Either ZOE needs nerfed, or TR max needs buffed

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Pat Cleburne, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    Other factions will start demanding shotguns then
  2. Posse

    ZOE+Shotguns, do want.
  3. ZeroErrorz

    did someone just asked for.....MACHINE GUN for nc max,then my answer is YES, nc max need NORMAL MACHINEGUN
  4. KnightCole

    Me and many many others. Someone somewhere showed a pic of a max with dual gauss SAWs lol. Id love it.

    But for now, SoE really should in the least bump up the NC MAX mag caps. In VR I was messing wiht alternating firing left and right to sync reload and firing times but doesnt seem to be quite right when a TR max can just dakka you down with both arms, free of ammo running dry.
    • Up x 1
  5. Upgraded434

    If we keep buffing things we'll end up like borderlands 2 with crazy damage on every gun. No the ZOE needs nerfing. If we don't nerf ZOE at least make the TR lockdown in half a second and have it so you can sprint with the aegis shield and melee.
  6. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I didn't say buff everything.

    I said buff the NC and TR ability to bring it on par with ZOE. The MAX units should be powerful, and as of late...I don't find myself too significantly frightened by happening upon a TR or NC Max as an infantry unit. I might not be able to take them down as a Infiltrator, unless it's a NC MAX, but I can get away from them fairly easily and don't really see them as a significant threat.

    I've killed NC MAXes by hit and run tactics if they didn't have a supporting Engineer.

    Personally, I also think that MAX units shouldn't take fall damage either. This would help them get down to the Sunderer's quickly from atop towers instead of missing the bus, so to speak. A short "fall to knee" or "roll" animation could be used at heights that would typically kill an Infantry person to balance it out...but they shouldn't receive fall damage.

    This would make MAX units a little more frightening again, they could literally drop down right infront of you. If it was from a significant height, you'll have time to run as they stand up and re-stabilize themselves.

    As for the changes you propose, I'm alright with either of those.
  7. Upgraded434

    If you buff the MAXES to fight each other they can use those buffed stuff to fight infantry it's not just the MAX you have to worry about it's what will happen if you buff them. ZOE should be a team ability like aegis shield and lockdown both of which are defence abilities.

    Make ZOE a team ability: I get claims form engineers saying they don't even want to repair ZOE cause they can't keep up with them.
    get rid of the ZOE speed boost or lower it to 5% make it so that the ZOE takes 30% more damage and deals 30% more damage.

    Change ZOE: Change it entirely make ZOE give you a speed boost by 50% while lowering your armor by 10% you can't shoot while in this mode but you OHK with your melee.

    Give them a jump jet: As most players forget In Planetside 1 VS MAX had jump jets it lasted one or two seconds and gave them a slight boost up to get over walls or on buildings.

    MAX burner: make their ability like the swagrider Slight jump forward (way faster than charge) and if they hit with melee it's insta kill. recharges in mere seconds.
  8. RobotNinja

    Unrelated but, nerf NC Max for some reason. Any reason is fine. Currently, NC MAX is still partially effective at targets 10m or less. How about make it effective only at targets 5m or less?
  9. Upgraded434

    ARE YOU ******* STUPID THAT'S THERE RANGE!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! What is your thought process "Let's make NC MAX useless!" Just.... No. *Facepalm*
  10. RobotNinja

    I take it when I said, "nerf NC Max for some reason. Any reason is fine." you didn't grasp the inherent sarcasm. My apologies.
  11. Upgraded434

    No i'm the one at fault here I should have noticed the sarcasm (internet sarcasm sucks) before freaking out. I should be apologizing.
  12. RobotNinja

    It's all good.

    But...don't be surprised if it happens anyway. :p
  13. Upgraded434

    If it happens i'd rather have a gun that spits on people. it would probably do more damage.:p
  14. Tenebrae Aeterna

    The only problem with giving them a Jump Jet is that it kind of infringes upon the Light Assault. I really don't like when things of this nature happen and a class mechanic is given to another type. Still, many people want this and it's just my opinion.

    As for Engineers complaining that they don't want to repair a ZOE MAX...that sounds accurate. As a ZOE MAX, however, I don't really play the role most other MAX units do anyway...walking about with a pocket Engineer. I'm just a lot more careful and dash back to my support when I'm being assaulted.

    Basically, the Engineers just don't follow us around...so we don't stray TOO far from the clutch of Infantry. So, in a sense, it is a team oriented ability because we have to actually stick around the team instead of go off with a pocket Engineer.

    Any change to ZOE renders it pretty useless. It's actually the speed boost that the majority of us enjoy as far as I can tell, not the damage boost...and everyone wants to see a change to the speed rather than the damage who are against ZOE. At this point, if it's changed, it might as well just be scrapped and given a completely new ability because changing it even slightly will render it sub-par.

    As for buffing the NC and TR MAX as a means to bring them up to par with ZOE, I personally feel that the MAX units SHOULD be strong against infantry if they are geared towards them...so I see a buff as justified.
  15. Crackulous

    MAXs who run from engineers shouldn't get repaired, it's as simple as that. There's no need to change the ability just due to this reasoning.

    Jump jets were determined to be as balanced as my MAX ability right now. If you wish to suffer just as much as you do as of the moment, be my guest as ask for this change.

    I'd be fine with just being able to melee while the ability is on. If it does get implemented, I wouldn't melee, but rather close the distance between me and my target, switch it off, then gun them down. Your MAX burner concept seems interesting. Nonetheless, there will be complaints about how it's still better than Charge and more nerfs will be demanded. Good effort and ideas.
  16. AxiomInsanity87

  17. Problem Officer

  18. AxiomInsanity87


    I can't count or anything.

    So we getting the zoe buffed back den oh what?.
  19. Azawarau