Lol BuzzCutPsycho what a hypocrite

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FluffySaurus, Jun 20, 2013.

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  1. Yil

    What's the purpose to fighting in CoD, BF4 or any of the other big name shooters? To see your K/D at the end? There's worlds more 'purpose' in the fight in this game than those games.
  2. NinjaTurtle

    This isn't BF3 if it was I wouldn't be here I'd be playing BF3. This is Planetside and I expect Planetside
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  3. Stew360

    Silly excuse , so if you stop playing ps2 whats are you going to play instead ? and why ?
  4. Fortress

    This game is better than it has ever been. I'm sorry you bads can't perma-spam maxes, but you're just going to have to deal with the consequences of your terrible play.
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  5. Cyridius

    You are comparing an MMO to an instanced session shooter and saying it is fine because it has the same depth as Call of Duty.
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  6. Vinyasa

    Sounds like somebody just realized you can't "win" at MMO games.... shocker. :\

    Where is is stated that the Devs have to create a game that can take the place of your entire life?

    mmm dat fresh air....
  7. Cyridius

    It's funny because Delta Tryhard's principal strategy is sitting in any base defensively and spamming ZOE MAZ suits.

    Or sitting on a hill with an armour zerg.

    Not much different to PS1. A killwho*e outfit that adds nothing.
  8. Stew360

    its funny sicne the only TE strategie was basically steam rolling with cheer numbers and spammy weapons , focus fire and so on ;)

    the only point we could agree is this , ZOE is a game breaking feature and need to go
  9. Fortress

    I'm sorry but didn't your outfit just ragequit again? Bad in PS1, bad in PS2.
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  10. daicon

    I will agree he shouldn't have went out like this. It was disrespectful in a way.

    You're right, the devs have worked hard and patches in this game move faster than any other game I've played.

    Still, at the end of the day I think some core, stubborn decisions by the devs have made this fast growing game frustrating, while at the same time updates and the roadmap show little hint of a brighter future.

    The streams with Maggie and MLG streams... While I love the passion they have with trying to be glue within the community to keep us all involved, you have to admit they come across as forced effort at times and that SOE is really just utilizing every form of viral and social media outlet to promote the game. Good but those audiences are fickle and watching the streams always talk about MLG made that so abundantly clear to me. nothing against Maggie or FNO

    I wish the patches hinted at a brighter future for the game, but they didn't. Only Smedley had the balls to talk to our imagination when he talked about the future of Planetside 2. You should read those blogposts, because the devs today will never elude to anything like that.

    The people who had imagination left for the EQ franchise, and what we're left with sometimes I think are those who want to siphon elements from modern shooters, brew them and hope that emergent gameplay happens.
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  11. MiZrY

    What exactly to you guys expect end game to be? FPS games end game is starting a new match. MMO's it reaching a wall, nothing left to do except repeat the same content over and over, perhaps with a different type of class.

    So what do you expect to happen? A magical fairy that pops up and says good job and jerks you off before you start all over? What? I have not heard one good suggestion for "end game"
  12. Moarwin

    Lol, of course a FPS MMO is an ENDLESS TDM. That's the point!!!! WTF where you hoping for, lol. Too funny.
  13. Kevorkian

    You can't call the guy a hypocrite when most those changes he requested and were implemented, were implemented very poorly. Take the Lattice system, it's nowhere near the quality it was in PS1 and needs alot of work still, but they're rushing it out on Esamir anyways without fixing it on Indar first. Things like that.
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  14. USD

    One year later, only three continents, only one with lattice.
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    my personal bias against him aside, BCP does make some good points, but they're points that many of us having been making time and time again.

    F2P business model = monetize everything and drag the gameplay down to the lowest common denominator. this is a known fact. it was a known fact from day one. also known fact: MMOs have terrible, repetitive, meaningless endgames. why BCP is choosing right now to make his melodramatic exit is beyond logic, when the trends of this game have been evident at least since the January updates, the SMGs, PA shotguns, ESRL debacles, degradation of performance, etc. etc.

    the writing has been on the wall for a long time. it's strange that this was the straw the broke BCP's back. maybe the horrible realization that we're all paying beta testers for the PS4 version finally got to him.
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  16. Cyridius

    You know, it's funny that pretty much nobody talks about Delta Tryhard. Shall you go take a look at how many posts there are about us?

    I think there's a word I'm looking for that describes you... It's on the tip of my tongue.

    Oh, got it.

  17. AmazonGiftCard

    Care to explain?
  18. Cyridius

    What do we do now?

    We warpgate the enemy. Map changes colour. Tomorrow, rince and repeat.

    Nothing ever happened. The gameplay went entirely unchanged. We might as well have cycled between the same few bases over and over.

    Have you ever played an actual faction based, persistent PvP MMO? DAOC, for example?

    I'll use WoW, even though it's not quite suitable as a solid example of a PvP MMO. Factions would fight over certain regions. Why? Because there were raids, bosses and creeps there to kill and they didn't want the other factions harassing them or stealing from them while they did it.

    In PlanetSide 2, what do we fight for? We fight for fighting. Wait, what?
    The point of TDM is to rack up as many kills as possible. This is what PlanetSide 2 is.
    The point of a strategic PvP MMO is to fight the other enemy in order to secure an objective that has a meaning on the grand scale of things.

    Individual bases mean absolutely nothing, there is no point behind them. Continents reflect this on a grander scale. Capturing a continent does not further perceived progress towards victory in a war. This is why after Lattice came out on Indar, more people came back for a while. Bases had added points to them because they were parts of a lattice link required to move forward. But for this to matter, what's at the end of the lattice chain has to matter, and right now it doesn't.
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  19. TekTR

    You're right, we do tend to cheer when we win.
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  20. EvilJollyT

    Leviathan outfits like The Enclave are terrible for a game like this. Despite all the pre-launch hype and speculation it turns out that Planetside 2 is not a game for clans of hundreds but for clans of dozens.

    Everywhere I look the big outfits that were popular with the masses at launch are hemorhagging members either to smaller outfits who show more imagination and creativity or they quit altogether.
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