[The Chronicles of Mattherson] The Most Epic Server In Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EliteEskimo, May 24, 2013.

  1. TintaBux

    No need to tell anyone, as its just how it is. Before server merges it was the biggest in PS2, and you also have to add most of the PS1 vets (Including most of the PS1 vet outfits) went to Miller.

    But after the merges and the recommended server going to others, and allot of old PS1 vets having enough of PS2, its been going down hill a bit.

    SOE did the merges to make US servers more populated than the EU ones, especially Miller as it was by far the biggest PS2 server, SOE was not happy about that considering they are US based, but that has failed, EU still has bigger player base than the US in a US dev based game. But more server merges will happen as PS2 keeps going down hill.
  2. Rockstone

    What? There's more people on Mattherson than Miller.
  3. Torch82

    Lol, no.
    The TR was far from incompetent, and nobody is saying any side last night was incompetent.
    What your eyewitness video doesn't show is TR took the final hex from the VS, and after the lock was broken and we had fun warpgating the VS for a little while with the NC, TR then marched to the NC warpgate. TR was far far far from being incompetent. Anyways last night was for me an epic night with so many great battles all around. Good job and thank you to all sides involved.
  4. Typhoeus

    From my point of view holding off the VS at indar bay point for hours was a blast. We got pushed out for a little bit after we attempted to go all in on point A but we slowly worked our way back in to get a hold of B and C. The arrival of reinforcements from ULTRA assured the hold and the end to the VS indar lock.

    And a big nod to the NC for chosing the hard fight and coming up on top on their end. I wish you guys' success in the new formation of the NC Strat Comm :)
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  5. Dis

    The reality of Matherson's greatness was preordained...at the end of beta a large number of PS1 Emerald/Konried outfits came together and decided where the decade old rivalries would resume.

    What we need now are server specific sub-forums to elevate the nerdrage fueled smack talking to its full potential.
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  6. Rockstone

    They had that in in the old Planetside forums!
  7. EliteEskimo

    More players doesn't necessarily make the server better. And from what I heard Miller has a TR over population problem, which makes battles not as epic as a 3 way even split that happens during prime time on Mattherson. Mattherson has the largest number of organized and highly competitive TR/VS outfits combined compared to any other server which makes it stand out above the rest. I will admit the NC have some work to do, but SG is still a fine outfit and I'd like to think they helped direct the NC zerg towards the VS warp gate last night. I've seen videos of epic battle videos on Miller occur so I know it's a good server, but the frequency that Mattherson experiences epic battles makes those battles the norm. :cool:
  8. Phrygen

    server specific sub would be nice... although i could see it devolving quickly.
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  9. Dis

    Therein lies the beauty. You can't have epic forumside moments such as the GODJOEY self ownage without server subs.
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  10. Typhoeus

    This. It's to bad the nc's 666 Devil Dogs didn't follow. That would've made for a nice 3 way struggle all around I think.
  11. Rockstone

    Godjoey? Eh? Can I have info? :D
  12. TintaBux

    The TR over pop started over the last 2 weeks, before that pretty much all alerts 33%, was epic battles, but its been going down hill last weeks I will give you that.
  13. Dis

    Somebody was kind enough to recreate this wonderful moment for us on the PS2 forums...I just so happened to take a screenshot before it was deleted.

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  14. EliteEskimo

    The battle last night the populations were basically a clean 33% split. The Terran Republic on Mattherson hold the least overall population. The only true over population comes into play with the Vanu after about 1 A.M

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  15. Rockstone

    LOL Sockpuppet, ha!
  16. Fumblewatt

    TR's tradition is not victory, it is genocide. Civil war and all that.

    Well Miller.. will be gone soon either way, 1 month ago it was #1 now it slowly vanishes into thin air, since cert farming is more important than keeping a server alive for some people.
  17. Bavieca

    We had a - platoon on. The NC came together for this. I can't speak officially, but unofficially, we look forward to great fights from our fantastic opponents on this server and working together with NCSC and NCC in the future.
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  18. miraza

    The Indar Bay Point fights lasted for at least 4 hours last night. Incredible amounts of back and forth, the TR getting pushed back across that bridge chokepoint, then forcing themselves back, then getting pushed out again etc., until the VS had to split their pop to deal with the NC on the southern lane.

    None of this would've happened without the lattice. Good stuff.
  19. McFatal

    That would have been alright, but I wanted DVS to come to Mattherson instead. The Devil Dogs are pretty good, but from my Enclave experiences, DVS was our hardest foe. I miss the fights we had with them, it disappointed a lot of us in TE when we found out they went to another server. Them along with SG would have made NC a real threat.
  20. EliteEskimo

    Please, that's like saying America's tradition is Genocide because our Civil War. :rolleyes: It happened between AOD and TE for a short period of time, that's only 2 of the many TR outfits, and they made up afterwards. A little salty after losing the epic battle last night eh? Well no worries, the cap was taken from you in the most honorable way. It was taken during Prime Time, it was taken without any formal TR/NC alliance, the populations on all sides were even, and it was done without any hacker. It was truly a battle for the memories :cool:
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  21. Rockstone
