ZOE Is still a problem.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Ned, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Maulkin

    No what you are doing is 'spinning'. You don't come right out and say it for plausible deniability but it is implied by you word crafting. So what is "next to no"? Is that 80% drawbackless? Or 99%. How about instead of just putting opinions you put up numbers to back up those opinions.

    Here is an example: the Zoe-Max is the most vulnerable MAX in the game. And I can verify this statement with numbers which are more than "next to nothing"

    And while death is a common occurrence, a Max cannot be revived to full health and cannot be brought to full health by the same unit that revived it (as you should know). So attempting to understate the impact is obviously disingenuous.

    You cannot tell me that the small increase in movement offsets the HP loss. I shoot at ZOE Maxes all the time and I cannot agree that it has impacted my aim at all. I solo them all the time with my HA minigun.
  2. Pruto

    I guess this is why I hate SOE's un-nuanced system of nerfs and buffs. They nerf prime MAX AI weapons like the mercies along with NC's only mid-range option of slugs and then introduce abilities like ZOE and the 350 resource count. VS MAX usage stays the same or even grows (I hardly ever saw MAX's pulled to fight at the outskirts of a base, but now that it has the mobility of regular infantry, it can do that effectively) and TR and NC MAX usage plummets because vital items like concs, medkits and C4 > watered down MAX suit.

    All I'm saying is if the ZOE is "fine" for arguments sake, then there needs to be abilities or re-done weapons on the TR and NC side that make them want to eat that 350 resource cost for something that rivals a ZOE MAX in usability. I say "usability" because lockdown isn't usable. And the aegis shield, while powerful in a tower stair fight (where else are NC MAXes good?) for instance, its not very usable anywhere else that has angles and open air around it. So they are left with charge, an ability that certainly helps with survivability but doesn't push the power of the MAX to 350 infantry resource levels. As an added bonus, ZOE is basically a watered down charge, so it has that retreat-capable survivability built in already.
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  3. Undeadfred

    I mean precisely what I say. I've spoken in plain English, it is not upon me if you cannot understand what has clearly been stated.

    How utterly arbitrary it is to designate a number to the "drawbackness". To suggest something is to demonstrate just how little you understand about game desighn. This isnt an exact science. It's not the ability in a vacuum, but how it interacts with existing mechanics and correlates to the battle at large.

    Mobility in a 1v1 situation isnt that important, especially the fractions of modifiers the ZOE is receiving. However when it comes to team play, with interacting and suporting other units it is weighted a lot more.

    The Heavy in TF2 is a perfect example of this. The entire class is balanced around it's mobility. Simply giving it more mobility (and damage) at the cost of health doesn't make it balanced bc you fundamentally changed the key stat it that the concept was balanced around. You would have to get gimicky with your changes to give a class like that added mobility.

    Is it? I would argue a locked down Max is the most Vulnerable by far. The ability to avoid damage in games with low TTK is valued more then the ability to mitigate it.

    This is true of all maxes, not something unique to a ZOE max. This would only be a major concern if ZOE maxes where dying with less achieved in a run then their counterparts.

    I certainly hope it hasn't affected your aim with small arms, but the mobility allows maxes to dodge rockets, and tank rounds at range, but more importantly it allows them to retreat. To remove themselves from a fight, to retreat completely and then come back again, or just get in and out of cover effectively.

    It allows allows Maxes to pursue. Something that effectively balanced maxes VS infantry. Yes infantry would be disadvantaged with a max on the field in a straight up fight, but they could out maneuver lumbering max. Engage, and retreat, try again, or if needed flee completely.

    Charge could chase, but it was a very large commitment. Once charge is engaged you cannot end it until it finishes it's duration. It places you far in a potentially unknown situation, and had a cooldown.

    ZOE sprint on the other hand gives you speed greater then infantry, and allows you to toggle its effect.
  4. Tbone

    Hi all.I am a TR lvl 51 player and this is how i see.

    Okay lets do this the logical way.Purely logical.Means i do not give a damn about "ohh an NC max killed me with ZOE" and that kind of things.I do give a damn about logical critics.

    So,what are the things playing in this games balance? 3 things mainly.Firepower ,Durability, Movement.Right?

    Whats what:

    -Rate of fire
    Muzzle velocity etc.
    -Agility(strafing jumping etc.)

    There are some thing like accuracy and reload but those are your job to be good with.

    If you watch you can see that the MAX abilities are give you some of these and take away one of them completely.

    Lets see:

    -TR Max Lockdown:Gives you some % of RoF ,reload speed,and muzzle velocity.Takes away the Movement completely.

    -NC Max Aegis shield:Gives you some Armor.Takes away the Firepower completely.

    -VS Max ZOE:Gives you some % of Damage and speed.Takes away nothing completely.Okay you get 30% more dmg but that's all.Why? We got one of those things completely removed why not the ZOE.Sorry but it logical that the TR got movement removed the NC got firepower removed so the VS should have there durability removed.I know it sound ridiculous but it logical.I mean they shouldn't have the 80% against small arms just there certed nanowave or flak armors.Not to mention that TR lockdown needs 1-2 secs deploy and 1-2 secs of undeploy NC Aegis needs recharge,ZOE is switch on switch off ability if i am correct but that1s fine by me if the previous is done.

    Let me here your opinion guys and good day to you all.
  5. TomDRV

    No ZOE is fine. (coming from TR) they are a pain when we first encounter them but they are delt with quickly. They but slow us down by 30secs
  6. Ribero

    I'd rather they just dealt more Damage, took the original 15% more damage (or whatever the figure was), but moved at normal pace.

    They're a real pain as they are now but if you focus fire on them, like people should on MAX units, they go down quick enough.
  7. Alox

    Im tired of dying too quickly in ZoE form. I could agree with removing both the damage bonus and the armor penalty.

    I could also live with having the speed buf for a limited period of time, extendable by certing deeper.

    Most of the time ZoE is used as a travel mode, which in all honestly should be available to all faction just like in PS 1.
  8. Baphoma

    Yea, anyone who jumps into a rank 5 ZOE should also have rank 5 armor so you do not *die too quickly*. or even lower for that matter, you need to back up your soft spot. obviously you do not play this as a dedicated class or you would know better.
  9. Cryptek

    yes.. Let's remove ALL the durability from what is arguably the most expensive unit (350 infantry resources which are worth more than tank and air resources, on top of being more expensive in general than most vehicles)

    Totally a unbiased opinion...

    Terrible idea and terrible reasoning, The bias is so thick you could spread it as butter.
  10. Alox

    You got 180 score/min in a Max suit, I got more than 310. Go figure. :)
  11. Tbone

    Yes bias, says who's first thought was that i wrote this because i have a problem with ZOE.Well no my bias friend.Terrible reasoning well than perhaps my einstein friend could you pls explain me and the others ,that why is it that the TR an NC has something completely removed and the VS hasn't?And yeah for 350 resource we can't move and the NC can't shoot ,thanks. So why are these things ALLLLLLLLLL removed while you have 30% of it. Than give us 30% of it.30% less movement and 30% less shooting.If this is not logical or successive enough for you than you better start the grade school again.

    The interpretation is so deficient you could say its a black hole.

    I can not understand what is dark for you.TR lose ALL movement for firing rate,NC lose ALL DMG for protection VS lose ALL ,wait no 30% of its Armor(takes 30% more dmg)for speed and dmg.

    And i said ,remove the 80% against small arms armor ,not your kinetic and flak armor ,so read first ,talk after next time.No more to say.
  12. Alox

    ZoE with its 30% more damage is a death trap against a competent crew.

    ZoE is great for running around flanking and farming noobs.

    Personally I would like to see ZoE transformed away from noob farm into something that is useful when you want to break that enemy outfit holding the capture point with their locked down or shotgun maxes.
  13. Messaiga

    ZOE isn't the problem, Lockdown and the Aegis Shield just have limited uses. Hell, NC Max's using Aegis Shield only protect their teammates based on the enemy's intelligence, they could just fire at the people behind the Max's.
  14. Shiaari

    This. I would trade ZOE for old PlanetSide Vanu MAX jump jets any day of the week.

    Of course, that would be even more OP, wouldn't it? The Vanu MAX was the best MAX in PlanetSide 1, too.

    Someone's signature has a picture of Strikers with the caption, "Deal with it." I suggest you do.
  15. HellasVagabond

    Today i was in my AP Vanguard on Esamir.....Suddenly a ZOE MAX landed infront of me and starting going left, right, back, front at AMAZING speeds...Needless to say 10s later my Vanguard was blown to bits even with the shield up.....WTF is going on with that thing ? It also rips infantry to pieces with 2 shots and from 50m+ away !
  16. Tbone

    Nope jump jet is fine by me as long as you will have something completely denied when you use it like we.After all agility and accuracy is your trait.
  17. OldMaster

    Agree. Shooting a Zoe Max with decimator is quite like shooting a bird with a sling :confused:
    Don't talk about throwing c4...
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  18. sauna

    Yes, the ZOE Ability needs balancing. The drawback of more taken damage IS irrelevant when they add a movement buff.

    The movement buff component of the ZOE Ability gives the MAX a massive defensive boost by being able to; dodge incoming fire better, hunt down enemies before they can kill you and MOST importantly to avoid C4 easier (which is one of the most foolproof and safe ways of killing a max).

    Suggestion: remove the movement speed increase component and make the ability have a recharge time.
  19. Alox

    So ZoE level 1 is doing 5% more damage while taking 30% more damage, with no other change at all. You think that is a brilliant idea?
  20. Alox

    Lock weapons while using jump jets, put in a recharge time before they can be used again. I will take that ZoE in a heartbeat over the current ZoE. :)