[Clarification] Collection of ADAD warping ZOE MAX

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NeverWas, May 26, 2013.

  1. NeverWas

    or it can be due to connection issue.

    Sad to say this but, my connection over here in South East Asia cause this to happen alot, especially when the server is crowded with people (which is for the past 2~3 days), therefore i believe this is largely caused by connection issue (or pocket loss).

    Due to the possibility of the above experience being biased, it should not be count into our discussion as for now. Just to give you my point of view on this issue, as i'm quite frustrated with the lag warping myself as well.
  2. NeverWas

    i will try to find my outfit mates to conduct a test this weekend, maybe only then we will get an exact answer for this matter.

    but as for now, i firmly believe ZOE as an ability itself should be considered balance as all the lags in game and some player behavioral issue is not intentional from the devs and it should not be taken into account when it comes to balancing a game.

    i must say it was nice to have this discussion with you. Thank you for participating.
  3. Edenwolf

    Some desperate attempts but still no video?

    If you say in high lag situations ZOE max warping is a huge threat, what about the warping mag riders and harassers, or and the warping scythes, everything is warping!!

    To this day I have only seen one tank warp, and this was not even during a huge battle, I still have yet to see the infantry adad warping hack.
  4. exeAlpha

    Problem isn't Zoe. Its the players in general. You're all absolute garbage. At least a large majority. What's this ******** that you can't hit a strafing Zoe max. Are you kidding? Your aim sucks that bad? There is no warping bs so you shouldn't have issues. I'm guessing you guys are the same noobs that struggle to hit sprinting infantry targets. I've had numerous decent players hit me with launchers and do HUGE amounts of damage close to the point of killing you in a matter of 1 second as a Zoe max. Its not bloody hard. Before any of you qq you should get some skill. Zoe is fine as is besides bursters.

    Also, people really need to stop closely comparing all the abilities and start looking at what all maxes have in general. The VS max was pretty crappy compared to NC and TR before this update. This update simply evened things out a little. TR has the most overpowered AV max wep in the game for almost all situations. NC easily has the best indoor/close range max STILL AS TO THIS DATE. Again, get some skill. VS has pretty much become the masters of outdoor close/mid ranged combat. All maxes excell in different areas.

    One more thing. The game is a team game. You shouldn't even be using the shield in 1v1 situations. NC max with charge is brutal.
    Need I say more really?...
  5. redpoint

    People get hung up on ADAD warping because they feel that the ZOE is very strong, they know that ADAD is a problem and just flag every skilled sidestrafing / working a cover as a problem with the netcode.

    The good thing about ZOE is that VS will finally get their much needed influx of new players. And i think ZOE was designed with that thought in mind.
    But now they are stuck with the problem of how to balance it without making it absolutely worthless again.

    What i feel what makes ZOE so strong is the combined effectiveness of runspeed + sidestrafe speed + turning rate. The added damage doesn't matter. NC and TR maxes are somehow balanced in a whay that good infantry players with situational awareness are able to outmaneuver them.
    Try juking a ZOE max around a tree. He/she will be faster around those tight corners then you and still be able to lay fire onto you.

    Balance suggestions:
    - Take away / reduce sidestrafing + turning speed. Keep forward and backward speed as is. -> Might be to harsh a nerf. It still would be strong in the right hands but would force ZOE's to take a risk when chasing down opponents.

    - Reduce Movementspeed bonus while firing. -> you still can maneuver into good spots really quick, but cannot follow juking infantry while shooting.
  6. Xasapis

    You don't need lag to reproduce this, as some people have said. This kind of macro behavior is easily reproducible (not to that extreme, that was a hacker blinking around) even on VR. The difference however is that what you shown was infantry. The main difference between a zoe max and infantry is that infantry has no momentum. This is the main reason people can't reproduce it and present it on a video, while it's relatively simple to go left-right-left-right with infantry.
  7. jiggu

    You're in the wrong thread, this isn't about ZOE being op or not, it's about ADAD-"hacking".
  8. Nyscha

    And there is no videos what so ever about what seems to be "common" for NC and TR to see.

    I claim ********.
  9. Bbihah

    Uploaded on Apr 26, 2013
    Planetside 2 test server, Maxed out ZOE module.

    Please try again
  10. haldolium

    Page 8 and not a single video...

    Given all the complaints there must be tons of records on how über the ZOE is... yet all thats done here is desperately trying to look ridiculous with your complaints. You certainly got that right.

    Good job.

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  11. CardinaI

    ZOE is so OP, it terminates all your Video Recording Software in a 100 meter radius.

    But seriously ZOE hit the live servers 5 days ago and according to the TR and NC forumside whine brigade you see a warping VS Max behind every corner.
    I guess someone would have bothered to record it by now.
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  12. Edmon

    lol, I like how everyones just ignoring the video I posted of blantant ADAD scripting with a HA.

    When you close your eyes, the truth doesn't magically go away.

    The other video may be a test server, it may be when the ZoE was slightly faster. But it's proof of concept, it's proof that the technique and the idea behind the techique works. All you require is either speed or lag (or both), but it does prove that it can be done even without magic internet connections or scripting.

    I wouldn't be surprised if you guys are actually involved in this and just want to create smoke in here to delay the resolution of the issue as long as possible.
  13. Bbihah

    Cardinal, bring me .... THE SOFT CUSHIONS
  14. C0L0NELH0GAN

    150 Posts and not even ONE warping video proof...
    Seems it don't happen that often or its a rumor

    Dear Edmon, this is a general PS2 problem, thats not caused by ZOE only AND it's 30 days old on the PTS!!!
    Not the live version!! Try again
  15. Edmon

  16. Bbihah

    Oh you mean the unrelated to ZOE video. And that is heavy lagging +adad strafing.

    Your ZOE max video is old and outdated in a time on test server where zoe maxes had NO momentum and allowed them to change direction instanteously, it was later fixed on the test server and then could be circumvented by jumping, but that was also fixed.

    If it is so broken then get us a live video of it. Oh you can't? Well stop whining about something that isn't ingame then.
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  17. Meeka

    Sprinting infantries generally only move in one direction and cannot shoot back.
    Magrider cannot slide side to side as fast as a ZOE MAX can, plus Magrider has momentum to deal with when changing direction ZOE MAX does not.
    Flash and Harasser cannot immediately and quickly change direction in the opposite direction within a split second, you have a chance to try to lead the target, with ZOE MAX you really can't.

    I am a VS ZOE MAX user.

    Do think about it.
  18. Edmon

    If I posted such a video, you would say:
    1) It's hacks
    2) It's "heavy lagging" (whatever that means)
    3) It's not "adadad" but something else

    I can't win with people like you, so why bother? I mean the same things were said about the infantry video so why not the MAX one? No-one on the "it doesn't exist" side will admit that the first video is caused by a simple adadad script and a bit of lag.

    And therein lies the issue. I cannot make proof to that level of detail without posting the kind of material that'd get my posting rights revoked forever.
  19. Xasapis

    If the developers give my magrider 200km/hr, I'm sure it'll zoom around Indar like it's a scythe. The only problem is that ... they don't. There is no technique or whatever, there is a run value hardcoded on the max that is either there or it's not. It was there on test server for a week or so, it never made it to live. In fact, none of the movement upgrades of zoe made it to live except the first.
  20. Lexicon

    8 pages of anecdotal QQ and not a single video backing up their claims. That was a tough one to predict!
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