Most balanced EU server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lord_Avatar, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Aki

    Miller is a fine server except when you happen to play on the same area as some big outfits.
    Not that they're any good (although they happen to have some skilled player) but it's just the numbers that's crushing you.
    Though it seems they have fun doing that.
  2. AdennTM

    What outfit does that? o.0 None come to mind over here except DIG during casual play.
  3. Lord_Avatar

    That I have in RL, but I'm likely to pick you up on that offer. How about some numbers on Ceres - faction and population-wise?

    Sheesh... Most boring thread ever (most likely), but I'd really like to keep to one server instead of hopping around with quasi-certed troopers.
  4. sucoon

    on allert on cobalt NC and TR most the time moving both againt VS. In the last weeks VS getting Weaker on cobolt. the VS playing like **** and getting more often warpgatet.
  5. Aki

    If I'm not mistaken, I just witnessed a base going from 55%nc, 15%vs, 30%tr(48+) switch to 70%tr, 30%nc in like a minute.
    Seems Rown was spearheading that though I m may be wrong

    Each faction has their occasional ups and downs pop wise. It's a balanced server in general though.
  7. Lord_Avatar

    Well, thats simply "wunderbar". ;) If it's at least a tad more populated than Cobalt, then I have my pick. This leaves me with my usual TR vs NC dillema, but that's offtopic and largely irrelevant here. 8)

    No idea about overall server pop compared to the other servers sorry.
  9. DramaticExit

    If I'm being realistic rather than antagonistic (which I was being in order to wind up the Miller nationalist up there), it's just that different servers will be at a different point in their tactical lifecycle.

    For example, Connery players may have been commonly using a certain technique or playstyle, which is not commonly used on Waterson. Waterson players would not have developed a counter to that technique or playstyle, therefore Connery players will a little more success over on Waterson when employing that technique.

    Waterson players would go to Connery with the latest fashion from Waterson server, and find that again, nobody knows how to counter it because nobody on Connery has seen it before, and enjoy the same success as the Connery player on Waterson.

    Both players would come away going "lol, so many noobs on that other server".

    But I mostly came out with my earlier comment in order to annoy Mr "I'm a Miller native and therefore all other servers are less talented!"
    • Up x 1
  10. Cinnamon

    Your experience on any server is going to be affected by when and where you are fighting and who you are fighting with.

    Populations vary based on which server is recommended to new players.

    There are some things to be aware of like that Miller from launch has been the chosen server for veteran outfits so sometimes there is going to be a spike in difficulty when an outfit is running ops. TR outfits are more populated with veterans no matter what the server population stats say. So in a way Miller is the least balanced server and before it was last made recommended server it also wasn't that active.

    So we could recommend a server but in a few months the recommendation would have to change.
  11. Kociboss

    And obviously he plays on Miller so he put it in the 1st place :D

    I need this magical spreadsheet where EU server skills are shown.

    Silly rankings aside though, I have toons on Mattherson and Miller and I see no particular difference...There are both skilled and derpish players alike.
  12. HellasVagabond

    Try 20%+.......I consider a 10% overpop as balanced.....Things are NOT balanced on Miller, at least they are not on Esamir.
  13. Locke

    I play Woodman and Miller. Both have issues with dominant factions at times but player skill is very similar on both servers imo. The only difference is that Miller has a higher amount of organised outfits due to it's size so for me if I was starting a new character for competitive play that is where I would want to be. If I was starting one just to play the game for a few months and playing casual I would play Woodman due to the slightly lower population.
  14. Mastachief

  15. Nolenag

    Indar on Woodman crashes a lot though. All that has to happen is for an Indar biolab alert to start and you can bet your **** that the server will have to be restarted.
  16. Van Dax

    DIG casual play is hilariously bad IMO, we've been trying to teach and train all our BR1 recommended server guys- semi successful.
    when we get our ops on though you better watch out
    • Up x 1
  17. Lord_Avatar

    I went with Ceres and already had a number of very satisfying battles both on Indar and on Esamir. We'll see how it goes, but my first impression is that all factions are responsive and more or less equal in number. Thanks for the advice and may you all dish it out like there's no tomorrow. \m/ ^_^ \m/
  18. Macinzon

    Welcome to the server! What faction did you pick? If you're not VS, you'll see me on your death screen soon ^^.

    Anyway, for every other player reading this topic:

    Want to know the best reason to pick Miller? Alright here's the reason: YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ANY LOGIN PROBLEMS TROLOLOLOL.

    ^ True story though. Miller has the best login server of all EU servers.
  19. LordMondando

    That and the fact its got a community that aims towards sportsmanship, a very high average skill level, the highest population in PS2 and me.
  20. Lord_Avatar

    That's TR for You. 8) I played VS on Cobalt and it's been quite fun (love the "Maggie"). However, I don't dig spandex all that much, TR/NC "krak krak" "dakka dakka" "brrrrap" sounds way better than VS "pew pew" "beeeew" and on top of that - "red goes fastah!'. ;)

    All in all - have a good time and don't hate me for chain-killing you once every engagement. ;)