Let's look at what GU9 REALLY is: A blatant NC Nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lucifer's Keyboard, May 24, 2013.

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  1. Keiichi25

    I would like to point out the Striker is not the problem, the changes on lockons was the issue. While the TR have Strikers, the lockon mechanism, to my knowledge is still the same as the NS Annihilator, which was there before the Striker, and before that, the ES G2A RLs, which not many people bothered with because it was very situational and expensive whereas the NS Annihilator and the Striker provided the role of the G2G and G2A aspect most wanted, but lost the Dumbfire capability, which they got for free with the Default ES RL the HA came with. At the same time, the MAX benefits does not prevent the Air user from being 'smarter' in dealing with the refire increase, and understanding the limitations of said refire increases for the TR and VS (Namely, the fixed firing arc and immobility for the TR and the increased damage taken for the VS), you may be ignoring the other aspect that has been harped by AA users about having ground forces taking out ground AA.

    I have played with the new Saron last night, but not tonight. The 'ease' at which you make the ohk as well as the one video makes me beg to differ a little due to the fact that a still target != moving target and you moving. While the new tweaks are suppose to make it a little better in some regards, in life fire, I haven't seen it perform 'ungodly' as some may want to say. Of course, maybe with a better gunner, this may be the case, but don't forget, quite a few of the VS were also complaining about the overall change as well.

    I will admit, I played with 2nd level Zoe on my Cosmos (the VS equivalent of Hacksaws, fast firing, short range as far as accuracy is concerned) and it does seem a bit of a beast, especially with 2nd level Nano-resistance armor which seems to mitigate some of the small arms fire and the additional damage, but when it comes to explosives and such, it does not stop LAs or HAs from making ZOE MAX users move out. Another thing to note with TR lockdowns, as someone pointed out, in order for the AA and chokepoint controls to work, you continue to 'barrel' into the enemy to make it easier. For chokepoints, unless there is flanking protection or someone covering their back, you can go around them. Traditionally, players are craptastic flank protectors unless it is an organized group.

    To be honest, I think you need to calm down. I played NC two nights ago, VS last night and will poke onto my TR tonight. My only frustration so far with GU9 was less about ZOE or the TR with their lockdowns and more towards the vehicle zerging again because Indar is actually making people do that again with the Lattice and still some of the base designs that need to be re-tweaked still as some of them are slight improvements, and others are not much of an improvement.
  2. Van Dax

    Ok I think no single sane minded person can overlook that bursters are hideously op-especially combined with ZOE/Lock-down. I say this as a ground trooper (focused in fire support and max use) the abilities should not and never should have influenced NS weapons, it is not fair.
    Saron got a massive overall into something that made everyone angry, it changed the role of the gun and it just didn't make sense. At the same time the enforcer got a similar rework and well it was clearly better than the saron. 1 shotting infantry, bigger magazine, more splash-the only thing it had worse was velocity really. They BOTH got a buff this morning, enforcer got the sarons velocity, and saron got the enforcers splash and 1 shotting. They are both over buffed at this point. Now the vulcan needs a similar rework to be competitive.
    The magrider if it were returned to its release stats it would be blatantly less powerful now, the fact is mobility is a very strong power but everyone and his dog has a lock-on, you aren't going to be dodging any rockets with mag anymore. The velocities of all the mbt cannons are significantly higher than they were before, this is directly balanced vs the mobility of the mag. They buffed the strafe a little bit (any person whose looked into it would know all it did is make the rival chassis worse by comparison to the racer) because they had over nerfed it.
    ZOE is lame. I will not use it and it has no place in my arsenal, it makes me worse at my job and does not aid my comrades, in fact in the first outfit OPs of [DIG] mostly all the ZOE did was piss of the engineers, our next training session will discuss whether or not we will even use it at all. So go ahead call for nerfs, it isn't usable now and it will be less usable later(after the inevitable nerf). The majority of complaints I believe is really: none of you have ever been afraid of a VS max before, all the Vanu kiddies know to stay away from scat maxes and run full tilt in the opposite direction if one shows up and you aren't prepared. NC/TR never run away they just empty a carbine mag into you (and then die because dual nebulas + KA 5). The power of a bunch of zerg ZOE maxes are nothing compared to an organized push of vanu maxes who aren't ZOE users(trust me we took scared mesa skydock twice in one night). Frankly I want ZOE scrapped so we can get something that outfits can use.
  3. llPendragon

    I agree with your points and your conclusion. Thank you for having the courage (and rage, probably) to state it so plainly.
  4. ItsJustDash

    I miss flying all ready >: did it a little bit again this morning but you know the end result.
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  5. iller

    I'll take this BS over that Flinching BS (at launch) any day.

    This would also be a good time for the Devs to undo that nerf to our Phoenix.
    ...Sure they could probably buff the Lancer too by just making it easier to use like it should have been from the beginning...
    But the main thing should be roll backs on some of the stuff that required skill on our end that isn't giving the same reward now.
    (a smaller Reaver hitbox would be nice too)
  6. OmegaPREDATOR

    Did you play after patch at least ? Because it's seems not.
    TR an NC avoid VS every time they can.
    Already see 2 ZOE exterminating 2 squads with 4 or 5 MAX.

    Every single TR and VS had whine against hacksaws, because they kill fast close enemies (<10m), after nerfer it's still the case but NC MAX can only survive other MAXs if they are really close (<5m). And you still cry (killing NC MAX from 20 to +50m with infanteries need to be buff accordind to you... will be happy to exchange roles).

    Now VS have even better than had NC before, their MAX go so fast than aiming them is hard but first you have to know they come because if not, you don't have time to look behind you. And you call that normal ?
    TR make less trouble, just dont be in front of them if they are in anchor mode, cause you will did (as a TR say in another thread they just farm NC warpgate with dual burster and nothing who fly even return in it).

    I just have a question for devs who (clearly don't) make balance on new MAX ability :
    - Did you try more than 10s the balance ?
    Like 2 MAX who fight together from distance of 10m to 50m:
    - VS vs TR MAX : VS seems to defeat TR every time cause fast straffing.
    - VS vs NC MAX : Shield help to survive what ? 5s more and that's all.
    - TR vs NC MAX : Same but at 10m we get a small chance to win.


    [trolling balance devs on]
    - *but that's not perfect balanced faction cause they aren't the same !*

    Ok, give Orbital stryke to our MAX and it will be fair for every one. I promise. I already test it !
    [trolling balance devs off]

    Come on. Try to play VS, TR and NC in normal servers during alert time and you will start to understand that there is a big trouble now.

    He forget to take his drugs today ?
  7. siddar

    The problem is the people your screwing over because of this practice must never find out what your doing because there will hell to pay for it if they do.

    SoE has failed to cover its tracks and now lots of NC players have figured out whats happening.

    Now we have reached the point where devils gets his due because it.
  8. llPendragon

    Not to poor gasoline on the fire or anything, but this is why they created the account wide unlocks first.
    Now at least a few raging NC players may actually stay and help "balance" the factions more by going TR or VS.

    And yes, I've had this same moment of rage almost every release, patch, and update for three months.
  9. Dis

    Full squad last night...we were marveling at just how "balanced" the ZOE is.
  10. ISK_Hermes

    NC needs a giant nutcracker to fight those ***** op lobsters...

    btw NC needs some love...

    we(my outfit) play on miller and its ridiculous how the VS population has grown up, how the NC had missed many players and how the TR wins all the alerts

    for several time TR get the highest population over VS and NC.
    since VS got their awesome magrider back and got some bufs to their weapons, VS pop recover a little... NC pop, started to be lower than the rest of empires....

    The VS came back with their old population, with the old mags, the awesome lancer, their improved weaponry and sure, the f***** giant lobsters...
    The TR still have the highest pop on the server, wins most/all the alerts,best missile launcher with the best infantry weapons, and gets a well balanced and situational option for their maxes against infantry, but a terrible stuff for fighting every Duck in their air space...

    NC... well NC still have... scatmaxes, OH NOO, it got really nerfed...well we have the "VANGUARD", **** its a slow cereal box with no special great punching power, oh sure, we have our phoenix, NOPE, got nerfed too.... well the better infantry dmg... really?? i made the effort writting this, but its easier to tell you what we dont have than what we have.

    so,are you kidding us guys? couse if you are kidding us, i will accept it, but things have to change.

    NC on miller just have the NCTO (NC alliance of outfits) wich is the unique way we have to try to do something

    but ey, everything is weeeell balanced...

    pls give my certs back couse i will stay in my cryogen chamber till the game changes
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  11. TintaBux

    So your denying facts with your personal opinion, try reading the thread also, its clear in there that the stats we have matter and show facts and how the faction balances are.
  12. TintaBux

    It means allot actually and they are hard facts we have. If TR was worse of in this, you would be saying the opposite.
  13. Vanon

    Now i appreciate your well thought post, and you do make some points. However, both the TR and VS have 20%+ damage advantages PER MAX over NC AA. Thats not a hypothetical. Thats fact. That is the real problem. The striker, which can take an Reaver to dead in one volley is fuel to the fire. In a test i did with the VS MAX, it takes 1.5 extended max's from duel bursters to take down a lib. It takes a little over 2 for NC. That means we have 2 reloads, where you have one. the TTK becomes exponeitial based on how many max's there are. Effectivly that means 2 VS max's can completely nuilify airspace, where it takes 4 NC. TR only needs 2 as well. Typically we are met in the air with 5-10 AA MAX's. So where we feel 5-10, if your met with 5-10 it feels like 3-8. This is why TR and VS constantly have air superiority, because the TTK against NC ESF's is so small you don't even have time to turn around and afterburner out if you wonder into a max fight. So why spawn a reaver if your only going to get killed moments into enemy lines? This causes air superiority by default for the other 2 empires. So i fail to see how NC isn't getting the utter short end of the stick with this.

    What NC weapon would you compare the Saron to? I understand you don't think its super over powered, however if you have a crappy gun and the other guy has an good knife in a gun fight, do you call that balanced? We don't have anything close to the Saron. The new enforcer was suppose to be that, until the "FIXED" it a few hours later. Not to sound insulting, but what weapon in the NC arsonal that goes ontop of the tank is equal to the Saron. The closest thing we have is the Halbard, which is not empire specific.

    ZoE's can move back in just as fast as they are forced out. They do enough damage with AI weapons to completely destroy the NC Aegis Shield in under 5 seconds BY THEMSELFS. I would understand it if i could kill ZOE max's some of the time, but as it stands, it takes multiple guy's AND max's to bring one down, because of the sheer DPS and ability to retreat and pick where they want to fight.

    The TR on the otherhand can simply place a max infront of a tunnel with an ammo pack and hold a button down while deployed. They can sit at range, on hill tops, and spam away. I have won against TR max's however its still rare, and its not due to them being skilled, its due to them being able to put their back against a wall and hold down a button.

    Esentially your arguement is that the other MAX's can be neutralized with lots of HA missle's. Zoe's dodge the missles, and TR can mow down infantry. The NC Shield would rock if everyone had the old DPS. the new DPS makes MAX on MAX battles halariously sad. And as for flanking a TR, all the have to do is deploy against a wall. There is no flanking possible at that point. Then you have suprise. You can't flank a ZoE because of speed, however a ZoE can (And has) flanked squads of regular infantry that move faster. Why? Because the amount of damage they have and the ability to be in the right place because of the speed, means they can absolutely annhilate any ground force, including tanks.

    So in short, you didnt mind the TR and VS, but your upset because of the zerging. what are you thoughts on the NC then? you said you played them to nights ago. How many times have you ran into ZOE, or TR MAX's? How many reaver runs have you done? How many kills have you gotten? I'm not saying this to be mean at all, i'm asking because i think these are the things you should be trying out to understand why others are so pissed.

    the one thing i'm suprised no one has talked about, and maybie its because i was away for a while and it gradually happened, is the base weapons. NC has the SAW, but we no longer out damage anything on a weapon by weapon basis, yet we still have the same recoil, inaccuracy, and slow RoF.

    It's clear that NC is weak. On matterson it's rare we even have one contentent. If we do, that contentent has almost every outfit on it.
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  14. Vanon

    Score per hour is about as valid K/D. Both can be artificially inflated by *******'s who do nothing for the team, or the faction.
  15. variablez

    Both lockdown and zoe shouldn't effect the bursters.
    The TR have had many over powered toys recently, so it is nice the Vanu get something.
    Zoe it a lot of fun, I am hoping they do not nerf it.
  16. xGreedFuSioN

    Why does every think the reaver is bad, It's friggin awesome. It's not like top speed really matters in a dogfight. it's superior in pretty much every other way - yes, even maneuverability - than the mossy/scythe. it's pods are a bit lacking, just slower hellfires.
  17. Drealgrin

    make it so only vanguard AP rounds one shot ESFs and you might have an argument.
  18. CupBoy

    Well, it's good that we don't just look at numbers from a single player then.
  19. Kinraze

    Thats funny what you just said.
    because back when WoW first came out it was the most fun I have ever had as a MMO. I hit GrandMarshal for the title and for the weapons. even tho they nerf that arcanite reaper which was AWSOME for warriors (my char was a warrior of course) b4 the nerf lol then blizzard chose to change the PvP system/weapons and every single dang rogue was sporting the GM weapons with all blue gear.

    with SOE I feel they just go with feedback, but the feedback they're getting isn't from players who actually enjoy the game and could care less about forums or just wanna frag people and yet they introduce this lattice system which I hate so much they tried to fix something that wasn't broken. IMHO the only thing that was wrong with the hex system is people defending useless bases just for certs.
    example: defending the crown; if you had notconnection to the crown then atleast 0 exp should be given while in that region.
  20. LayLow2013

    Good old wow i was second to get arc reaper and also second to get the book that let you make the blade by killining onixia on bloodhoof name was Ignes
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