What do Noobs do that Annoy You?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PrecentralGyrus, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    Why is this a bad thing? :eek:
  2. MrRube

    Blowing the vehicle terminals prevents the enemy from spawning a sunderer at the base.
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  3. DeadliestMoon

    You do know that rockets and grenades sometimes can't be thrown through the shield right?
  4. DeadliestMoon

    Maybe they were trying to farm XP from repairing it.
  5. DeadliestMoon

    Okay, counter arguments:
    2. This could be due to lack of awareness.
    3. Maybe they want the XP or they just think that destroying it so that the enemy can't pull Sunderers. Either way, don't most people bring Sunderers with them when they attack a base?
    4. How will you pull vehicles if the terminals are destroyed?
    5. Not everyone has to play support, Medics and Engineers want to get into the fight too.
    6. They probably don't know about the AOE heal they have, or that it can stack with Resto Kits.
    7. This is actually more common than you think and not just with new players, just try to spread around the fact that you can switch the turret to an ammo pack.
    8. Cowardly try-hards who put value into a meaningless stat, there's not much you can do there.
    9. I think the problem is that people think, "Oh some other Engineer will repair it." or "Whoever spawns as an Engineer will repair it, so I don't have to worry about it."
    12. I think there's people who actually don't know the tag for Region chat.
  6. Phrygen

    pick heavy isntead of engi or medic, especially in tower fights
  7. Vanus Aran

    Oneshotting others with Bazookas primarily.
  8. G3arfried

    when a hill filled with noobs just stay on the hill instead of going to cap points and then said noobs get trolled hard by opposing faction with more numbers.

    then i stand where i can see both sides and watch my faction( this happens in VS connery a lot) get slaughtered like idiots by double the armor/air and infantry. It has happened 3 times so far at same place in esamir at sierra listening post tower thing.

    Or when a noob sprays a whole clip at 3 guys and doesnt kill a single one then takes his rocket out and some how manages to shoot a teammate.

    also when noobs panic in mbts/lightnings and drive off a cliff trying to run.
  9. deggy

    I've got one! Friendlies that run into the side of your moving tank and send you a rage /tell when they die.
  10. Purg

    Argue over chat during a large fight about which faction is 'ez-mode' then argue lore and why you suck because of your choice of faction.

    Less typing, more pew pew - noobs.
  11. DFDelta

    There are certain terminals in some bases that are pretty much always controled and hacked by the attacker. Usually outlying infantry terminals in smaller/medium bases and towers, but sometimes even vehicle terminals in certain bases. Repairing those will always benefit the attacker, and usually only the attacker.

    I know people who will TK any engi they see repairing them mid-fight as they consider that an act of actively helping the enemy akin to C4ing friendly vehicles or ramming friendly air. (I don't but I can see their reasoning, I usualy just blow the terminal up if the enemy is gaining ground again)

    Back to the topic:

    - Standing on friendly tanks. I don't mind if someone jumps over my Skyguard while I am standing around scanning the skies, but I take it very badly if someone stands on top of me, or even worse on top of the turret. I've lost one to many Skyguards because some ****** thought it was funny to teabag my camera, blocking 3/4 of my screen and keeping me from seeing/aiming at the aircraft. Nowadays I give them a second to move, if they don't get down I back up so they drop down then TK them.

    - Buying vehicles and stopping as soon as they get control. Twice as annoying if there is no room for following vehicles to dodge, creating a huge pile of useless vehicles.

    - Driving their flash as if it was a tank, constantly crashing into friendly vehicles. Twice as annoying if I am standing still. And 5 meters away from the road.

    - Reckless driving in general, and risking ramming other friendly vehicles down a cliff or flipping them. If it happens repeatedly (I once saw a Vanguard ram 2 Skyguards of a cliff and drive over a radar flash that was pretty much out of the way, all in a total of 10 seconds) I consider it an act of hostility and C4 the offender.

    - Destroying parked friendly vehicles because... I actually dont know what goes on in their heads... Twice as annoying if the parked vehicle was a Flash or ESF and the only radar around.

    - Wasting ammo of my gunner seat(s), especially if it does not even make sense. I have an repair sundy with proxy repair, 2x Kobalt and radar. All fully certed. Why do 75% of all gunners I get shoot at libs and MBTs and completely ignore the soldiers they even see on radar? Even after I send them a /tell? Even after I send them a second /tell telling them that if they keep doing that I'll kick them out of the vehicle? And why, even after I kicked them and unlocked again (because you know, I DO want a gunner) they jump back in and do it again?

    - Placing a MANA turret in front of a manned friendly one.

    - Constantly spotting enemies if around me, especially if I have been unnoticed so far.

    - Placing Sunderers where it is actively hindering the team. Example: under a Biolab next to the vehicle terminals as attacker, causing everyone who accidently spawns there to walk quita a distance to come back into he fight. And some people will spawn there, just because it is always the closest one if you die insode the Biolab, and because of this always selected.
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  12. Luighseach

    The biggest gripe I have against noobs is that they complain that the game isn't fun yet never join an outfit.
  13. DreamlessLiberty

    I have no issues with noobs. Well that's not entirely true I do curse at the screen sometimes when I see things that don't make sense but people do it anyways like piling up and shooting at nothing then getting blown up by explosives and me standing around watching the people pile waiting for them to get blown up so I can go kill the key players on the other team who blew them up. I probably have more issue with malicious players than noobs. You can usually wait out noobs and let them have their fun but malicious players or people who try to dictate my play can go to hell.
  14. Bhudda V1

    i hate it when a noob jumps into my gunner spot on my vanguard and he starts shooting friendlilys sporadically or he's using a kobalt and starts shooting friendly and enemy vehicles....mainly sunderers, as im telling him over proximity chat that that gun doesn't work on vehicles, he continues to empty 3+ mag's into the side of a sunderer and then i boot him from my ride, if he doesn't listen or at least attempt to listen to the guy driving the vehicle telling him hint's on how to use the secondary or at least knows not to shoot friendlies and try to shoot enemies i call that a good day
  15. Goolloom

    1. Dumbasses that blow up my Sunderer to put theirs
    2. Noobs that uses me as cover and eventually kills me
    3. More noobs walking in my line of fire
    4. Idiots that calls for medic/repairs and runs away
    5. Even more noobs that doesn't react to your calls
    6. Those guys that kills you back when you revive them after you TK them (see 3)
    7. Destroying terminals for EXP
    8. Kamikazes with ESF
    9. Those spawn camping dudes that doesn't even move out of it
    10. These kids that teabags you after you die
    11. Grenades in a capture point room when there's 15-20 people, killing half of them...etc
  16. irewolf

    Don't know if it has been said yet but, you're sitting in a good position in your tank, sniping, whatever. So some genius goes "oh look that guys got a good position" and just parks themselves right in front of you and looks confused when you shoot them. Worse when they don't move after the first shot. I HATE THAT!

    Oh and infantry that believe they have right of way. It's not like you just walk out into traffic in real life, is it? Kind of wish some of them would :rolleyes:
  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    What do noobs do that annoy me?

    Join NC.
  18. simmi1717

    Wow this thread went places.
  19. Ourous

    People who can't understand that it's not a good idea to run in front of the moving tank. Because I'm not going to stop. Ever.
    Tanks who can't understand that it's not a good idea to drive in front of the moving tank. Because I'm just going to push you along until you move, or I run you off a cliff.
    People who rage at me because I ran them over while they were trying to repair my moving tank.
    People who put tank mines in and around the friendly tank column.
    People who shoot me in the back of my tank while I'm going in for a melee finish on an MBT.
  20. FABIIK

    Drivers who make no effort not to run over people.