Anti air rockets useless?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Fugean, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. 13lackCats

    That is your perception.

    It is a self-limiting one; to assume the other guy isn't doing his best.

    For me, it is much more interesting to believe my opponent is deadly serious.
  2. Taki

    All anti-air in the game is super-weak.

    I bought an Annihilator thinking it may serve as both anti-air and armour deterrent (wasn't expecting kills from this), and it's the worst thing I've wasted SC on. Utter waste of time and space - enemy air and armour don't even flinch at the hits. Apparently the dedicated AA launcher isn't much better!

    I also use an AA max, and whilst it serves as slightly more of a deterrent, by the time it's done enough damage to 'frighten' anything off, the aircraft has already done it's job!
  3. Darkhand

    I've fired off a Locked on Air Rocket at someone that was facing me with their rocket pods. As soon as the rocket got close they just floated straight up and the rocket went right under them, it tried to turn up but it couldn't keep up with the climb velocity. Then I caught 50 rockets to the face and died.

    I understand that Air has to be able to dodge rockets (I play my Scythe Sometimes too) but it's just frustrating how easy these missles are to dodge.

    Also sometimes they DO hit, I see the explosion, but then no damage notification and no damage?
  4. SgtGrimm

    Someone else recently posted that we as infantry have no business in expecting our rockets to bring down an aircraft because an aircraft costs resources and time (20:00 Min Cool down). The launchers with lock on capability cost $7.00 USD or 1000CP, I have every expectation that they should hit something for $7.00 of my hard earned cash when a plane is actually free cause it doesnt cost you money at all and is provided to everyone in the game. I dont even care if it does a little damage or a lot of damage. But they should hit. The rockets need to be brought up in level a little. I have no problem with chaf being used to have rockets lose tracking that is quite real and acceptable. But a plane out running a rocket is not. And the fact that a plane can take a rocket out of range and incur no damage is BS too. If you in range when its fired you should incur some damage if it hits. I also have no problem with the plane being able to out manuever a rocket everyonce in awhile. I have seen it in real life. But every effing time, no way. That chance needs to be brought into a reasonable chance. Like 10% if you move at the right time.
    I appologize for the rant, but if I spend my hard earned moeny on something I expect it to work atleast a little bit.
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  5. Katalepsis

    OFE, spot on post.
  6. Katalepsis

    No they're all bugged (I have my VS main but like many keen players I keep an NC and TR alt on other servers). Basically missiles (from the dedicated AA launcher) and the rockets (from the combo lock on Annihilator) are extremely easy to defeat without flares OR line of sight. They have crappy tracking once launched, often zig zag before impact of their own accord (for no reason) and about 30-40% of the hits magically do zero damage (bugged). Furthermore they have terrible range before despawning and putrid airspeed, period. All of the shortcomings we can long as they fix the bugged pathing to targets and most of all the zero damage bug.
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  7. Haya jii san

    Could SoE please buff AA rocket launchers ? Chance to connect with something is abysmal, considering the amount of ammo we're allowed to carry. A skilled ESF pilot doesn't even have to throw flares, in order to defend against it. This air dominance is kind of annoying, promoting a pretty one-sided game meta.
  8. hardes13

    another point is the exp. we want all certs, and with antiair you don´t get it.
    and i like rock paper scissor.
    aircraft is good against tanks and infantrie. I would like to see the airdamage to infantrie beeing redused, and the infantrie anti air weapons more effectiv.
    as for the G2A launcher, with a litte training you hit better, but the lock takes too long, the bomber takes not enough damage and the speed and range is terrible.
  9. Dubious

    You know G2A is useless when Liberators can dodge them (not using flares)
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  10. Fugean

    Hey guys, OP here. it seems there are people who missed the point of my post. i don't care if it takes 10 rockets to kill and ESF i would just like to hit more often. being able to hit aircraft reliably is why lock on g2a rockets are supposed to exist. I am not looking for the ''easy kill''. while locking on can scare some noobs away for a few seconds, it doesnt pose a threat to anyone who has flown an aircraft more than 5 times, by then they know g2a does nothing. if, however, the rocket were to hit even for minimal damage, it would cause the aircraft to fly off for repairs which takes them out of the fight for a longer period of time. that is what i am looking for. if occasionally i can get the last hit on an aircraft with one of these that would be great. but, by no means do i want this to be a 1-2 shot kill.. that would nullify aircraft entirely.
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  11. Sgarv

    I'd have to agree. I got the Grounder thinking that I could finally take out the aircraft that completely dominated 90% of battles that happened. I was horribly, horribly wrong. At best it makes liberators and ESFs decide to move a bit father away, and at worse? Absolutely nothing. I've fought dozens of aircraft today and got around 1 kill and 4 or so assists (just guessing but it's probably true). The rockets are simply NOT reliable at all. Every time I fire one, I expect that 30% of the time the pilot will have flares and I'll need to fire ANOTHER rocket, and 65% of the time it'll either miss or do no damage for some terrible reason. The 1 in 20 times it DOES hit, it does SUCH pitiable damage (we're talking about a grand 1/8th of a liberators health, so assuming I'm full up to the brim with rockets, there's no way that I can solo an aircraft like I can do against tanks). Hell, even ESFs laugh at the damage and then proceed to bomb the **** out of me.

    Really feel like I got ripped off. Currently using Decimator, and it's being much more useful against libs and galaxies, so that's nice.
  12. Tiju

    I am dedicated to AA, driving mostly a Skyguard Lightning or using a Hawk G2A launcher. I have to confess that I don't like AVs irl and ig, so I usually play against them ig.;) I can understand some concerns, but I don't think so much should change. Hits with rockets should do damage, that's clear: maybe it's bugged atm. But I don't see the necessity or much reasons for guaranteed hits or even for the possibility to down an AV with your rockets alone. AV's are mighty high speed vehicles, you are a lone soldier (with an unrealistic amount of 4 to 7 rockets on you) firing a tiny little low power rocket. Such a rocket cannot achieve the speed and power for hitting every time. It depends on the ratio of the AV speed and route and the rockets trajectory. 50 to 60 percent hits should be the maximum. And deterrence should be all you can achieve. The AV usually cannot see you and the rockets don't have treacherous signs. So our risk is not so high. Usually I only die to AVs when I'm at the obvious spot for bombs or A2G rockets.

    To the other AA: AA MAX is ok as it is. Skyguard is a little bit too weak, being a vehicle that can be seen by AVs easily. Should have at least a 75 rounds clip.
  13. Sgarv

    You're missing the point. At the moment, it's more like 5%

    In any case it just feels like a waste of SC/Certs. Grounder is useless compared to AA MAXes, and costs a crapload to boot.
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  14. Tiju

    If it is like you say statistically (only the devs could prove) for the majority of players it should be changed, you're right. I have a ratio of about 25 to 50% I guess, depending on my patience and the terrain. Maybe if you use it constantly, you can better judge the situation when shooting makes sense?
  15. Sgarv

    Not really. It wholly depends on if the guy you're shooting is good at flying or not. But as stated earlier, they can dodge the rocket by simply turning and sluggishly moving a bit, which is BS
  16. CBCronin

    See it happen all the time now, especially vs. Mosquitoes; they don't even bother to try to run away anymore, they simply slide to the right or left and spin around.... missile loses lock and flies right by.

    The only way I seem able to get a hit with it now is to stare down a plane firing rockets directly at me, not very effective a weapon if you have to die every time.
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  17. BosCarnis

    Another problem with G2A missiles is one I don't see discussed too often. It's the weird way that missiles actually leave the launcher. When you get the lock, you can't actually lead the rocket in order to ensure that the missile reaches it's target quickly. When you fire the missile after locking on, you don't have the option of firing the missile at the crosshairs, the missile leaves the launcher at a weird angle in order to start the goofy follow animation rather than letting you compensate for the slow travel time by having the missile intercept the target at a better angle. Am I making sense?

    Like I said, I never see anyone talking about this issue so I'm sure it's not even on the dev radar.
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  18. Mocam


    Ok, so you tossed out a non sequitur reply?

    Hmmm... I assert air doesn't use teamwork and should need to, just like they tell ground units. You come out with something about my statement being that these soloist pilots farming ground are not being serious. I'd say they are pretty serious about it.

    Where you drew your conclusions from to post that reply has me boggled.
  19. Istrebljivach

    Is there some hidden refund option? I got few c.r.a.p. AA weapons I would like to sell back for same reason.
  20. altonyc

    I don't see G2A rockets that often, but all the descriptions make it sound like they should trade traits with the A2A missiles. Those things can turn on a dime. If the two are different, the A2A should be a bit less agile due to the fact that an aircraft can close distance before launching a missile; infantry cannot.