"Can I get a refund on my rocket pods?"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheArchetype, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Vertabrae

    First off, certs are gained by everyone who plays the game. They are given as a reward for in-game actions (kills, repairs, heals and so on). SC is paid for using real life cash. It has an actual value, and is only used by people who shelled out cash to get it. So they are actually different. One has no value, the other does.

    Second, 4 days spent farming certs to load out weapons you don't use is your own fault. Maybe next time you should spend the certs on weapons you do use. How you spend certs is entirely up to you. Don't blame SOE because you wasted them. Don't give me that "well SOE nerfed XX weapon now it sucks so I can't use it." It's an online game. Weapons and gear are constantly being changed. That's how it is in every game. SOE owns the game, so they can change anything they like. Deal with it. Nice of you to help out a color blind friend. Props to you. Next time get a gunner who can see in color. Will help you waste less certs.

    Third, nobody cares how long you've been playing FPS games. Considering we only care about this game, your gaming history is irrelevant.

    Fourth, the idea that anyone is afraid that your request for a refund would negatively affect them is laughable. It in no way shape or form affects us. I think you came here and posted thinking you were going to get a large number of people to agree with you and that maybe SOE would take notice and then give you a refund. Not going to happen. You failed to read the terms when you installed the game. That is your fault. Your remind me of the guy who tries to use a toaster in the bathtub, then complains to St. Peter after it fries him. SOE owes you nothing. Complain all you want, rant away, hire a lawyer and take them to court. Won't matter. Games have been selling items for real life cash for years, those items are often changed later. That is a risk you take when buying the item. Sucks to be you. I would have thought such an established gamer like yourself would have already known that. Next time, read the fine print.

    SOE 1
    Scrub who can't read the Terms and Conditions 0

    You lose. Have a nice day.
  2. VelcroPudding

    so SC has real life value?

    I'd like you to buy a hotdog with them.

    In the end, you have not answered any of the questions logically.

    How does this hurt you?

    How does this affect you?

    Why do you care?

    And really, why are you trolling so hard?
  3. bendplz

    rocket pods are like butter knives right now.... its ridiculous that anything can survive so many explosions
  4. Curse_Gamerkin

    "boo hoo i cant kill everyone and everything, GAME IS DYING" when every kid with no skill in a ESF can spam rocket pods with little to no risk or effort. the rocket pods are still just as good! surprised? only blast radius was nerfed. aim better.
  5. siiix

    one one side i understand how you feel cheated , you purchased something and then you got a downgrade

    on the other side it was fairly obvious it will happen

    if i would be SOE i would give an SC refund, minus a fee for using it for some time... lets say a 70% refund
  6. Tulmas

    na they need to do what this guy said
  7. Pig

    It is, and it's been posted many, many times
  8. Believer

    I agree it is really lame to not let people return nerfed items for credit. In the business world its called 'reverse billing', and its actionable, and to hide behind the excuse of 'balancing' is very sleazy and cowardly. Shame on you SoE.

    One thing that should be made clear to people when buying things, is to remember that you aren't actually buying it technically, you are buying the right to use it, but the characters, and the items, all remain property of SoE.
  9. khord

    [quote="TheArchetype, post: 1035493, member: 100878"
    PS: Post your thoughts quickly.[/quote]

    kk. I've used rocket pods post nerf. I have to aim better to get kills. Not as much AOE with them. I went, I saw, I conquered. They still kick ***.
  10. Vertabrae

    Sigh. I'll go slow do you understand this.

    1. SC has value because you spent real world cash on it. Anything you have to actually spend money to get, has value. That's why you spent money on it.

    2. It doesn't. Not in any way.

    3. Again, it doesn't

    4. I care because people like you failed to read the terms and conditions and then cry like 3 year olds and blame SOE. It isn't SOE's problem, it is yours. I am sick of people whining about SOE when SOE did nothing wrong. You took a risk, and lost. DEAL WITH IT.

    5. See point 4

    Look mate, I'm not trying to be a jerk. I know I come off that way, my apologies. I know it sucks for people who shelled out the cash for an item only to have SOE nerf it later. It sucks. But that's how online gaming works. Stuff is always being changed. You bought SC (not rocket pods, you did not pay for them, you paid for the SC) and you used the SC in the manner you chose. The SC did what it was supposed to do in unlocking a piece of gear. So there goes any chance of a refund. SOE owns the license to the rocket pods, the gear, the camo, and everything else in the game. So they can legally do whatever they want with it. They want to nerf rockets, legally they can. You have a few options at that point. 1. Live with it. 2 Don't ever purchase SC again and/or don't play PS2. 3 Come on the forums and post logical reasons why the nerfs are unbalanced and hope SOE listens.

    If you had done any of those I wouldn't rag on you. But instead you came in saying SOE needs to refund you money. Legally they don't. There is no false advertising. You bought rocket pods. Do they fire rockets? Yes. Then they work as advertised. I know it sucks. It's all good getting mad at SOE. Go right ahead. But they are not required to give you a refund, nor should they. They own the game, thus can do with it as they wish.
  11. Matlock0

    I don't quite get it. First of all rocketpods are 700 SC not 1400 SC.

    Then rocket pods are still excellent infantry and MBT killers so what is the problem again?

    It's a growing game and you need to stop ******** and realise that. Besides rocketpods were grossly OP before when they were so good against liberators and sunderers it wasn't really balanced. Same with infantry.

    Now it's a good weapon not insane. If you don't have the skill to use them anymore, tough times. I still wouldn't tell it to the judge.