[Suggestion] Dalton - the new AA and the ultimate gunship.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fabien, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. Crashmatusow

    this is what a flight model that makes tank shells 5 times as fast as a cruising air fighter gets you.
  2. Pirbi

    If I could catch more rides, I think I'd be a dalton pro in short order. That thing is fun to use. I do believe ESFs are noobs or greedy if they get hit by a dalton. They don't back off because they want the certs and don't want to risk someone else taking them. So they get blown out of the sky instead. That's not the liberator pilot or gunner's fault. The ESFs I hit were begging for it.
  3. Yetskii

    Make it harder? It is the most difficult weapon to use on an ESF in the game? Have you actually been in a Dalton Gunner spot for more than an hour?
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  4. Dreadnaut

    Fixed it for you :)
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  5. Cleaver

    Yes I have. See below.
    It's hard because it's not the dalton's purpose, by any stretch of the imagination. However, the third seat's purpose is to be AA, and it's currently terrible at it. So I'm saying we remove some secondary functionality from seat 2 and add more primary functionality to seat 3. I'm not asking for a liberator nerf, at all.

    Anyway I can see die-hard daltoners won't like it, so I'll leave that there.
  6. Dreadnaut

    That would be like me saying, "Tanks should not be able to do massive damage to aircraft with their main gun because they aren't MEANT to do that..."

    See how silly that sounds?

    If anything, the Dalton is UNDERPOWERED with it's low velocity and high gravity.
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  7. SLiCKRiCK

    I disagree with the OP. If you have ever used the dalton, you know it is incredibly difficult to be accurate. Even an experienced dalton gunner is not going to land the vast majority of shots. I think it has as much to do with the skill of the opposing pilot as it does the experience of the gunner.
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  8. T0rin

    All these people suggesting that a buff to the tail gun would remove the need to Dalton ESFs. It's funny.

    You know what would go a lot way to eliminating the Dalton as A2A defense? The tail gun not being on the tail. It will never be made good enough so that doing a complete 180 degree turn to shoot at someone coming at you head on will be worth it.

    The Liberator design is flawed. Until the vehicle is restructured to give the A2A gunner a better angle, the Dalton will forever remain as the primary defensive means.

    Something like this: (not my image, but a decent idea)

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  9. Czuuk

    what have you got against paintballa?
  10. T0rin

    Probably nothing. He was just making a point that pntballa is one of the few competent solo libbers.
  11. Czuuk

    he's pretty good solo, but only to be feared when he has the right belly gunner. ;)
  12. Forlorn Hope

    I have nothing against pntball18. I was just using him as an example of a competent Solo Lib as T0rin suggested. I haven't seen any videos of him with a belly gunner :).
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  13. Yetskii

    Thanks :) Good flying with you last night...I was in the gunner spot more for a change :p
  14. Luighseach

    I never said as fast only that I can pull the same maneuvers.
  15. Dreadnaut

    Ok, semantics. When you say the 'same maneuver' EVERYONE assumes you mean as the same rate.

    Sure, you can do a split s, an immelman, and whatever other maneuver you want to do the Reaver and the Liberator, but not even remotely at the same speed.

    Also, your Liberator can't do the 'reverse' maneuver.
  16. Luighseach

    Pretty close to a reverse maneuver if you use the Afterburner upgrade. The problem I have is the fact that Liberators can still even do half of these maneuvers. Its a ground support vechile not a Large Slow stunt plane.

    Anyway I posted what I think needs to change in my first post.
  17. Dreadnaut

    I think that's where the confusion is. You think you're flying a plane in PS2...

    You're flying a Space Ship, not an airplane.

    I know if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck....but not in PS2. They look sorta like aircraft but they don't fly like them at ALL. I'm a 3000+ hour real pilot and I was horrible at flying till I stopped trying to fly them like airplanes and started flying them like a Space Ship.
  18. T0rin

    Pretty close to a reverse maneuver, are you serious? Well, you probably are, but you obviously don't know what a reverse maneuver is.

    The Lib afterburner works for like 1.5 seconds and you can't even roll/yaw/pitch fast enough with High-G 3 to establish the kind of momentum necessary that using the afterburners won't simply immediately break you out of your current reverse trajectory and propel you forward.

    All aircraft, galaxies included, can do all the exact same maneuvers, at varying rates of execution. That doesn't mean a damn thing, except they are all VTOL aircraft that can fly in any given direction assuming the proper application of thrust.

    Except the reverse maneuver, for aforementioned reason.

    The Liberator is a gunship, not a ground support vehicle. Nothing about gunship pidgeonholes it into being a ground support vehicle in any respect. Just like other vehicles with cannons attached to them, they can be turned on anything you can point them at, be it infantry, ground vehicles or air vehicles.

    Everyone who takes issue with a Liberator doing stuff like 1-shotting ESFs with a Dalton, does so on the premise that "this isn't what the Liberator is supposed to be doing!". Well, the reality is, there is nothing carved in stone that the Liberator IS supposed to be doing. And after some ravenous nerfs to the Lib combined with across the board buffs to AA and the mass proliferation of lock-ons, there is little than a Liberator CAN do.

    If the devs really wanted the Liberator to be a ground support vehicle, they wouldn't have made it practically impossible to fill that role. The sad reality is the only thing a Liberator can really do with any level of reasonable survivability is prey on other aircraft. And even then, the deck is woefully stacked against them.

    But go up against Skyguards, Strikers, Dual Bursters, Turrets, etc.? Just signing your own death warrant.
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  19. Selentic

    itt: t0rin lays the smack down on ignorant shrubs

    Also what's that, you want a liberator that goes after ground only? Well good luck, because if you make it even remotely useful in that role (read: not vaporized in seconds by aa) you're going to have to put up with literal waterfalls of tears from infantry purists who don't want to ever have to pull a plane to counter something.
  20. Dvine

    I really really hope you dont mess up RL with PS2 outside your house :D