How do you feel, now that the Double XP has ended?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vepo, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Clay Pigeon

    It takes more than 2 c4 to blow up a properly certed sundy.
  2. Avs0000

    If fine means the death of the population in this game, then sure.
  3. BalogDerStout

    What they should do is what almost all other MMO games do.

    You should build up 'rest' the longer you're logged off, while 'rested' you gain double xp but it decreases the longer you play. It would also have to be tuned so that being online is always better than being off, but you at least have an incentive to log off. This actually helps weekend warriors and casual types since they don't feel as penalized for having a life.

    Doubt it will happen.

    I feel I'm on a moderate pop server, Connery, and amerish is always dead, Esmir has squad battles and all the real fighting is on Indar, especially the crown.
  4. Protential

    Well I meant Aircraft will still have plenty of targets, wthout anyone playing AA to stop them.

    Aparently all these "Great super star players" who hate anyone who ever played CoD or BF3, this will be perfect for them, groups of 5-20 people going around ghost capping eachother.

    Fawking awesome game, people like the OP will LOVE IT.

    I will never play my HA of Infiltrator again, all I am going to do now is tank spam. Or ram liberators
  5. MightQuinn

    I would LOVE to see twice the populations... I hope they come up with something. Even in beta I would see utubers waylaying crowds of people. I've had some great battles, but not really like I'd hoped for. I've seen maybe 100 players total in one area. While this was freakin awesome, I've seen hours of play where it's a player here and a few there.

    Serious metagame adjustments need to be made.
  6. MightQuinn

    I have a character on Connery too. Completly agree that Indar is the only active continent. I'd love to see actual population numbers fro servers. Maybe I would have tried an East coaster with better populations.
  7. BuzWeaverPS2

    SOE doesn't have to be like DICE, nor was I suggesting they should. When you're looking at the generalization perspective I can see how you arrived at that conclusion.
  8. Talizzar

    They want slow cert gains so that you give up and BUY the item instead.
  9. Noshious

    okay dude my server Connery is just fine loads of epic battles. either you need to SWITCH continents or wait for a server transfer.
  10. Protential

    I do not consider 30vs30 or 50vs50 epic battles, or anything that's not offered in other games? Apparently there are a couple EU servers still alive, according to you guys. But I never see any servers go above medium now, and when I log on them even when I go to instant action, there is like a whopping 5 enemies running around a huge base.

    That's not massive or epic. This is being degraded in to a FPS not a MMOFPS, and honestly they mideaswell instance each hex seperatly as a side game. Once the point caps, you can spawn in to a different hex. Lol
  11. Cavadus

    Well, yeah. I don't consider myself a pro but I do consider pros to be largely PS1 veterans. I'm a PS1 veteran but not a pro.

    That being said, I never had the expectation that PS2's gameplay focus would be infantry combat. It's a combined arms game. I think this is what, ultimately, CoD/BF players will never come to grips with; PS2 was never designed to allow infantry combat to predominate.

    Now, SOE certainly hasn't helped themselves along as they've done virtually nothing with base designs to facilitate infantry combat but Planetside has never been an infantry game, either iterations.
  12. -lOldboyl-

    While I agree the game needs to be more rewarding, following anything DICE is doing is a bad idea. At least PS2 is trying to be somewhat unique in the market and not turning it's game into another Call of Duty clone (See the transition from BF2 to it's "sequel" BF3).
  13. Protential

    You miss the entire point...With x2 exp at least it kept infantry combat alive. Because the few kills you could get actually gave you progression, without x2 exp. This is out the window, the only people playing infantry will be either maxed out already, or someone who is just new to the game completely.

    Also aside from the vehicle aspect, the point is most "Veterans" avoid combat, and are more focused on some kind of WEAK strategy element they THINK this game has. And without people like me to go in the base and do all the work for you, while you sit back safely eating dinner and or beating your wife this game is going to die.
  14. Cavadus

    I realize this and I agree that double XP should be permanent. I never said anything to the contrary.
  15. Gavyne

    There are a lot of good things BF3 and Bad Company 2 have that this game could learn from. A company doesn't have to learn from another company, all they have to do is pick the good parts of a game and implement them into this game. I get that people are always very much against BF3 and CoD, I understand why. But SOE is a company trying to make money and they look at what's out there, now do they want to follow a niche success of Planetside 1 where the game had a small playerbase? Or do they want to tap into the larger pool of the current, modern war games?

    This game, like it or not, is built most closely related to BF3. Like it or not, it is what it is. You can't look at this game and tell me it doesn't look like a BF3 with 10x the map size, 10x the players, and a persistent battlefield in a scifi theme. Now SOE doesn't have to follow DICE, but SOE could look at what good the other games did. I never liked BF3 as much as BC2 personally, but I think BF3's prone feature was a good addition. Say if SOE adds prone position for us in this game, now why would that be a bad thing just because BF3 has it? It wouldn't.
  16. Protential

    I was just referring to you assuming I thought PS2 should be mainly infantry based. I played Ps1, and loved it. There was a great balanace between all things. Each had its place, each was a viable way to play and progress..
  17. Clutchstep

    This is needed on other MMOs, like WoW, because you need to be of similar levels to group with people properly. If your level is too low then you won't be able to join the same instances with your friends. That's not the case with PS2 though, a BR1 can fight alongside BR100 without any real issues.

    What I'd like to see is actual rewards for raising BR. Right now I don't think you get anything other than the extra loadouts at 10 and 15 and the stupid decals that people can't see anyway. I think you should get bonus certs when raising a BR, and periodically get a free weapon or something (every 10 or 20 BR). That would make people continue to play and know that they'll get a new weapon eventually.

    SOE will have to balance things out; enough certs/rewards for people to keep them interested, but low enough that they can make money and keep the servers running. Hopefully they'll make the right choices.
  18. Kobo

    It may have kept infantry combat alive for a few... myself the last time I logged in was right after the double XP started. I got wtfbbqdoublestomped by a gazillion air units and tanks, logged off and never logged back in. I only came here today to see if there was any change... and nope it was not, so now at least I know that I can uninstall the game without feeling bad.

    OP be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.

    Edit: Actually, after posting this I came to the conclusion that uninstalling was the thing to do. So I guess you got your wish from one of us anyway.
  19. Protential

    Lvl 10 - 100 Cert Item

    Lvl 20 - 250 Cert Item

    Lvl 30 - Free 500 cert Item

    Lvl 50- Free 1000 cert item

    This would be some-what legit. And you could focus on buliding your class while leveling instead of buying weapons.
  20. MaxDamage

    Relieved. When there's bonus XP I feel pressured to make the most of it. Bit of an unhealthy inner MMO addict thing.

    Now I can get back to having fun, because with alpha squad boost and premium subscription, cert gain is still to low to bother counting up.

    I will miss the extra zergage tho.
    Even though TR are usually outnumbered on Esamir, I've enjoyed those massive fights on Miller again, more players = more bad players, and I needs the precious.