[NC] WASP Inc [Miller-EU]

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Core, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. IMTasty

    From my understanding from watching the stream either WASP or Conz are gonna have a FNO at some point. Happiness!

  2. Notso

    CONZ is next week. As far as I know (and I should considering my job at WASP lol) we're holding off with the FNO spotlight request until our new website is live.... But worry not you have out spotlight to look forward to in the future :D
  3. YamiNoTenshi

    Remember to give us a heads up before so we can photobomb you :D
  4. IMTasty

    You know Adenn, you do not even need to ask, just wink. Just wink... :D

    Well get your site ready for the crowd! We want WASP! We want WASP we want WASP!

    Ewwww... consider that my monthly payment for use of this thread for general trashtalk purposes.

    Your name! All my WoW character used to end with -puff. I can't kill stuff that ends with -puff, they're too adorable. :(
  5. Notso

    Much appreciated Tasty. We know you love us really :D

    This broadcast goes out to all WASP members - as soon as character renaming comes in, all WASP characters must be renamed to have "-puff" at the end of their name. E.g. Notsopuff. Inside information has told us the heightened level of cuteness will serve as a considerable deterrent towards the enemy shooting us on the field.
  6. Shinrah

    Nice action again, Auraxis Firearms is always awesome to fight at:>
  7. YamiNoTenshi

    Cuteness won't stop me, I've shot Dinapuff in the face with my AP prowler a couple of times ^^
  8. ChaoticRegiement

    Don't worry guys, ill be there to kill you all :)
  9. IMTasty

    When TR own Indar we shall camp your warpgate, fart in your general direction, insult your parents and your sexuality and say nasty nasty things!

    Why did the NC have to ruin our attempt at neutralizing Indar? Do you soulless gingers have no logic? :p

    No paycheck for you, none! NADA!

    Actually the whole name needs to be cute, Dinapuff is. Notso sounds like the most unlikable person in the world, the name itself makes me want to punch people. It just reminds me of horrible people, naming yourself Hannibal Lector would've been better. THAT'S how bad it is.

    I am pretty sure I've killed Dina as well, before I had time to read the name, and then the kill thing pops up and I've felt terribly guilty and logged off for the night. Then gone and cried in the bed and thought about what I've done.
  10. Shinrah

    You mean you went like this?
  11. IMTasty

    More like


    Followed by

  12. Dinapuff

    Stormscale? I stole the -puff name from a gnome, and I've used Dina- at the front since Wowbeta. Sorta just fit. Truthfully my real name is Ulfrik stormcloak. High king of Skyrim, and fighter of freedom for all true nords!

    AS for why NC had to ruin the attempt on capping indar. We were actively trying to cause a neutral reset, but had to go back up to prevent the TR from taking our half of the continent. Can't have you guys freely trekking around in our northern desert highlands even if they are oh so familiar to you.

    As for Notsopuff. He truly is Not So Puff as me.
  13. IMTasty

    Nah I started with the whole puff name pretty late, made a Druid alt and named it Creampuff after my girlfriends cat. And then other character gradually got puffified. And it's good to know that you fought for freedom of Skyrim and was not a traitor Legion lover! SKYRIM FOR THE NORDS!

    But BRTD was not up in the desert, we were innocent! We were just trying to shove justice up the VSs something in the south! And then silly NCs decides to cut us off and attack us from behind.

    But trust me, we just need to capture Indar ONCE, and it will be ours until the next rotation! :p
  14. YamiNoTenshi

    It will be ours after the rotation, because sadly, we'll always have the Crown.
  15. IMTasty

    Shut up... just shut up and stop destroying whatever hope I've for TR! :(
  16. sadf

    Great fight on esamir tonight. :D

    - unknown NC soldier
  17. Rean

    you guys are everywhere, props for pushes to TR warpgate on indar today.
    got tired of shooting you down.
  18. Weirdkitten

    See, this is proof you are infact a freedom lover and do not belong in the TR. It's not too late to make up for your time as a filthy TR oppressor and join the NC in our fight for freedom :p
  19. IMTasty

    There is a huge difference between the people of Skyrim and the NC. Let me list them for you, and why the TR is BETTAH.

    • They're cool, badass and awesome. The NC are greedy mercenaries that sounds like young teens.
    • They're Nords, aka wannabe Norse/Vikings.
    • They fight for freedom from a decadent and weak Empire. the NC fight against the TR who is perfect in every way.
    • The people of Skyrim has awesome orchestral music, TR also has orchestral music.
    • I am biased, I am from Scandinavia, I would choose Skyrim over the Empire if for nothing else then purely for bias. Booo for Rome, burn to the ground! :D
    • TR has wannabe Siege Tanks from Starcraft. You have a tank from the Gulf War.
    • TR has glorious propaganda. The views and likes speaks for themselves. :D

    And at last. I choose the winning side! Which obviously will be TR. :p
  20. Leks

    Yep, it was really great. Thanks from all the RUSL members for cooperation, and to WASP Officer Zehtuka in person for being a relay during this event between us and WASP. It was pleasure for us to fight hand to hand in allay with all NC outfits involved in this operation :)

    And as always, our Squad Alpha Officer has captured this combat operation from the beginning to the end:
    Part 1
    Part 2

    P.S. Beware of Russian language at the background of the broadcasting.:D