't?

    I'll admit, the results from a cluster I made with allies was impressive using the Annihilator, But it was about 50% of the damage potential the striker has, Just do this, Take an annihilator out to the training area, and shoot a tank till it dies, record the seconds, shots, and misfires, and try it with the next faction,

    Case closed on that argument.

    --------------------------------- Scroll down to skip a long drawn out rant -------------------------------------------------

    Alright, so you're saying the NC's close range weapons are what make the faction deadly?

    Somewhat true, somewhat false.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the Nc's weapon choices, they are varied, versatile, and deadly when controlled properly.

    But so are the vanus? And TR's? Easy mode.

    Try this, get a striker, the minigun with extended clip and laser sight *havent played in 2 months, u might have to only pick one*

    and get an accurate pistol with a silencer, concussion grenades,Resist shield, full health armor, and med/res kit, *You don't need C4 as a TR, The striker will either kill or scare off anything in it's path*

    If you become decent with that gear, You won't ever need to invest in different weaponry, You might want the SMG that does 1000 rounds per minute, *Are you pulling my chains here devs? I mean really*

    Try the same type of character as an NC,

    Closest companion to the minigun for NC is probably the EM6, Good gun, I don't favor it myself though
    , Feels large and clumsy.

    so Em6, ammo cap, choice of scope, laser sight *if possible, 2 months* or advanced forward grip *standard on Anything NC*

    First difference: Less recoil from controlled shots from the minigun, Lower effective range, and worse spread than the EM6 at full auto, but more damage per second.

    Ok NC's next equips,

    Pistol, I chose the rebel, a good solid pistol and add a silencer to boot, (The new burst fire pistol is the TR's default pistol, Devs, you can't just retexture something and call it new)

    Rocket, Well, I choose the decimater, Let's face it, the annihilater is useless for Killing things while solo, Unless the enemy pilot is a sorry excuse for one, or you get lucky, you won't kill anything flying, not without several reloads and a **** up on his end, and maybe his computer shutting down.

    Did you know that a lot of TR pilots choose things Other than decoy flares? Hell, I know a ton of NC pilots that use both Vehicle stealth And decoy flares together, That itself should say something.

    ------------------------------------------------ Interesting fact----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Concussion grenades, resist shield, med/reg, *only if your not dealing with vehicles* While you might be able to kill ground vehicles decently with the decimator, C4 is near crucial for killing things without drawing the overkill which is TR's HE autoprowlers

    *Speaking of which, Did you know that TR can shoot INSIDE some spawn rooms with those? It's a clear exploit they use for free certs, I've been a victim, It's frustrating as hell when you cant even change your class because you are being camped by them, This is especially apparent in the Northwest parts of indar, bases around Mao tech*
    ----------------------------------------------------------------- End of that rant----------------------------------------------------------------
    Ending the rant and summarizing it for whoever didnt want to read that wall,

    TR's Heavy inf, when played correctly, Wipe the floor with the rest of the games infantry Gear wise.

    Moving onto the heavy tanks, and this is where it becomes frustrating a bit more than usual for me,

    First, the mosquito is the largest thing that angers me, While i would never want it *the handling is crazy on that thing*, the weapons on it need some serious nerfs, There is a Very good reason TR own the sky usually, I want to be clear when I say this, I am Not saying The TR aren't good players, Hell no i am not, I respect a lot of players from that side of the game and I avoid [NUK] like the plague (waterson outfit, might be Nuc instead)

    But when my reaver's EXPLODING SHOTGUN, takes several reloads to kill a sunderer from BEHIND, at CLOSE RANGE, while the TR's guns (Take your pick, None of them are bad, Unlike the NC's) can kill them fairly decently (the 1000 rof one can kill a sundy from behind in half a clip if i remember correctly), THERE ARE SOME SERIOUS FLAWS HERE.

    Before you rant on the exploding shotgun, It is designed to be anti infantry, I know this, and I also know the other machine gun is pretty decent, However when the shotgun can kill an enemy esf at close range in a mag or so (5 shots or something) You would expect it to be SOMETHING along that line for any vehicle,

    Ive personally hit a TR sundy from behind with Nobody repairing it, with 2 salvos of unguided rockets, and 9-10 shots of my shotgun, to find that it was still alive.


    What. The. ****.


    Prowler vs vanguard

    I love my vanguard, it's personal taste on that, but it's honestly my favorite tank, I find the prowler and vanguard are pretty close on a 1v1 basis,

    However, heres some of the things that i personally find messed up.

    1: While the vanguard boasts the highest damage in the game using the AP turret, Serious practice is required to use it properly, Maybe even more than a professional dalton gunner, if you wanted to use it long range, The prowlers AP turret on the other hand, does a fair amount of damage, and has TWO shots, DOUBLE the accuracy, allowing for aim corrections and a Much Much Much higher damage per second when deployed.

    2: Vanguard Shield Vs new fire suppression,
    A lot of NC are biased towards the shield still, but Ive found the shield obsolete with the 12% spam-ish heal update, 12% on a VANGUARD? Are you kidding me? Thats insane, and if memory serves me right, it has a 10 second less cooldown than the shield max rank, While the shield might reduce a lot of damage, it's like an all or nothing button, once it's used, you have what? *5 seconds?* of shielding? How is that going to save you when you can't outrun anything in the game?

    My beef with this is that the Prowler can do the same thing, Im not 100% if it can still deploy with having fire suppression, and it probably can't, but even still, thats like giving the prowler the ability to swap between vanguard shield and deploy, it's a med kit that in many's opinion, works better than the vanguard shield.

    Reload times, Yay, You know where im going with this,

    Prowler, With HE rounds, Halberd, good gunner, Nuff said.

    Vanguard, with HE rounds *is that a joke?* With whatever gun you want, = Good job, you just sacrificed the One advantage the vanguard had over the other tanks, for like, 0.5 more splash damage.

    AP or No drive.for NC vanguards usually.

    Deploy with the prowler mentioned, Halberd for anti armor and sniping, you can ******* Nuke bases, Who cares if the vanguard can do like, what is it? 1300 dmg with the HE?

    a soldier will likely die to a prowlers shot the same way as a vanguard, they are squishy as hell.

    The difference, Prowler = 3x fire rate, the Halberd can do a great job at fending off even the hardest armor.

    And dont tell me the Vanguard has more armor, with all the nerfs to armor and HP, and some testing done in VR and TR training, It doesn't matter much anymore.

    This alone makes me want to go to TR, I don't want to be TR, but I love my tank, and when I can't survive a mosquito buzzing by, or a Decently played prowler *Not saying TR suck, But a lot of your prowler drivers do* You get my meaning.

    Maxes, TR's max is multi purpose, decent, versatile, I don't like it though.
    NC maxes, I love them, But the Ravens vs the fractures? A ******* joke, Again, I don't even have to argue about this one.

    Infantry weapons,
    TR see's NC, 5 bullets fly off from a quick click of a mouse, the NC is probably dead,
    Same thing reversed, NC has to aim *Don't even try to say the TR have to as well, Unless the distance is large, you just spray as TR,And furthermore, Leading a target as an NC with a weapon like the REAPER DMR or ACX11 from long distances is a circus act, which reveals yourself much easier than a TR counterpart due to the neccesity of both an ADV forward grip and Compensator, and Single or controlled bursts since full auto as a NC is suicide at any range.* Then NC has to hope that his burst lands, because his bursts take about 2x the time as a TR's, for a Little higher damage.

    Shotguns used to be the NC thing too, I mean ****, we even have a Vehicle Mounted shotgun (Which ******* idiot designed that piece of garbage? I found the patriot flare more useful than that gun) But now Not only was the shotgun nerfed *RIP my beloved piston with extended mag* But Every faction has the Same **** that we're supposed to specialize in!? *not sure if everyone can get the jackhammer, but they probably can*

    If you are doing that, Give NC the ******* minigun, or the VS shotgun, You know the one that has hardly Any sound?

    I think the Only thing that i enjoy better on the NC is the proximity mine, I love the NC to death, and I Quit the game rather than join VS or TR because of this.

    It's a common consensus from the last time that I played on waterson that the GM's are all part of TR or Vanu, with Very few belonging to NC.

    NC is badass, We used to be the people who couldn't quite take the world over, but if we really wanted something, we could take it, and hold it off against the legions of our foes, a brick wall that nothing could topple.

    And VS Max, I have to say, I love it, and hate it, the raven equivilant weapon is a bit op but it's alright because their maxes were underplayed for quite some time.

    VS weaponry, Meh, it's not bad. Still kicks NC's arsenal.

    ((( Mad respect for all factions in the game, I am not pointing out skill difference in any faction, I find a lot of the NC players to suck balls myself, due to the vets transferring, Most can't even fly an ESF straight :\ )))

    Oh haha, and get this, my old outfit mate called support's number, told them about the imbalances, the dude is BR 55 and has a pretty damn good K/d and score, So in response the support center told him to use cover and activate his shield/General defense.

    I love this game and hope you dumb apes balancing this game decide to fix NC, Until then, you won't get any of my money, time, or support, I gave up an outfit of dear friends because of you, This game was different than ones I played in the past, I had high hopes for it, but you're making this into a sinking ship for NC, Might as well delete the faction if you're not going to throw them a bone.

    Conform or die, I for one cannot play TR because I've always been the underdog type, Yet NC's No longer an underdog, In a single phrase it would be

    ******* ********.

    +1 Anybody? Rants from the TR trying to justify their ******** gear?
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  7. makrome

    i have to admit i didn't read the whole 19 pages ... but when you park a spawnderer somewhere it is most likely it isn't covered with obstacles in all 4 directions. So ... the harasser comes around at almost supersonic speed where most rockets shot at it will miss.
    It's going too fast for mines to hurt them.
    Where is the need for coordinated play on the harassers side where it mows down dozens of soldiers without even using his gun and don't get me started when the gun (vulcan *cough*) is used in addition.
    Yeah, 2 man in harasser vs 12 men on foot - tell me who comes out on top.
  8. Slandebande

    I'm already of the opinion that Comp Armor either needs to go, or be drastically reworked for it to actually have viable alternatives. So you aren't completely alone :p

    And yes, I think mines are an excellent counter to Harassers, you just have to think a bit about the positioning, which (like you said) is something people rarely do. I Auraxed my tank mines, and it does wonders to spend 50% more time thinking about where you put them down.

    Was it a HE or Viper Lightning shooting at the Harasser? I've been in quite a few Harassers, and a 2/2 MBT will destroy a Harasser in 1 reload (shoot, reload, shoot) from both weapons, regardless of there being a 3rd rumble seat repairer or not, at least assuming AP weapons. If they are using HE, they deserve to die to enemy vehicles if they are isolated. I haven't lost a 2/2 MBT to a single Harasser, ever I think. If it is with one of my normal 2 gunners, I can say for certain we haven't.

    Both an MBT and a Harasser requires 2 tank mines to destroy.

    If the Vulcan is used at such a situation (with an AMS spawning loads of infantry) and the people cannot do anything about it, they are bad. I'm sorry, but just having TWO of those people enter the Sundy and use its (stock) guns (the Sundy actually has guns, WOW right???) they can easily scare off a Vulcan Harasser alone, without the help of the other infantry. Add then the repairs the infantry can help with, combined with small arms and the likes, and a Vulcan Harasser has no chance. If they are using a Halberd they can utilize cover between reloads to minimize damage from the Basilisks and other incoming fire, whilst simultaneously doing it from longer range, again minimizing damage taken, without harming their DPS output at all.

    The Striker also misfires, and has had a direct hit to hits effectiveness introduced, but you probably haven't used it in ages (if it all).
    I rarely use the Striker anyways, as it won't kill competent pilots/drivers and they are the targets I am going for, since they are the ones having the largest impact on the battlefield. The Striker is also very boring to use, and can be countered easily by anyone who wants to. I don't use the minigun either, I must be a terrible TR :eek:

    The part about "You don't need c4 as a TR" really makes me believe you haven't played TR at all, or that you are at least so frustrated that you resort to exaggerations, which is just plain old silly. C4 is just as useful for the TR as for the other factions. Acting like the Striker will destroy any vehicle before it even comes close in any battle figuring the TR, is non-sense.

    I, myself, use the Decimator and the standard launcher far more than the Striker, simply because they are more versatile. Also, a pilot has to be equally bad to die to a lone Striker-user, as compared to an Annihilator user. Both are lock-ons which are countered easily if you aren't ********. Most TR pilots run with Flares as well, feel free to come up with a statistic of how people equip their planes across factions, till then you are just coming with useless anecdotes about that.

    The other 2 factions can shoot through the spawn-room shields as well with their HE, there is no difference in that department with the other 2 factions. But I guess you have only seen it from the inside of your own spawn room, and not from a TR/VS spawn room. Move along here.

    The TR LMG's aren't scoring as high as their are on the other factions, and the Minigun isn't exactly the best weapon for all situations like you act like it is for some reason. So they won't be the best, no. You are also acting like the Striker is used by everyone all the time, which is false.

    About the Mosquito being able to destroy a Sundy from the back with half a clip, I assume you meant a MBT? As a Sundy doesn't take extra damage from behind. I would like if you instead of using the "½ clip" denomination, if you would use the actual time it takes for said guns to destroy a vehicle. Also, make sure you are actually low enough to hit rear armor, and that the vehicle you are shooting at is "fresh" since a lot of vehicles in VR are damaged by random things. Always destroy it, and start on a new one upon arriving. Also, did you do the tests in triplicate or only once? Things might go wrong. Anyways, moving on.

    The Rocket-pods of any faction (A2G missiles) do the same damage, you won't make anyone believe you saying there are markedly differences there.

    How does 2 Prowler shots = double the accuracy? You have to land quite a bit more shots to do similar damage, which is not easier to do, it is harder. How you think more shots = higher accuracy is beyond me. The Vanguards AP has higher velocity than the Prowler AP, unless the Prowler is using Anchor mode, which not all Prowlers do, and not in every single situation at least. The Prowler also has to use 2 shots to destroy the following where the Vanguard/Magrider only needs one shot: MANA-AV turrets, ESFs, HA's with shield on (yes, some infantry (non-MAX) requires TWO direct hits from an AP-Prowler round to kill) and I could go on. Things you aren't even considering, and all of them are viable threats to any tank.
    By saying that Fire Supp is better than Shield, you are showing off you aren't really into the whole Tanking issue if you ask me. The Shield is far superior to Fire Supp any day, as it will absorb up to 3000HP (75% of your total HP which is 4000), compared to the 12% heal (over time) of Fire Supp. I have no idea how you can even consider them remotely equal. It's also 8 seconds of shield, and before you say that you need the max rank for that: It's even worse with Anchor Mode, as it is useless at ranks 1-2, still somewhat useless at rank 3 and only really because useful at rank 4. The Shield can still absorb the full 75% damage at level 1.

    About the reload times: You have to factor in an additional ½ second after each shot on the Prowler as it takes that long for the next "phase" to be ready, that be either shooting off the 2nd round, or reloading after shooting the 2nd round. That full second is not reduced by upgrading the reload speed, nor by using Anchor Mode, again, not something which is considered often.

    The Prowler is more-or-less accepted as the best infantry farmer, and then having a few weakness' in other departments. I think the overall consensus of the serious tankers is that at least the Prowler vs Vanguard scenario is pretty balanced. If anything should complain it is the Magrider drivers.

    How is a single Halberd (which doesn't benefit from Anchor Mode) going to scare off a 2/2 AP MBT? Or even just an AP Lightning if it sees the main gun is HE and it can keep its distance? That doesn't even make sense. The Vanguard can also take more punishment than the other 2 tanks, whether you like it or not. Combined with Reinforced Side Armor you can actually make your side armor stronger than your front armor (which is still markedly stronger than the other 2 MBTs).
  9. LordCreepy

    +1 for being the longest totally biased rant I've read in my lifetime
  10. LordCreepy

    12 men - all HA firing dumbfires @ a harasser ; where 2 on the sunderer guns and 2 repairing the sunderer(outrepairing a halberd) is all you need to defend an ams
  11. Lagavulin

    I feel that NW5 should negate a ohk snipe. The only issue with NW5 is that the other slot options should be buffed to become more attractive/viable alternatives - then there wouldn't be as many players using NW anyway. THAT is what needs sorting.

    Possibly not the right place for this - but I think another point is that ohk sniping shouldn't even be the 'problem' it seems to be for some infils. I firmly believe sniping is fine as it is - I'm no pro but I do enjoy it now and then and I don't have too much trouble getting kills.

    The problem with the infil class is that they need other stuff to do. Sniping shouldn't be easy (it is now, be honest), and SMG infil is just a little OTT. Infils should have more of a rpg feel to them - combat shouldn't even be at the forefront (not saying infils shouldn't be combat capable, but they should be the least effective class in that role, by a very slim margin of course).

    Fix that stuff first - leave the sniping/NW thing as it is.
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  12. makrome

    if the harasser would stay long enough to destroy the sundy he might have a way lower chance of survival, but that wasn't my point.
    i even had the part '..without using his gun..' in my post to make it a bit more obvious, point is the roadkill feature.
    weapon usage is purely optional in that scenario
  13. efil4mocx

    Look into the mirror at yourself, think of Harrasers, shotguns, AP rounds vs infantry, or just every other popular infantry weapon.
    Think about the pitiful KPM and k/d that the average sniper get, compare it to the average MAX.
    Think about god/allah/buddha/nothing/what have you.
    Think about your mother.
    Then think about what you've just said.
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  14. efil4mocx

    Render range for infantry is 300 meters on the dot.
    Good snipers are team players. We help the team by taking out the opposition.
    Snipers are absolutely easiest things to kill in this game. When I snipe, I "ON PURPOSE" look for the non-snipers running around (VERY hard to kill), instead of the poor enemy snipers standing still that would make an extremely easy kill. I do this because
    1. I feel cheap if I farm on the easiest thing to kill. I almost never target the stationary snipers, unless they're an absolute nuisance to me.
    2. Killing an enemy sniper does nothing to contribute to my team (seeing how useless we are due to nanoweave), I'd contribute more if I kill an average runner.
    Even by actively AVOIDING the killing of enemy snipers, infils are still my second-highest class in my killcount.
    If you never snipe, then you don't get a say about how easy/hard it is. Only people with at least 50% of their time on a infil sniper get a say of the skill level required to snipe.
    You want "ez" mode? Get in a MAX suit. Or a Harasser.
    Charging head-on into enemy lines is not flanking. We're the class most susceptible to flanking because we have obsolete rifles and tunnel-vision scopes.
    Max continent pop is 2000
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  15. efil4mocx

    I agree! However, that's not the problem.
    The problem is that NW2 (costing a grand total of 11 certs) negates headshots.
    I'd be completely fine if the only NW5 stops a headshot from the outdated world war one weapons that we use, but sadly that is not the case.
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  16. Pony Plot Lover

    Thank God I didnt spend any cert on vehicles.

    1. Balance = making game harder = harder to farm cert
    2. spending cert on things about to be nerfed = loss of precious cert
    3. release of future weapons = cert value will go up in future (as long as dev dont make 125 xp = 1 cert)

    therefore, farm cert easily today with OP item that dont cost much, and use it on OP weapons in the future when everything is nerfed and you need to pay 3000 cert for a single pre-nerf weapon.

    I spent 1200 cert for UBGL on both my vs and tr characters. i broke rule 2 so a bit blunder on my part Guess I'll have to stop farming cert with medic and noobtube the hell out of UBGL before SOE decide to nerf them. Harasser was complained and *****ed by noobs on this forum to death and finally devs are taking stance on it. UBGL is next.

    And dont worry, harasser is going to get nerfed multiple times just like what happened to IRNV scope.
  17. Pony Plot Lover

    NW2? I have NW4 and get killed by bolt drivers all the time. Balance it so you die from headshot at all ranges until NW4. and with NW4 you get 2 bar of health left. As medic I can heal quickly and move on to my next revive farm, while laughing my *** off at bolt driver noob who spent 0 cert on their character.
  18. Dracorean

    I'm kinda curious about the defensive attachments for the MBT and lightnings but can it be possible to combine all those directional armor plating into one 'armor' attachment? I mean it will still have that rear weakness and it would make tanks a bit more durable.
  19. Pony Plot Lover

    that's buff. Only nerf is allowed
  20. SeanFree

    They can make tank mines have magnetic properties and stick under the harasser to fix the dodging...

    They should probably either heavily nerf composite or remove it completely. Harassers wouldn't be a problem without Halberds, Vulcan's and Saron's. I've seen MAYBE 1 NC harasser with Enforcer on top (the not **** one) so I doubt it's that big of a deal...too much damage+too much speed+too much artificial defense=OP (Yes I'm looking at you as well ZOE)