
Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TheRealBrave, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Tehknorabble

    According to the posted data sheets the Gauss-SAW does 200 dmg at 10m and drops to 167 at 85m, I believe this is where the HV ammo comes into play it stops that drop in damage and pushes it out further. Also if you look at all of the VS LMGs they all don't drop damage till over 100m to me this shows that all the VS LMGs have a longer range. The Gauss-SAW most definitively has a shorter range than what I'm use to (playing VS for so long) I've made a ton of shots with my new scope now and even though I see the bullet moving on target there is no hit, sometimes I can even see the bullet travel through the target.

    COF Bloom actually punishes good players and helps bad players. In a typical tactical FPS you don't have COF Bloom you just have heavy vertical recoil which good players learn to compensate for making their accuracy very effective regardless of the situation. Assuming you have one solid FPS player who can easily line up on their targets head the bloom will force shots to miss even though they are compensating for the vertical recoil there is no way to compensate for the bloom. Now if you take a bad player who just sprays shots at a target, they could be aiming to the left or right of their target so they shouldn't be hitting, but the bloom is actually causing them to hit. I guess it evens the playing field so you don't have people who are amazing at other FPSs coming in and killing 30 people in a row, and it gives people who may be some what new to the game a chance to get kills and survive, it just really blows when you have your targets head lined up and you can literally see the bullets missing and there is nothing you can do it about since it's a game mechanic.
  2. Kyutaru

    Actually, they still drop off in damage, the range you're seeing is just due to VS having additional damage falloff. Notice how the minimum damage is even lower than other factions. This makes them worse at long range, made up for by the fact that they have the best fullauto accuracy.
  3. Tehknorabble

    I said they do still drop off in damage, just not till after 100m, as apposed to NC guns which drop off at 85m. And they actually do roughly the same DPS, VS and NC guns that is, it's just that VS guns typically have a higher ROF, and far less recoil so their average damage per bullet will be less since they will inevitably connect more. NC bullets also def drop earlier than VS, I was testing it today with the same scope on both guns (3.4x Red Dot) my VS URSA goes further than the Gauss-SAW without HV Ammo equipped, but when the target is actually in range even with the damage reduction the SAW is def better than the URSA, of course I could just switch back to my orion and be decent at range and a monster up close, that gun is a nightmare with a laser sight
  4. Kyutaru

    VS guns still drop at 85m, they just continue to drop off even further. The dropoff ranges are the point where they reach their minimum values. Dropoff starts as early as 10m for all guns, one of the advantages of soft point ammo is extending the initial dropoff range from 10m to 15m making shots better in close combat.

    That's different, distance is determined by bullet velocity and bullet drop. VS guns have high bullet velocity and NO bullet drop, so they will always shoot further than other faction weapons.
  5. HerpTheDerp

    You don't get it. Orion kicks less per bullet, but fires them much faster. This isn't about recoil per single bullet, it's about recoil per unit of time. If per bullet theory is correct, Orion should have more vertical climb than Saw, and it obviously doesn't.

    Oh really? Funny, I could've sworn there was no difference between RoF and frequency of ironsights jumping.

    But this is easy to prove, isn't it? If you have FRAPS, get both Saw and CARV, record them both, then count the # times the ironsights jumped in a second. With CARV having 50% more RoF than Saw, the difference should be easy to see, right?

    Yeah, per tick.

    Confirmed by whom? SOE? Otherwise, show me the tests. Show me the methodology. Show me it didn't change in one of the dozen patches, most of them stealth ones, that SOE did since then. Show me where in the game files it is stated that Saw has less horizontal recoil than Orion, and show me the wall test.

    Sorry, but you're the one claiming you have all the answers, so it's up to you to deliver them. It's called burden of proof.
    • Up x 2
  6. Shadowhunter1

    this damn gun was ninja patch and was given more damage and now it is WAY TO DAMN STRONG!!!! i auto lose to this gun from medium range and short range, no way i cna kill them from long range cause they hide until i am in the correct range. i get 1 shotted everytime, never shot in the head. i died as a medic with my AOE active, medic on me, shot in the foot once and died. this gun needs to be nerfed back to the way it was, and even then it was still strong, but not OP strong like it is now.
  7. KyadCK

    You're both trying to prove something. You are not the "accepted norm" either. If anything, he is as it is obvious that the gun bucks per shot. You both must provide proof.
  8. colt .45 killer

    The saw comes into its own when you drop a 4x or 6x on it and start engaging between 50 and 200 M. I've surprised many a Vanu sniper who thought I was easy pickings and went down in a few precise shots. There are a few good youtube videos of people firing double taps and killing hostiles in ~1-2 bursts. With a 100 rnd drum that means you can easily kill 20-30 people including lots of misses.

    When I first kitted out my Saw ( I dont even have advanced forward or high velocity yet ) I was amazed at how I was able to stomp peoples faces in at range...
  9. Tehknorabble

    I'm pretty much throwing in the towel on the Gauss-SAW. I finally have the Adv. Grip, Compensator, and 2x Reflex and honestly it's the same gun, I even did a few spray pattern tests to see and they were almost identical, with all of the upgrades the pattern stays tighter for a bit longer during a burst, but honestly not enough to warrant the 300 certs spent to gain that. On top of that the SAW cannot hip fire and if you use the ADS and are being hit, assuming you and your target see each other at the same time and start firing, the flinching is TERRIBLE with it.

    After an hour of so with it, I did decently well, right around 2:1 normal low side for me I decided to move back to my VS and cert out his Orion, all I put on it was a laser sight and the 1x reflex, I seriously destroyed face with that setup, I think I ended up going 6:1. Not only does it fire insanely fast but with the laser sight the hip fire is very tight and while in ADS the flinching is almost non-existent. The low ammo count on it is a big draw back, but it's manageable and the reload is very fast.

    Oh well, you learn something new, it was fun while I farmed for the mods :).

    I do hope that NC gets some love though it seems to be a running theme, they have very low ROF, high recoil and high flinching but the damage does not make up for these factors
  10. HerpTheDerp

    Well, I did some testing and turns out I was completely wrong.

    Orion's vertical recoil was indeed higher than Saw's when both were fired in the same time frame(distance, etc.), which means recoil is almost certainly calculated on per-bullet basis.

    Let's sum it up with the classic "HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT I SUCK *****"
  11. Metran

    heh my SAW is maxed out on medals(1200+ kills) and i still use it lots. I have the gd-22 or w/e it's called and it's ok but when the enemies get too thick I still go back to the saw.
  12. KnightCole

    Oookkay...NC6, GD22S, BOTH are absurdly good.

    All either of them need is a x2 optic and the NC6 just needs it compensator and it will absolutely **** with no effort at all.

    GD22S is what the TMG50 SHOULD pretty much face rolls as well....

    And people claimed the NC were UP....**** with that BS..
  13. Iksniljiksul

    It's obvious who plays NC exclusively here. The NC6 is a complete piece of fecal matter even with attachments compared to the other LMGs I use. NC HA is outclassed by VS and TR. HA is not your strength, it's your weakest link. That's why NC has problems on the field.

    Some people claim this is a great weapon and yada yada kills. Kills mean nothing, the outcome of the battle is what matters and NC loses a lot more open field fights then it wins when numbers are even and organization is the same. Why?

    Because of this "learn to play your weapon" nonsense when the fact is, my VS and TR heavies have LMGs that by far out shine this gun. This weapon is not accurate, has horrible recoil, very slow reload times, and does not shoot well from the hip. Not based on this verses that of the NC but side by side to what I carry on the other factions.

    The claim, put attachments on it and it's a "beast"... not compared to those same attachments on my other LMGs. This weapon doesn't even stack up well against assault rifles and carbines. My TR engineer has a fully tricked out -S that blows this away. My VS LA has a fully tricked out Pulsar that destroys this gun. Why?

    Because while this weapon does outstanding damage, what rules a fight is accuracy of the first 6-8 bullets. While you are busy tapping out a pattern of 2-3 burst to get this, my LA has this in one burst at the same ranges, and still hip shoots better then this LMG. That's just one comparison.

    Even my NC medic Gauss outshoots this LMG. In fact, the Medics get some of your best weapons.

    Protect your MAX units (and for **** sake stay out of their way!). Turtle up. Get Flak armors to survive the rooms. It's all you guys have going for you right now. At close ranges in concentrated fire, keeping them at bay is where you will blow the other factions out of the water. If you can find some place away from those **************** Libs and survive the 'nade spam.
    • Up x 1
  14. Alexander Angelos

    Are we gentlemen talking here about the stock LMG or the 250 cert one?
  15. KnightCole

    All NC dudes just need to can the NC6 and buy themselves GD22S, run around with a few engis for ammo spam and your golden. The GD is an amazing gun, I love the thing. 2x optic and laser....its a beast. It doesnt need a barrel attachement or special ammo...if it even gets any...
  16. xOrionx

    Agreed. SOE doesn't give a crap about the problems NC has. The only thing we can do is trashing the SAW and using GD22S instead.
  17. Epoch/Eep

    Stock SAW

    I stopped using it after beta nerf and was using the GD 22. The last week or so i dropped my GD 22s because mates were saying how well the SAW shines and i decided to give it another go.

    I was using it with High Velocity ammo, 2x sight, Adv grip and comp this last week and the gun was a bit average. Dropped the HV this afternoon due to an outfit mate doing some recoil testing and i did amazingly well. 3 hours playtime and i was using 1x sight Adv grip and Comp. It was fecking amazing as an ADS gun at close/mid to long range. CQ i would die to the odd CARVs because i was burst firing and they could full auto but outside that it was a beast of a gun. I wont be going back to the GD now and i dont think ill be bothering with the Anchor which was my original plan.

    I know this is all anecdotal but if u haven't played with the SAW for a while. Try it out again and if u use HV ammo. Try it without. You might be pleasantly surpsied.

    You have to ADS and you have to burst. If you do you will be loving this gun.
  18. gunshooter

    Why burstfire in CQ, The SAW actually isn't much worse than the Carv when hipfired. Just point it at the man and fire full auto and you'll win unless he has a laser and you don't. (He probably doesn't, most people are dumb and use foregrip on guns with no recoil)
  19. Epoch/Eep

    Im usually medic using a Gr 22 with adv laser so hip fire with Saw feels very random in comparison. I need to stop going ADS in CQ i guess and just roll the dice :)
  20. pnkdth

    Alpha Squad is probably the best deal for NC than any faction. You get the GR-22 for medic(love that hipfire when you fiddle with the rezz applicator), you get the EM6 for heavy, you get the LA80 for infiltrator, and a good long range carbine, the AC-X11, for engineer and LA. Granted, this means f*** all to anyone who wasn't able to get the alpha squad deal.

    I'm having some doubts about the VS because our weapons are just so boring, more and more I play on my NC alt. Yes, I know TR and VS weapons are really good, I know, but the VS weapons are just so damn similiar to each other. And you have to try and silence that whisper in your ear urging you get into the magrider and go pew pew pew. Always those voices, beckoning, urging, tempting... the voices... always there, he he, yes, he he hehehehehehehehe...