C4 is broken.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spectre9000, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Siilk

    Pretty much this.
  2. Ratinox

    As an LA, I am highly mobile. When not at a specific objective, I am moving toward the next one, getting to the high ground and looking out for high value targets like Sunderers and Heavy Tanks. This often means that I encounter other infantry units in the field, and sometimes they are MAXes. I would like to be able to drop down from my perch, slap that block of C4 on the MAX units back and get away again to detonate it without having to wait several seconds for the C4 to deploy. I don't mind if it takes a few seconds for the detonator to arm but the deployment lag is one of the two things that most frequently get me killed when deploying C4.

    The other is friendly fire, specifically rockets, when trying to deploy C4 onto a vehicle. The rocket splash will usually trigger the C4, which will then blow up, killing me and (usually) the vehicle. That's not such a big deal though, as being a C4 monkey is a high risk profession, but what really grinds my gears is that I get no assist XP for the vehicle kill! It would be nice to get some reward for my 100-odd Infantry Resource expenditure, so if any Devs get to looking at C4, hopefully they will look at that issue too...
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  3. Plebstar

    This is my number 1 c4 gripe too. I can deal with the slow deployment time (although I think c4 should be at least as fast as laying mines) and the detonation delay but when I lay out 300 Infantry resources on an enemy sunderer I want the game to recognize my contribution rather than awarding all the exp to the guy who threw a hand grenade and none to me.

    If anything the slow deployment and detonation times exacerbate this issue because the total duration of c4ing a sunderer is like 6 - 8 seconds and thats a relatively large window in which any explosive damage will instantly tk me and use up my resources without creditting me.
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  4. Jurav

    I think C4 is already a bit OP.

    Fighting at the crossroads the other day, I flew over two damaged enemy sundies with my LA, dropped a C4 charge on each of them, and blew them both before any of them even saw me there. this effectively stopped their attack.

    I would have been pissed if I was them.
  5. Ratinox

    Fair enough, but if either of those Sundies had been over half health, one of them would have survived. Two pieces of C4 is not enough to take out a vanilla Sunderer; you need a bit of extra damage to push it over the edge.

    Besides, if they were close enough for you to do that, and they were damaged enough that a single stick of C4 was enough to kill them, then the owners have learned that they should have relocated one of them and ideally been keeping up the repairs on both.
  6. MarkAntony

    Your enemies incompetence does not make C4 OP. Good use of C4 though.
  7. Compass

    C4 should be applied liberally to any enemy vehicle.

    Didn't have any misfires last night, surprisingly enough.
  8. ArcKnight

    it should've been fixed after the first report came in
  9. Kittel

    All those work great, i only wish i could pick it back up so i dont wast it if the c4 ambush fails or the vehicle moves while your planting it (very annoying to be standing there planting it and the vehicle moves in the second you press the button, lol)
  10. Devrailis

    I've noticed from people planting C4 that in many cases, you don't even have to pick it back up, just detonate it after you respawn. Many times when someone dies from a failed C4 attack, their C4 is already planted on the ground near a hot spot, like a doorway or control point. This won't apply for a failed vehicle attack, but in a biolab or around an Amp Station generator room, you'd be amazed at how few people will noticed a brick of C4 sitting on the ground. I've seen players cluster around a hostile C4 brick, 3-4 at a time, then die all at once by the LA who planted it 30 seconds ago and died before he could set it off the first time.

    Usually I'd blow the C4 myself, but when there's half a squad of friendlies running in and out of the blast radius, I just stay away and wait for the inevitable *BOOM*.
  11. xboxerdude

    If anything c4 is way to OP at the moment its damage should be nerfed.
  12. Kittel

    I have used the respawn c4 trick many times, always makes me feel good :) I have no problem with it since other explosive types (anti-vehicle and anti-personnel mines) can seem to kill for hours afterwards (assuming they havent placed anything since they originally placed), long after the planter has died, probably several times.
  13. Zaik

    The c4 in game is clearly a prepackaged standard block with some sort of magnet or something sticky to hold it in place.

    That said, if c4 could be instantly tossed and detonated, it would be even more ridiculous against infantry than it already is. Atm if you can hover over infantry for five or so seconds you can score a large number of kills because people tend to mass on corners for no good reason.

    I can't wait for indirect fire weapons to come in and break all of that massing up. There are going to be a lot of very very easy kills for a few people for a while before they figure it out.
  14. TomaHawk

    According to this logic, then it should also require something similar for getting into and out of armor instead of instant porting for both. And what about refitting at terminals? Sorry, but putting on my pants has never been easier.

    no thanks.
  15. Diamond Sword

    Protip: Claymores use C4 in them.

    Using just a basic C4 charge should be no more complicated than throwing it and clicking the detonator. You're not actively shaping the charge. You're not putting the blasting caps in it. You're not even running cable. You already have the charge, shaped and ready to go. It shouldn't take any longer to toss a C4 charge than it does to drop a claymore.

    And, yes, I have actually used C4 before. Not only does it not take hardly any time at all to set the charge, it also can't be detonated BY SHOOTING IT, like it can in the game. That's one of the benefits of C4; ****'s so stable you can set it on fire and it won't explode. It can only be detonated with another explosive.

    They would have had to have been really damaged to finish them off with 1 stick each. Like 1/4 HP damaged.
  16. AnuErebus

    We're talking about a single bug in a relatively large game. Bugs take some work to remove. This isn't some magical world where problems disappear in the blink of an eye.
  17. Karragos

    C4 needs to remain as-is. If it changes to be easier, it will be nerfed like crazy. If you know what you're doing, and can use it situationally, it is crazy good as it currently is.
  18. Diamond Sword

    It could definitely stand to see a little more damage dealt with it. The only thing to use C4 on other than a MAX is a vehicle, and it is not very effective against most vehicles. I would agree they should remain the same only if they could also be used to take out generators/SCUs faster. You know, using them for tactical demolition than just as a lethal counter-measure.

    People have stated they would like doors back in the game like they had in PS1, too; If this was done, I would expect C4 to be able to breach the doors faster than an inf could hack them.
  19. Karragos

    I'm totally okay with more damage on it due to its resource cost. I was only responding to the OP saying that it needs to be easier to use. I like my toys, and this is one that I would rather it remain as-is than become easier to use and get nerfed as a result.
  20. ent|ty

    I agree. It should take time to place a charge.
    Right now, they can just run in, plop a couple and detonate.. bye bye Sunderer...
    Or run through a cap point, place.. if you're chasing them or in firefight, BOOM.
    I've never, never liked it when any game allowed things like claymores, mines or c4 to be deployed instantly.. It's not realistic, not that it has to be.. but it has to be believable.