GU06 Info and Feature Preview

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. lilleAllan

    why the turret buffs? really
  2. Levtech

    Your right. I'm starting to notice this game get even better.
  3. biterwylie

    What an epic failure though!!! All the Whine actually ended up with all factions shotguns getting nurfed. Now Heavy Assualt troopers can own everything in all situations.

    Short range fire fight - Use a heavy assault.
    Long range fire fight - Use a heavy assault.
    Attack and kill a tank in two shots - Use a heavy assault
    Attack and kill an ESF in two shots - Use a heavy assault
  4. Aegie

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  5. Fenrisk

    NC Max is still top with 10,000 experience a hour while the other two faction maxes are 9k. NC max average score is 28k while the other 2 factions are 23k.

    The updates been out less then 2 hours. You can't talk about valid evidence when your haven't even given the update a day to play out.
  6. Aegie

    Note that I was referencing pre-nerf NC MAX data from 3/24. That is, prior to the latest patch the NC MAX outscored the TR MAX by 8.5% whereas the post-nerf TR MBT outscored the NC MBT by 20%.

    You are correct that I do not have data for post-nerf NC MAX but even if post-nerf NC MAX retains it's 8.5% score per hour advantage this is still more than overshadowed by the 20% score per hour advantage of the Prowler. Yet the devs gave priority to balancing the NC MAX and the question is- why?
  7. Xboxer

    Bring shotguns NC-MAX, this shotgun has now become worse than default, for which I paid money buying these shotguns and spent the whole Ride 3k Certs? or return my money, it's like a real hype!!!!!!!
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  8. Acomsait

    I fully support
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  9. Lemik

    I fully support too
  10. Man of Sin

    It now seems to take as many shots to kill infantry with a NC scatmax as a max to be killed with infantry shotguns in close quarters, that's the only thing NC scatmaxes were good for, and they're easily killed by C4, and god help us if a NC max gets caught in a long hallway. If I could I would use a medium range weapon, but the NC max was just a high risk, high reward playstyle and that's been overlooked. Man... the other factions are going to run out of things to complain about how the NC is so OP!
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  11. Kullthulu

    I Love how everyone ******* that the NC are so OP yet at least on Waterson its a struggle for us to capture even one continent... the vs and tr rain **** on the NC all day.. but we're OP and now with this update we've been nurfed more than anyone and will have to work twice as hard to gain no ground but still they will ***** that we're OP... i just dont get it..
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  12. CptFirelord

    So you're saying the TR is OP? Have you PLAYED the ******* TR? You have no idea what you're spitting lies about.

    As far as GU06 is concerned, there is a HUGE bug with vehicle loadouts that needs to be FIXED. RANDOM items from your loadout (or the ENTIRE LOADOUT) will jerk itself off and NOT EQUIP. Flares, Chassis, Airframes, Nano regen, Rocket pods, Rotaries, you name it, it's gone. Nice work SOE, HUGE game breaking bug that you all apparently MISSED.
  13. Porcelain Cow

    Mh, lets see if everyone gets ribbons for their inherent abilities....

    Repair Ribbon? Check
    Heal AND Revive? Check
    Hacking Ribbon? Nope. Probably in the second (or third) batch, since Infiltrator is as usual an afterthought.
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  14. Instantshot

    This is AWESOME!
  15. Tanelorn

    Facility captures are TOO DAMN SLOW!! you've increased the capture timer to 3x, then give us time sensitive continent capture alerts? REALLY?!?!

    The big bases already require multi-stage a$$-kicking to capture (shield gens, SCU shield, SCU), and many smaller facilities have multiple capture points. Forcing an attacking force to stay longer just makes everyone bored and makes us all stand at the cap points 3x longer while the enemy gets to spend that time spawning at the next base and counterattack us.

    Making it tougher to ghost cap is one thing, but making it take forever when you have good adjacency and all the points fully occupied is WeToddEd.
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  16. SgtScum

    Yep, the slower timers certainly bogged down the vs advance on mattherson's alert and there was constant quips on voip about how awesome sitting around waiting for the timer to creep down then back up was.

    If anything capture timers should be faster than normal when a base has all points fully capped during an alert.
  17. Zan_Aus


    Alerts are something like 2 hours to capture Esamir. With this new ******** capture system it can take 20 minutes to capture a single base with no opposition. GG SOE.
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  18. Angelina Assassini

    Yeah 2 hours is too short to take a continent.
    Maybe you could upgrade the cap system with a 12 player count on points that can accelerate things a little bit. As same as slowering them when there is only 1 player or no player at all on a point, to prevent solo ghost cap ing
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  19. mindbomb

    ultimately, balancing a shotgun vs mercies and cosmos is gonna be way too tough.

    just make it easier on yourselves and give nc a machine gun arm, and vs and tr a shotgun arm.
  20. ARCStormtrooper

    Instead of changing cap timers, why don't you require a minimal number of people at the capture point? Not just to make the capture bar to change over faster, but to get the bar moving period. Enough people to defend that particular installation.

    • 3 for outposts
    • 6 for towers,
    • and a squad (12) for bases.