[VS] Deathwatch Gaming - Tactical Teamplay [DWG]

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by cassan0va, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. cassan0va

    You just had to get a blue man to talk for you?
  2. IMTasty

    What is all this talk about NC who and VS whatever. Don't involve us into your petty discussions. We will pimp slap both of you down simultaneously while being completely smashed. Now go back to doing whatever you silly slubberdegullions and lollygaggers where doing.

    Oh sorry, couldn't hear you over the sound of our +200% muzzle velocity on our anchor mode Prowlers.

    P.S. As a guy who has hardly been playing this patch and still can't, with as rusty as I am getting normally it would be a bad thing trash talking. But luckily I do not play against the TR. :D
  3. Ulysees

    Had to pop in and say thanks a bunch for the fights tonight, most fun I have had this week /salute
  4. cassan0va

    Can only agree, was a proper fight and loved your max crashes.. I **** myself and ran away atleast once:D
  5. pnkdth

    LOL, that made me spill my coffee.
  6. cassan0va

    Our Event Called Taking Esamir have just started, our goal is to either take it away or stop the enemies from taking it.

    Currently running a full platoon with nice cordination from TS.
  7. IMTasty

    Madness, why would any sane of mind person do this on a Thursday? The Vanu whispers have truly driven you insane lunatics!
  8. cassan0va

    Cuz we get pissed at fridays:D
  9. IMTasty

    But, but... I am just jealous, going to get thermal paste tomorrow hopefully, can't play atm. :(

    But will do my job as a loyal TR and watch the stream so I can learn all your purple secrets, all of them! Watching VS kill NC and the other way around is great enjoyment though. :p
  10. cassan0va

    Aim for the blue and wait for em to melt:D
  11. cassan0va

    Today is the day!
  12. Notso

    Well it would be, if the idiots over at SOE didn't host an event on an EU server at 1am EU time...
  13. cassan0va

    Yeah i got kinda annoyed....
    Heading of for work tomorrow was expecting to play when i got home:/
  14. IMTasty

    What is happening at 1am exactly? Not really kept myself up to date since I'm unable to play, and not a single mention of anything about this on the BRTD forums. Some kind of even similar to UES?
  15. Skiptis

    Friday Night Ops (Margaret Krohn or whatever her name is) playing on Miller. And yeah, 0100, what the ****. 0200 if you're in CET and that's when it STARTS, they're supposed to stream for 2 hours or something. Yeah I'm going to stay up 02-04 to watch someone working for a company who can't even be bothered to type out server downtime announcement times in anything but PST when they know for a fact they have plenty of EU players on SOE accounts. How about no. :|
  16. IMTasty

    Alright thanks. Would've been nicer with some earlier times and if more outfits knew about it so everyone could organize their stuff.

    Nice that it happens regardless, just could be better. But still nice
  17. Notso

    At WASP we basically reckon that because the normal FNO's timeframe is during her lunch break, apparently, and because SOE is West Coast, it is really late EU time, and if they did it at a reasonable time for the EU (on an EU server mind you) she would have to do it in the morning, or something like that.

    There was actually a fair bit of warning regarding the server FNO was happening on and what time it was, if you follow her on twitter and stuffs.
  18. cassan0va

    Been poking her bout it a few times and finally she came on and i fall asleep at the sofa:p
  19. cassan0va

    Wonder if we can round up some videos from yesterday
  20. Skrillex0ne

    Just made a short video of our defence at Mesa Skydock, i came on a bit late, so only got the end footage sadly, but it deserved a video :)