"Loyal" Soldier Bundle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Adara, May 3, 2013.

  1. WalrusJones

    I am at.... 13240 free SC, and a free month of subscriptions.

    Its almost like SOE doesn't want me to pay for their game....
    I really need to toss them 10$ of something.
  2. Rob2Kx

    So it's the old "if I don't benefit, no one should"?

    You guys are great humans, boys. Keep it up.
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  3. sham

    What's the point in killing somebody? They'll just re-spawn. What's the point in killing a tank or aircraft? They'll just go pull another one. There is no penalty to dying. No penalty to losing a vehicle. There isn't even a penalty to losing a base. The only thing that matters is the fight you're in right at that time and if at that time I can be lit up like a Christmas tree whilst killing the enemy then I for one am friggin' delighted.

    If I'm one of 6 Harassers rolling at the enemy and I'm the only one that looks like a mobile disco then so be it, but I'd love it if my faction mates could roll with some style too. It's not enough to kill the enemy, you need to look like you can drop some beats too.


    Style over substance. There is no substance so I'll take style. When they add substance, I'll carry on doing it in as much style as I can muster and screw the consequences so don't diss the lights. :p
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  4. Eugenitor

    Actually, they're giving us (the formerly paying, now not, still playing) free stuff to entice us to start paying. "Here's a month of shiny membership. But only a month! You want this for a long time, don't you?"

    It'd be tempting, but I'm not willing to throw money at a game that I might find completely unplayable in the near future. Not knowing when or whether they're going to completely screw over their own game doesn't exactly make a conducive environment to spending money on it.

    For me, it's just more encouragement (like the Alpha Squad surprise bonuses, all the way from 10% to 50% and a massive time boost besides!) to have my fun while there's still fun to be had.
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  5. Iscariott

    I'm honestly pretty happy. I subscribe because I want to. I got a free pack of camo's for all my stuff. Sure I'd love more free stuff, but I'm not going to complain.
  6. Adara

    Nobody said "if I can't have it, nobody should". My OP was simply saying that it should have been given to all paying customers, whether they are current or not.
  7. siiix

    i do not understant i mede in game purchases since April 3 many times and i DID got the free month

    and it worked BTW i signed up for the additional 3 months to get the 40%, free SC and extra certs

    that made an in-game item purchase on or before April 3, 2013 (including Alpha Squad). This offer is not available for PlanetSide 2 accounts with Premium Memberships or that made in-game item purchases since April 3, 2013.

    SO this means that they could not honor anything after April 3rd probably for some technical reason , but its irrelevant if you made purchases after all it matters if you made any EVER before...

    and i have before April 3rd AND after .. therefor i got it
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  8. Iscariott

    I don't personally think you're being as ridiculous as some of the folks here do. I would point out though that giving a free month to former subscribers(payers in this FTP model) is very common. Current members do not get a free month for this. For instance Eve-Online still sends me free months a few times a year. Hell World War 2 Online still sent me free month offers up until about last year. It's just how the business works.

    Where they made a mistake was making a big announcement about doing it, usually this stuff just comes in your email and you either take advantage of it or don't.
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  9. TheBigHert

    I've walked away from games that I've spent hundreds of dollars on. While I still enjoy playing this game, I had such a horrible customer service incident in the past that I vowed not to spend another dime on any SOE product. Once the pay to win/enjoy aspect of this game gets too great (it's not there yet) I can see myself walking away from this one too.
  10. Greenspore

    Just reward everyone! That is how you make a happy community, and stop adding stipulations / cutoffs.
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  11. TheBloodEagle

    Some of you people are over-dramatic. Do you guys realize they gave us camo & free month membership, not just for plain goodness & fuzzy warmness, but to get people to buy memberships? It's quite sly although much appreciated. But it's just a marketing ploy. Relax.
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  12. Poacher

    PS1 for 6 years..............check
    PS1 expansion...............check
    PS2 beta.........................check
    Alpha Squad...................check
    3 months premium..........check
    cancelled premium..........check
    $95 SC (triple/dbl SC).....check
    Loyal Soldier Bundle.......check
    Total...................around $1320
    This is approximately what I have spent on Planetside over the years. No regrets. If I were to divide the total hours played versus money spent I believe the cost/hour would be surprisingly low. Much cheaper than the snowmobile/skiing/motocross/drinking weekends I used to participate in before I got married. I appreciate the Loyal Soldier bundle but could really care less. I play because it's fun. When it is no longer fun I will move on.
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  13. RHINO_Mk.II

    When you think about it, a thousand bucks really is pretty low to spend on a hobby over the course of several years.
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  14. Jac70

    Well I appreciate it. The free 1 month membership is there to entice people into getting permanent memberships - wont work on me, I think spending money every month on a game is daft.

    I appreciate the camo though, it's a lot like my Alpha Squad camo but not nearly so luminescent - think I'm gonna use it as my stock uniform. :)
  15. TheBloodEagle

    Yup, especially considering you would have spent at least $1000 on a computer alone to do that hobby (for a length of time).
  16. Marinealver

    Uhmmm... doesn't it get added in the message? All I did was click on the notification tab and activated my free bundle.
  17. November

  18. ulceroso

    They should've called it "the Encouraging Soldier Bundle. See, problem solved.
  19. Macinzon

    Even the people that bought a single-use camo with the free 170 SC got the bundle.. Still kinda lame if you got the SC but didn't spend it until after 3rd of April..
  20. RobotNinja

    I think you missed the point. This thread is about people who already are subscribers being angry about people who are not subscribers getting a free month of premium to entice them to subscribe. Rewarding every single player in-game with a free month of premium as you suggest would just make these people angrier.