Will Esports flop like UES did?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Obscura, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Obscura

    We all know UES failed pretty hard, and had alot of false advertisement. I wonder if the esport version of PS2 will be anything like this? Imagine it, with TB's team getting floor-smacked by the other two teams, they're losing the match fast. And just when you thought the TR lost.. TB COMES BACK WITH CLUTCH TWITTER VOTES FOR THE WIN!
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  2. Adaptus

    E-Sports is based around entertainment and ability to be advertised. PS2 just isn't a game that can accomplish that due to design and size.
  3. Jadith

    If the 'competitions' are decided by twitter vote, then it will be just as big a joke as the UES.

    As far as the MLG thing, well, I am curious to see how it is implemented.
  4. Cowboyhomer

  5. Obscura

    They will be doing an instance type thing, a continent meant for competitive play only open at certain times so it doesn't take too many people away from the real game.
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  6. Talizzar

    Until they can detect, ban and prohibit hackers how could this become an Esport? This game would be like Peyton Manning throwing a football underground to a receiver in the endzone.

    If you limit the size of the teams then you have effectively changed the entire nature of the game, haven't you?
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  7. Adaptus

    Arenas don't belong in a game like PS2 nor should any money be wasted on attempting to turn an mmofps into a scaled down easily stream-able and digestible E-sports exp. I'd rather see the company make the game at hand better at what it does, less buggy and better optimized than attempting the above folly.
  8. Garakan

    planetside has some really bad game mechanics (lock-on, for example), and its far from balanced in a lot of aspects. i dont know if it will fail, but these facts wont help to make it work..
  9. IshanDeston

    If they want to go Esports it needs to happen in a vacuum, as all competitive sports have to. Esports on a public server is like Football (be it American or European) or any other ball game at which people, that are not part of the team, are allowed to run onto the gamefield and do whatever. Also the number of players has to be equal on both sides. Imagine a football game where the opposing team fields 10 more players than their opponents.

    If they want to take this to be Esports it needs a vacuum, a place only the Esport teams play. A restricted server. Only the Esports Teams get onto that server, everyone else is Spectator.

    I can imagine Esports to happen with Planetside 2 the way it is. On its own server, with only the Esportteams and with set objectives. If they do it like that, yeah, Esports can work very much. It would actually allow a scope of unparalled magnitude. Imagine two 100 people teams face off against each other.

    Competitive Sports have to be as balanced and as fair as possible. Even teams, no outside influence and a restricted Area of Play. You can't just throw them into a public server and be like "Everyone faces the same hazards of outside influence" and expect anyone to take this serious.

    The "Esport" attempt they made with that charity tournament during beta, where they went by killstreaks, was in my opinion very unbalanced and unfair in my opinion. Its nothing skill based if you happen to run across a bundled up infantry in your HE Tank and get a bunch of kills, while the rest of them can't even get onto the playing field, because they start at the wrong side of the crown. That's not what competitive sports are about. Competitive sports are about skill in a fair enviroment, where everyone has equal opportunities and its only the skill of the individual (and their ability to work with your teammates) determining the outcome.

    I can see it work with Planetside 2, if they make it its own server. On a public server? I wouldn't be interested in that. And why would i? Its basically watching a random persons Let's play. There are so many situations in Planetside 2 which are completely devoid of skill and all about luck. Its all chaos usually. You can set a basic strategy, but on the individual level its all chaos and luck.

    If they go Esports and have lets say Outfit Matches for a certain facility. Each outfit gets to bring 100 people, then you can accurately measure the strength of the Outfit. No outside influence. Both have a set objective.

    Both start out at an Empty map and then get told "capture and hold the crown for an hour". They then have to make their way to the crown from their warpgates, and capture and hold it. Everyone gets to decide what they want to do, how they get there and how to approach it on a clean canvas. That can work. Everything else? No way. There is to less skill and to much randomness involved to have a real gauge of "strength" between teams.
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  10. Hael

    Esports being a thing isn't going to go away, but games like PS2 just aren't designed for it. Any attempt to make PS2 an "esports game" is going to end up like Tribes: Ascend, where a handful of teams play in private matches with the company acting like it's a big ****ing deal that, in reality, nobody cares about.

    Leave esports to Counter-Strike, Street Fighter, and DotA where it belongs.
  11. kill

    This game just isn't an esport game.

    Only FPS esport games that matter: Quake series, RTCW, Counter-strike series.
  12. Cowboyhomer

    I diagree. I agree that they should work on other **** first but I think there is a place for it. Its an MMO and variety never hurt any MMO.
  13. Darkard

    They will turn it into a 33 v 33 v 33 esports deathmatch because they cant figure out how to make the game engine render anymore than 100 people at a time.
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  14. Protential

    Competitive gaming > Non competitive.

    This post is the Flop.
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  15. Cowboyhomer

    You dont have to change the whole game...all you do is add in areas that allow you to change the rules of the larger game without changing the whole game.
  16. Obscura

    Haha alright. But I have actual experience playing competitive gaming, and I have experience with MLG and their community and how they operate. MLG in the end is a cess pool filled with foulmouthed 14-15 year olds who will bring nothing good to PS2, and is probably one of the worst competitive gaming communities ever. I don't even want to get into how flawed and exploited their online ladder system for gamebattles is. That being said, I wouldn't get my hopes to high if I were you.
  17. Protential

    Casual gaming, will never have a place in the FPS market, I mean it does, as far as people to fill the game up for us to play with when nothing competitive is going on. But trying to make this game have the community of a casual PVE MMORPG is far worse then TRYING to do something serious with the game.

    Chances Make Champs. They could just let the game die out and become populated by a whopping 500 or 1000 casual FPS players who probably played PS1 up until now, and are probably not even from the US (Where most of their game card sales ETC will be happening.) OOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRR They could TRY to attack the competitive gaming market, which is the only one worth a ****. This is why Single player games are seemingly extinct, with the exception of a few awesome titles.

    I dont care about the community, or who is apart of what...I care about the game having some substance...I don't let loud mouth e-warriros bother me, instead of stomp their faces until they break their computers and have to wait for mommy or daddy to buy them a new one...

    There are faaaaaaaaar more positives that can come from this, from a gameplay/balance perspective, then negatives by some freaking ******* who will ruin a few casual and bad players fun by pointing out how poor they are.
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  18. Barosar

    I don't know that. Manged to log into Connery in the last 30 minutes of UES to play on Indar. Saw plenty of footage on Twitch. I'm pretty sure the event transpired... how did it fail?
  19. Hael

    MLG is a joke because it's too open. They're the modern equivalent of IGL. They need to take on a more CAL-like structure with an extremely selective series of high end ladders that get more competitive as you rank up. The issue is anyone and their mom can create and become an official "MLG clan" which strips the title of any merit.

    Back in the day if I told someone I was in a CS CAL-I team it meant something. If I said I was in a MLG clan today the most rational response would be "Yea? So is my grandmother."
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  20. Protential
