SOE are you noticing that the VAST majority don't want dome shields?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Exoz, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. bodmans

    fine by me if you leave your bursters, lock-ons and skyguards at home and come dogfight me like a man! HOTOKO!!!!
  2. Curse_Gamerkin

    Give us an example where SOE has listened to the community and consider this post, They just do what they want.
    We want balanced factions > we get Esport
    We want camo balances > Esports
    Bug fixes, optimization >Esport
    See the trend?
  3. Liewec123


    NO we don't just play it, i for one have put a huge amount of money into this game,
    it'd be like buying an expensive pizza and then the pizzaria throwing anchovies and pineapple all over it despite most of the people at your table telling them you hate anchovies and pineapple and you'd be the guy saying "they made it so you'll eat what they give you to eat!"
  4. Naehloseht

    I am going to let you in on the BIGGEST SECRET EVER!!!!

    You DO NOT have to pay, to play this game..... shocking, I know... The pizza, you pay for it before you eat it if it is a delivery, but even then you do not pay until after you inspect the box and have a chance to tell the person, the order is wrong, thus getting your money back, and even then, you still need to sign the receipt, no signature, no business. Planetside is the exact opposite, you can eat Planetside, and not pay a dime for anything.

    What you are experiencing right now, is known by two names: Sunk Costs, and Opportunity Costs. You had the option to not spend money on the game, you did not take that opportunity. You spent money on this 100% free game. You have Sunk Costs that can not be recovered, no matter what happens.
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  5. Liewec123

    so the pizzeria chooses to put anchovies and pineapples on all of its pizzas but offer them out for free, lets see how long the pizzeria could stay open without anyone paying.

    if SoE keeps changing the game in ways that the majority of the playerbase are screaming "don't do it!" at,
    then they're going to lose players, its financial suicide.
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  6. Ender

    What? Did you completely fail to understand his post? You do not have to pay for this game. You have to pay for the pizza if you want it thus they need to make sure it's catered to what you ordered. This is not the case in PS2. And i'm sorry but I don't agree wit the "majority" of the playerbase screaming don't do it. The only people screaming are the turds that barely play, or the people that play a lot in a single style of gameplay.

    I like how you speak as if you know what their financials are. A business inherently moves toward what makes it money, and guess what... PS2 is doing that. If you're such the businessperson how come you aren't at the head of a multi-million dollar company or high-profile investments? Wait a minute... is that you Warren Buffet?
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  7. Rogueghost

    I disagree greatly with dome shields and I play a lot more then I should, and while I consider myself an infantry focused player, I also have 62 hours in the prowler and 24 hours in the mosquito. Very little time compared to my total time played, but long enough to understand and be decent at that play style.

    But as far as my main play style goes, dome shields are benefiting me, but I still hate them and I still think they are a bad idea.

    So please, speak for yourself, not other people.
  8. Regpuppy

    Why do people throw around money spent everytime they can't seem to think of anymore arguments against something other than "I don't like the idea of it"

    I could easily counter it by mentioning that some people for this dome shields also pay into the game.
  9. [HH]Mered4

    But he has payed MORE cash cuz HE DOESNT WANT dome shields.

    So, What problem do dome shields solve? All the benefits I see are all outweighed by the huge issues they present in their proposed implementation.
    Especially for vehicles, but infantry get a short stick too.
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  10. Spookydodger

    While I don't necessarily disagree with you about the shields themselves, I kinda look in two ways: first, we are a species defined by negativity. We complain more than we compliment. It's just how we work. We're more likely to punitively alter a tip for bad service than to boost a tip for good service. Forums and other forms of online communication tend to be predominantly complaints. Secondly, perhaps dome shields are like taxes: a means to an end. No one WANTS taxes, but they want fixed roads, police service, etc. Taxes supply the means to have those things we want.

    I can think of a million ways that this could screw up some things in the game, but we'll have to see. If we could get enough people to go to the test server, maybe we would see sooner.
  11. Regpuppy

    It essentially creates larger indoor areas without the building chokepoints involved. For infantry, that's a huge improvement over the current lack of indoor areas we have now. For multi-point bases this means less explosive spam when you try going between points to defend or capture them. One thing to consider is these dome shields are going to be a package deal with the new base designs.

    I really don't care to rehash everything I've said before. Everyone for and against already stated their views. We'll see how it goes when the actual implementation of the dome shields hit. Because right now they're incomplete and they're meant to accompany better base designs.
  12. Nogrim313

    as a galaxy pilot these new shields are going to make my current play style of a support gunship utterly useless ive spent 1000's of certs on the damn thing and now i can't drop people where i want or even provide close air support with my bull dogs, these things will make galaxys totally irrelevant
  13. Liewec123

    perhaps you should have read what i was responding to... the guy was saying "its free noone has to pay! its SoEs game"
    i was saying how without anyone paying there would be no game, so in that respect us people paying to keep the game alive should get more say than the freeloaders that want these ******** blue eye sores added :)
  14. Liewec123

    then they can rename the game Biolabs 2
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  15. [HH]Mered4

    [quote="Regpuppy, post: 1941068, member: 45450"]It essentially creates larger indoor areas without the building chokepoints involved. For infantry, that's a huge improvement over the current lack of indoor areas we have now. For multi-point bases this means less explosive spam when you try going between points to defend or capture them. One thing to consider is these dome shields are going to be a package deal with the new base designs.

    I really don't care to rehash everything I've said before. Everyone for and against already stated their views. We'll see how it goes when the actual implementation of the dome shields hit. Because right now they're incomplete and they're meant to accompany better base designs.[/quote]

    Um. That is like constantly fighting in a biolab, 24/7. There still will be explosive spam from UBGLs and RLs,it just wont be as prolific. THe issue is that it REMOVES AIRCRAFT completely from a fight, in a game where control of the skies matters to help secure a victory. You basically turn everything into a Biolab fight, with tanks. UGH.
  16. Regpuppy

    I want dome shields and I;ve paid tons of money into the game too. Argument invalid? Can't assume the people you're arguing against are all "freeloaders" :p

    Difference between how biolabs currently work and how these are intended to work is that you can clip through the shield as infantry. Meaning you won't be confined purely to the two or three chokepoints we have in a biolab unless you're able to surround it with the lattice system. Instead there'll be 2+ hard entry points on the ground as well as the option for light assaults and Gal drops to come in from the roof.

    See above; if someone manages to carpet the whole bubble shield with explosives, then they have a massive amount of infantry that's being wasted within this dome. Tanks will not have access either and without the dome shields, the new bases would still lock tanks out of a large part of all bases.

    Again, the game already has areas that lock vehicles out, which tend to have the cap points in them. They're just a LOT smaller than they should be and vehicles are allowed to farm defenders and attackers alike who try to move between points. Which is why you'll see any anti-infantry weapon on a vehicle be nerfed over and over again to make up for this.

    What dome shields will do is create a larger indoor area without the need for as many doorway chokepoints and long suicidal hallways connecting buildings.
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  17. vanu123

    There will be no need for air and makes libs the most pointless vehicle in the game do you see anything wrong with that?
  18. Badname2490

    You people are truly mindless...

    SOE doesn't give a **** what you want and don't want. MLG was down voted to hell in the Roadmap...guess what we have.

    The whole idea that you people somehow "control" the content that comes out is hilarious.
  19. Derrik

    Just have to say, i don't like air battles and bloody mossies, so I very like this new idea with dome shields. SOE this MUST go to live. Dont listen those mossie's lolpwners.
  20. OldMaster80

    I agree. I believe we're still watching the same old show where a minority is screaming so loud that they think they are a vast majority.

    The truth is the vast majority is not on the Test Server, they hardly follow the game development, they have no idea of what a domeshield is and we neither are sure about what is going to be the final result. They will eventually start appreciating / complaining once this stuff is Live, not before.

    Personally I love the idea behind the domeshields, but I don't like how it's being implemented. We are on this forum because we are testers, but SOE is not telling us what do they want to achieve and how they're going to change the domeshields. It seems to me the flow of information between them and us is totally missing.
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