"Can I get a refund on my rocket pods?"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheArchetype, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. xpsyclosarinx

    Okay, recap.

    Pray tell, what exactly is your whine about? Other than something you unlocked with in game currency which was slightly modified and now you're upset demanding a refund.
  2. TheArchetype

    I'm not trying to whine about anything. I'm just proposing what we should expect from SOE regarding refunds.
    Could someone please direct me to where I shut down this post? It's getting old.
  3. KingComp

    Can I get a refund on my rocket pods?


    Said no pilot ever.
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  4. xpsyclosarinx

    Look, you only get refunds when you fight tooth over nail for them right after you've bought them. Not after you've made loads of kills with them.

    I wanted a refund for the SABR-13 because it's a POS and pretty much everything else kills faster than it, problem was I wasn't able to trail it, literally in in game DEFECT prevented me from trialing it. It took 3 support tickets because they caved and just gave me the SC back for it. However in your situation.... they modified something, I still get mad killing sprees with the pods so they are clearly not broken.

    If you want the thread closed then contact a mod. Try reporting your own post or something and just request it be locked.
  5. Springheel Jack

    So you're saying we should get refunds every time we ask?

    Terrible business model.

    If they straight didn't work, you could expect a refund. If they're modified slightly for game balance, and let's face it, absolutely nothing changed, there's no reason to even think of refunding you.

    Away fish, away!
  6. RaTzo

    They may deny refunds, I too have asked for a refund, but the greater cost to SOE is going to be a loss of player trust. There is zero chance I will ever subscribe to PS2 now. I will never purchase another item for the game until they have a PROVEN TRACK RECORD of NOT nerfing weapons that actually work.

    I've been an addict and evangelist for PS2, and they've dried up the money cow that was me.

    Balance changes are fine, COMPLETELY redefining how a vehicle works to the point that it is unrecognizable as the vehicle that I purchased items for is NOT fine.

    This is a F2P game. I requires people, and more it requires dedicated players who show off what's possible when you pay for items. If people like myself become unwilling to pay, and perhaps worse who are for the short term anyway, not interested in playing any more... the game is in trouble.

    Nerfs are never OK. Add counter capabilities. If the ESF still rocked then perhaps the recent AA buff would be OK, or tolerable. However with nerf after nerf ESFs have become a joke while their "soft counter" has become a ground based air superiority weapon system.

    Sorry but even if you don't give my money back, I'm not giving you any more.. and I'm pretty sure you still have expenses for the game. I don't have any requirement to continue to play, but you have a dev team, advertising and servers to pay. Perhaps you shouldn't be so heartless to the people like me who have supported your game from the start.
  7. RaTzo

    If you ordered a steak and halfway through your meal they came and took it away replacing it with a ham sandwich would you expect to get a refund "every time you asked"?

    Do you have any clue how business works at all? Do you know what it costs to GET a customer and what it takes to RETAIN a customer? Of course you don't.
  8. lolmanlee

    grow some balls.
    you paid 5 dollars for a triple A game...
  9. Goodfood

    Sounds like you wrote a snide little comment about nerfs and balance when asking for a refund. If you just say 'I bought this by mistake', they're pretty good about refunding your smedbux. Your anger and your inability to deal with things like an adult has cost you. This is a teachable moment, learn from it.
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  10. GSZenith

    Oh look another clueless person that haven't read the ToS etc, just go away already tired of your whine, and by all means sue SoE please do and we all can laugh as you end up being the one having to pay due to not read ToS etc, now go away.

    edit1 , stupid keyboard changed lang layout.

    edit 2, just for the fun of it, (yeah i find this fun sue me)

    shall i go on?

    edit3: keyboard layout back to normal, minor fix to letters as well as wording.
  11. Udon

    Maybe they should refund you. And while they are at it take away all the XP you earned using them and any base capture XP you got while flying with them equipped. That would be fair wouldn't it?
  12. Buntfunk

    I did receive a refund on the g2a launcher. I asked them to offer the same refund to all customers who bought this worthless weapon but naturally they told me this is handled on a case to case basis. Not sure how the changes done to launchers compare to those done to the pods, but there you go.
  13. Vertabrae

    You didn't buy rocket pods. You bought station cash. The station cash worked exactly as advertised, allowing you to unlock an item. Had you bought station cash and been unable to unlock anything then you could ask for a refund. However, you unlocked rocket pods, thus the station cash worked perfectly. What you do with the station cash is entirely on you, not SOE. You could have used that station cash to unlock something else, but you made your choice now live with it.
  14. Thardus

    I find it amusing that people don't think they got their money's worth out of Rocket Pods.
  15. Xtron2112

    It reminds me of the time when the Type 59 in World of Tank was first nerfed(granted, the Type 59 costs well over $30).
  16. malden

    SOE might be willing if you are OK with losing all certs, xp, battle rank, and kills with said item.

    They might give you back the 700sc ($2.33) you spent how does that sound guy?
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  17. bobzebrick

    EULA is not a legally binding contract by UK law, proven in court already.
  18. Tulmas

    This everyone who ******* about a nerf should be given this option, bet they shut their mouth there after. LOL
  19. Clail

    "Game experience may change during online play."

    I'm sure you've all seen this on the back of every MMO/multiplayer box.
  20. Haterade

    I can't really be bothered by reading this entire thread, but the idea that people might sue because they had something nerfed is patently silly. They could shut down every single server tomorrow and you wouldn't have legal recourse for any money you spent on this game.