Either ZOE needs nerfed, or TR max needs buffed

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Pat Cleburne, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. curly

    As tr I would prefer zoe to lockdown. it's the least situational of the three and the easiest to use.

    I think lockdown needs some kind of buff to make it viable for ai.

    However I have no problem Beating Zoe maxes in a fair fight. Close range and aiming for the head is your friend. Are they far away? Unless you get the drop on them, bait them to close the gap or charge in.
  2. PwNrJoKeR

    If you can't deal with a 30% armor debuff MAX then you're simply just going about it the wrong way. They are good at killing infantry just like any other MAX is. A good NC MAX player can outplay most ZOE max users by use of shield or charge. As a TR Max if you aim for the head or use fractures, the ZOE max will lose. I know from experience getting shot at from 3-4 different angles means I lose. If you all bunch up like morons then yeah, I'm going to kill you so try to be a little more tactical. C4, 2 heavies with rockets, 2 direct shots from a grenade launcher kills a ZOE max. You can even use the proxi tank mine tactic.

    Coming from someone who plays a lot of ZOE MAX, I know my own weaknesses by being in those kind of situations.
  3. Taj474

    And that's the excuse for being sh*t?
  4. Nobalification

  5. Taj474

    And there's the answer...like all other factions, you know that in MAX vs MAX situations the NC one is the worst. So you dont really care and say that its good as it is.
  6. Nobalification

    i dont says about your max have bigger damage but if you get gauss machineguns all VS and TR MAXes must get shotguns. If you dont understand just raed it again.
  7. Shiaari

    I would happily trade you ZOE for OUR old MAX ability.

    Yes, yes I would. ;)

    Can we have a discussion about Vanu MAXes with jumpjets and how cool that would be?
  8. Nobalification

    Vanu Sovereignity don´t have only old jump jets technology.
    I can give you jump jets like Light assault but with slower reaction and for less duration. Second is you don´t jump to the air but you change position of rockets on your jets and you can use it to faster move to the point like MAX in Blacklight Retribution. I think some things in this game looks really good.
  9. Shiaari

    LOL.. no.
  10. Nobalification

    your think isnt really good. if you understand what is point of my topic try it again.
  11. Taj474

    And? Than they would get shotguns, and finally the NC would have a "useful" MAX.
  12. Nobalification

    you are not Planetside 1 player right? Do you know what you MAX can do with shotguns?
  13. Taj474

    No, since this is planetside >2<, and my MAX cant do s*** with the current ones, if i dont spend +1k certs on the extendedmags or slugs.
  14. Nobalification

    Wow this is so nerfed when you must pay something . . . kid.
  15. Donaldson Jones

    TR Max needs love and has a terrible bonus without support, Wanna get it buffed I'm with ya on that but don't go using the argument that the TR Max is underpowered as a segue into trying to nerf the VS MAX it's wrong headed.
  16. Donaldson Jones

    The Striker is a mess, but they (the devs) don't seem to eager to fix lock-ons, so it has to be looked at as a completely OP weapon that can be fired by any *** clown with a pulse.

    As for not getting close to a Vulcan, really? In a tank I don't usually have that option when I'm being ripped down by a Harasser with that thing on the roof, it wouldn't be so bad if I could swap main cannon on my tank once I shift roles but I can't.

    You guys have hands down the BEST ESF.
  17. Nobalification

    Striker is counter weapon on Magrider.
  18. KnightCole

    Tr max should get zoe, just for rof and acc bonus. But they move 25pct slower.

    Nc should get a resist shield to let it close better and vs should get a sort of junp jet or glidung ability. Just something that lets it br more mobile on the ground. Not like la jets....
  19. Nobalification

    So you says we get rof and acc bonus but we aren´t best accuracy. We have better controlability. 25% slower? hmm so we can still be like stationary target.
  20. KnightCole

    Yes, tr max gets better acc and a rof bonus but u move slower. Or u csn just keep stanard speed and keep the weak armor effect if current zoe.

    I personally would take a movement hit.