Let's look at what GU9 REALLY is: A blatant NC Nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lucifer's Keyboard, May 24, 2013.

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  1. Ixidron

    What a wonderfully constructed argument, it sure discredits the whole OP, no need to further discuss here, good job sir.
  2. Vanon

    Are you a devolper for PS2? If not you can stop this "WE" ********. it's clear that you like to use numbers and facts in your arguement, and thats great, i defently prefer that to talking points, however your using the wrong facts, and the wrong numbers. There is this thing called statistical margin of error. You know how in the political polls they give +1/-1 or +5%/-5% ? Thats what we call margin of error. So what percentage of PS2 do you think does all the things i listed at one point or another during play? Because when you add up all of the XP/Min they where gaining in anything besides the battles that everyone is saying is unbalanced, then you compare that to the current numbers you get your margin of error. That should be about 35%+, which is horribly inacurate. You would also need to know if there is a disproptionate amount of people who subscribe or use boosts. I do research for a living. If you attempted to show anything like this as proof you would be laughed out of the room. What you want is the ratio of deaths in contested zone's for each empire vs the other empires, and specificly what classes, weighted by how many classes of each class are used.
  3. NietCheese

    The original poster was pretty much correct, except the Vanguard's Enforcer is still a great gun. If anything it was buffed.

    The problem is with AV Turrets + Striker spam + Lockdown Maxes + Fracture spam the TR aere by far the easiest faction in the game now. NC air doesn't stand a chance, so one our air is dominated (as it always is), then the enemy air moves on to killing our armor.

    TR are very very far beyond the NC now. In every aspect they are more powerful. Yet we still have TR complaining about the power of the 300 meter Phoenix. It really is absurd.
    • Up x 1
  4. SgtBreastroker

    Most of his post is wrong though. He is exaggerating everything way out of proportions.

    NC have the worst MBT? lolno

    I shall respond to his post tomorrow.
    • Up x 1
  5. Loegi

    That wasn't what I meant, all I see there is that apparently faction numbers didn't matter in that time. I meant the individual skill etc. of the populations, which you should have proof of being the same since you're assuming it is because otherwise these facts aren't valid to be used in this manner.
    This by the way. I'm not going to dig through a post full of fallacies just to find that one part which is correct.

    Seriously, a "pure DPS boost"? That's just laughable.
  6. PS2Freak

    schadenfreude on vs and tr part dont make the problems go away.
  7. TeknoBug

    -1 for mentioning the Striker, that thing sucks against air but is fairly decent against ground unless that vehicle is close to terrain coverage. If you're a seasoned pilot with flares, you shouldn't even be talking about the Striker.
    -1 for putting Magrider and buff in the same sentence, the Mag got nerfed several times but the Saron HRB change made it a stupidly powerful AI weapon that most VS will agree that it's OP.

    Right from the day the MAX abilities roadmap post was made, I've been suggesting to the devs to not let the abilities affect Bursters or whatever nanite weapon that comes out in the future. But they still affect them, ZOE supposedly does 5% and lockdown does 15% boost to Bursters, still think they should be 0%.

    PS- lol account made yesterday.
  8. TeknoBug

    Pocket engineer, guaranteed. I can get 12-15 kills without one but when I have one I can exceed 25-30 kills. :)
  9. vaxx

    What does that prove? I mean, what exactly is your point here? Have you never seen a high kill streak for an NC Max?
  10. DG-MOD-02

    I am going to close this down as it is no longer constructive. Please keep posts constructive and respectful. Thank you!
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