Either ZOE needs nerfed, or TR max needs buffed

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Pat Cleburne, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Badname0192

    Fractures is the only thing that works AI wise for TR MAX in the same manner as anything VS and all things shotgun arm NC MAX. You have two half LMG weapons that anyone with a head on their shoulders who aren't cornered are going to run away from.
  2. Geneaux

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  3. Posse

  4. Prodigal

    TR MAXes with anchormode and engies have worked awesomely in PS1. Why dont you try use your ES MAX ability against the others'?
  5. Flumps

    Because all the ZOE has to do is take two (very fast) steps to the left or right, instagib the engineer and finish the max off by which time the TR max may have just been able to get out of lockdown.
  6. ChipMHazard

    1) No.
    2) Maybe.
    3) No.
    4) Already done on PTS.
    5) Yes.

    1) No. Improve the ADS modifier for some of NC's LMGs? Sure.
    2) No. Vanguard is the best tank at being a tank.
    3) No.

    No, they're not.
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  7. Thuggernauttt

    1) Your stats are bad
    2) You have no idea what you are talking about
    4) not nearly enough
    5) I agree

    1) Yes, and it sounds like you are bad
    2) Yes vanguard is slow
    3) yes
  8. Pruto

    Anyone who thinks the gauss saw needs a buff is also bad
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  9. Schwak

  10. OldMaster80

    Our Max is ok. Just the Pounder is ridicolous as that weapon got a completely wrong convergency and you can't either hit targets that are too close or too far...
    ZOE is actually the problem: speed buff makes them so shifty that it partially compensates the armor debuff. They hit hard but they're hard to hit. And as TR we often got no way to counter them than being farmed as our favourite rocket launcher can't lock Max Units and has no dumb fire.

    It reminds whan Higby wrote on reddit: VS players are funny, they don't use their stuff unless it's obviously OP (check here: http://i.imgur.com/KWkjQKQ.jpg ).
    All they did so far was to ajusting the ZOE acceleration so that strafing is not so fast. But it didn't change things that much, it's still incredibly powerful so that a Group of those can change the tide of a battle.
  11. Geneaux

    Go play all three factions for the next 3 months and don't come back until you have.
    'Till then, /ignored.
  12. LuminousBlades

    Well, I hope that they buff zoe so that a zoe max can run faster than a harasser. Also, the zoe max will be able to fly by shooting its guns downward. Then, when 3 zoe maxes get together. They can form a super zoe max that will have 3 times the health of a normal zoe and 3 times the damage.
  13. Xasapis

    Strap the ZOE on the liberator and do bombing runs with it.
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  14. CptFirelord

    If you're a VS having trouble killing TR infantry, you need to reroll or uninstall.
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  15. CptFirelord

    Fine, TR MAXes can come together to form Terratron.
  16. Thuggernauttt

    Yeah I am not taking advice from a guy with your stats.
  17. Geneaux

    Coming from a guy who doesn't have stats to show in the first place?

    Yeah, no.
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  18. LuminousBlades

    Well, it would be better if they made the NC max shield into an overshield kind of think like the heavy assault shield. The TR max could just have no lockdown but have guns that fire faster. Oh yeah. They would also jump higher. High enough to dodge rockets.
  19. Graylin

    Have you ever tried to C-4 a ZOE? From what your saying I guess not.
  20. voody

    All balancing aside, here is something about this whole discussion that confuses me to this day:

    Assuming the damage increase ZOE gives is indeed smaller than the damage taken aspect of it, what people are experiencing would technically be impossible. A dual Onslaught TR MAX has slightly higher damage output than a non-ZOE VS Nebula MAX (2050 dps vs. 2030ish) with about the same accuracy and effective range. So in a perfect world the TR max would win about 50% of all duels. Maybe a few more or a few less, doesn't really matter. All of those would/should be a very close, though.

    Now ZOE comes in. The VS MAX increases its damage by say 20% but takes 30% more damage. Now the VS MAX dishes out 2436 dps (2030 x 1.2) while the TR MAX is effectively at 2665 (2050 x 1.3). The gap has widened. Based on this, how could the ZOE module possibly make a VS MAX unbeatable for a TR MAX?

    It's not that I doubt what people are bringing up here. Quite the contrary. I have played with a ZOE MAX almost exclusivly lately and never ever has a non-Fracture TR MAX killed me in what one could call a "fair fight", i.e. without intervention from allies of either side. To make it worse I use Nanite Auto-Repair, not Kinetic Armor.

    Since I know some of the people I met in such fights are good players I find it hard to blame it on aiming or bad equipment. Sure I move faster but those people definitely would have no problem aiming for the head. The only feasible explanation I can think of is that either the weapon stats are wrong or that the ZOE module applies different stats once activated, i.e. either way more damage output or way less damage resistance reduction.

    Thoughts? What am I missing?