Let's look at what GU9 REALLY is: A blatant NC Nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lucifer's Keyboard, May 24, 2013.

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  1. vaxx

    I am talking about the OP, not you. I just quoted you since you asked for my opinion.
  2. Farlion

    That doesn't even come close to nerfing claymores.

    Your faction has the advantage in virtually every single area.
  3. ItchySox

    Ah, right.
  4. TintaBux

    • Up x 3
  5. Loegi

  6. Farlion

    • Up x 2
  7. LordMondando

  8. Twistdlester

    The shield is the crappiest new ability by far and highly situational. It doesnt protect you from all from damage , you still take damage when people hit you in the legs/feet , it doesnt protect from splash , and randomly bugs out from rockets.

    I dont care about nerfing the other two faction max abilities , although anyone who says that the lockdown ability on a burster isnt great is a moron, you can position multipal lockdown bursters at choke points at every angle and slay all air , you dont need to rotate 360 when you have a bunch of maxes to cover angles.

    I think they need to fix the shield so that shooting the legs, head and feet and through the little window on it doesen't yield damage . Look at when his shield is active and how much small arms fire he's taking still while in the doorway

  9. Joseywales

    As an NC guy I got a simple fix for this, I will work on my Vanu and TR character yea that's the ticket and as far as idiotic lattice system simple I will play in esamir and amerish. No need to cry just adapt.
    • Up x 1
  10. Klondik3

    OP, 4th faction awaits you. Adapt and overcome.
  11. siddar

    A 20 minute video of a max being completely useless except for giving repair exp. So whats your point?

    This max looks like a five year old on first day of school that doesn't want to give up his blanky.
  12. Twistdlester

    you must be dumb , in the first few min you can plainly see the shield not working as he is still taking small arms damage while using it in the doorway
  13. CupBoy

    Why? And if not score or kills, what statistic is more useful?
  14. Loegi

    Because it's too heavily influenced by things other than balance, like boosts and individual skill. Most likely no single statistic will be good enough.
  15. siddar

    Ok I misread your post.
  16. CupBoy

    With a large enough sample size, average skill will even out between factions. Boost usage is pretty even too.
  17. Loegi

  18. Plunkies

    At that sample size, both of your arguments are completely irrelevant. And before anyone brings up population bonuses, the stats are still consistent across all servers, even when NC is outnumbered.
  19. Odin

  20. Odin

    I will save you the trouble, on every server and overall no matter what class or vehicle nc is dead last in score per hour and kills per minute and per hour.
    But yeah we were op....hahahahaha
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