C4 is broken.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spectre9000, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. iShootCats

    C4 is fine maybe the time should be 1.5seconds(lol) the only thing c4 needs is bigger blast when it goes off.
  2. Spectre9000

    LOL. Did you even read my post? It takes forever to be able to use c4, and I'd love to see a sunderer blown up by my c4 alone, but that can't happen. It takes 3 c4 to kill a sunderer and I can only cert 2.

    Really...? Bring realism to a game that's completely unrealistic? Anyway, as a previous poster whom has actually worked with c4 (supposedly) said, c4 takes no time to set up and use.

    BTW, it's called baiting and traps... its your own inability to not be baited that you really hate, not the fact someone has explosives. They can do the same thing with guns.
  3. Diamond Sword

    Ah yeah. Using C4 in PS2 feels the same as using it in Battlefield. Never had any problems with that. Of course, being slow and requiring a manual detonation was how it's high damage was balanced; PS2's C4 doesn't feel like the damage is worth the time it takes to use the item, nor is it worth the resource cost.
  4. Punjab

    I noticed this bug last night while playing. It would sometimes detonate, other times it wouldn't. I even had it detonate with no graphic, but still kill a lightning. This mostly happens for me while I'm floating over enemy tank dropping c4 on their tops. Drop, drop, click, click, click. CLICK, CLIKCLICKCLICKLCI, AARRGGHH no boom.
  5. Compass

    I'd like to point out for people that C4 planting in my signature is being played at double the speed it normally happens.
  6. DJPenguin

    only thing broken with C4 atm is the thing not doing damage randomly
  7. ent|ty

    Oh I may have misread your post, but I can place C4 instantly. I haven't encountered any time to do so. I've also been C4'd by others on the run, who placed it within milliseconds as well.

    Like LAs who drop down from above and blow me up instantly, they just dropped the C4.
    The same dropping down on top of the Sundie, dropping C4's within milliseconds and blow it up instantly.
    The same dropping on tanks, planes, etc and instagibbing.

    I haven't seen or experienced any slow C4 placement.

    The concept I'm talking about is 'suspension of disbelief'. In games, certain things can't be realistic, or it hampers gameplay; you can't get a good firefight going whenpeople die with 1 bullet... however taking 1000 bullets to kill someone would not seem 'realistic' (when the term is used in this context)

    A sniper deploying a claymore, while running away from you, without stopping and taking some time (Like pressing E in your example), is not 'realistic' in the sense that it is not believable that he could do that, and doesnt appear as 'realistic' used once again in the context of gaming.

    Some JAmes Bond movies are like that; he does some outrageous things.. but we give him grace and 'suspend our disbelief' that he could pull off an action like that.. but sometimes we can't...

    Llike if he gets in a plane, flips it upside down, makes a sandwich, throws a beer bottle and chilled glass out the cockpit, ejects, then skydives down to grab the bottle and glass, and pours himself a drink.. at that point you are like "Come on, man, that's stretching it"
  8. Spectre9000

    I know for a fact you've never seen a legit LA instagib a sunderer. It's impossible. I've planted many a c4 on a sunderer and it takes 3 to kill one, and the most a LA has is 2. Perhaps you saw someone hack or use the c4 exploit that is no longer possible, but a LA can NEVER kill a sunderer without running back to a terminal.
  9. Erik

    Yes it should in my opinion due to its killing power. You can insta gib AMSs, no team work required. That if anything is what is broken about it.
  10. Nailcake

    Odd thing today was that I saw a sundy, ran up to it, placed my c-4 and ran away behind a corner to detonate it. There were two enemies who spawned at the thing but I think my camo fooled them, they didnt respond.
    It didnt blow, I tried a few times but still didnt explode. Went back to check and saw the c-4 being in place. Then had to deal with several enemies and died.

    Either 2 seconds have become a reeaally long time or there was something wrong. It was definitly more than 2 seconds. Worked in a previous situations, I actually wondered whether C-4 had been changed last patch.
    I remember seeing an LA float above a tank, drop c-4 and blow it to pieces, maybe its because I was expecting a big boom but that definitly seemed to go a lot faster than my attempt.
  11. Spectre9000

    No. You. Can't. It is impossible to instagib a sunderer as an LA.
  12. Compass

    Here's 2 C4. No guns, no grenades.

    Go try to blow up my undamaged Sunderer. 20 seconds after you blow up the C4, I will return with my repair gun.

    Mission failed.
  13. Diamond Sword

    I have also had this bug, I think. In my case, the bug was that the explosion didn't render, even though the C4 detonated and hurt me and everyone around me.

    There is also times where your C4 is shot out of your hand as your throwing it, without the explosion being rendered, so it appears that nothing is happening when you try to detonate it.

    20 seconds after I detonate the C4, I shoot you in the head when you come back to repair it. ;)

    If I see a sunderer that isn't being spawned on by more than a few people, I hit it with C4, set it on fire, and then fly around it killing everyone trying to repair/spawn on it until the fire destroys it.
  14. Ratinox

    It's not exactly an instagib, but two (possibly even one but I like to err on the side of caution) direct hits from an underbarrel grenade launcher do sufficient damage that two sticks of C4 will blow the Sundy. It will appear to be an instagib to the casual observer.
  15. ent|ty

    I just report what I see. How it's done is up for discussion.

    I just see it a lot.

    I thought it was normal for people to plant C4 on my sundie and blow it up all by themselves. It happens all the time.
  16. Olek

    Thats right, when we used to throw the grenades down at the range, we had an officer in a tower about 5m behind us, we tossed the grenade, watched were it landed, then ducked down behind the wall, you could hear the shrapnel hitting to tower behind us.
    C4 on the other hand has no shrapnel except for debris, but the concussion effect is much more than 20m, and the concussion kills.
  17. Tasogie

    Wrong, you probably ran into a triocked out sundy. 2 C4 is all it takes. This is a fact without any argument.A standard Sundy dies to TWO only.
  18. forkyar

    i see no issue
  19. Gavyne

    Blew up several MAX units tonight, did not seen an issue with C4.
  20. Tasogie

    You can only do it if the xp farmers are too lazy to defend it. Which is the norm. Anyone that defends them properly will not die to a suicide. There is no problem with C4 power. This is all about people not wanting something that effects their ability to farm.
    Take responsibility for your gaming an dont demand nerfs because you dont want to play properly.