Is it fair to allow MBTs to be instagibbed by one rocketpod salvo?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Egg99, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. WolfA4

    You're right, one rocket salvo doesn't kill an MBT. It only takes half a magazine of rockets into the rear of an MBT to kill it.
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  2. Roobarb

    If you're lucky.
  3. Tarrick

    I, personally, have no problem with Liberators using Daltons. They're pretty much expected to be able to do that. However, to do so, they sacrifice speed, agility, and require an additional teammate to use. Fighters can do the same without those drawbacks.
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  4. medbot544

    No, Prowler is not total crap. Over 1k kills with it so far. All I want is a) better choice of secondaries, especially vs air b) a special ability that is useful like the NC/VS versions; both of which can be used to help against air. AM most certainly does not and infact helps enemy planes instead. That's all I want. Would that be OP? Is that too much to ask for? Evidently that is a yes.

    edit. also would not mind tail end of prowler getting adjusted to be a tad smaller + throw out side mounted guns and go either dual centers or a single barrel two shotter. Any of these would bring the Prowler more in line with the other factions MBT and perhaps be less plane fodder imo.
  5. WolfA4

    Luck has nothing to do with it. It's a fact that it takes half a magazine of rockets to kill a tank from the rear, the TTK is something like 1.5 seconds.
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  6. Compass

    Neither of the two other faction secondaries is designed to counter air. They're both single shot projectiles which are uni-directional. The Vulcan, unlike the rest, only has to hit maybe 5 times out of 30 to be scary. The rest, it's a literal hit or miss.

    With the Vulcan, a single shot does approximately a 20th of an ESF's HP bar, and there's 30-42 chances for you to land that hit.
  7. Deathcapt

    Word, What's actually "insta gibbing" you, is 1 magazine of rotary, 1 magazine of rocket pods and then another magazine of Rotary. Additionally, 10/12 need to hit, the rear. it's really hard to pull off an instagib on an MBT with an ESF.
  8. Sharmanti

    woot? it takes me 2 bypasses to kill a single MBT. (he barely survives the first tho)

    If they move AT ALL. It might take even more. It's also increadiably dangerous for the aircraft, a single dumb-fire rocket can take me down. Not to mention that basicly everything hitting me can destroy me fairly quickly.

    I more or less don't even care about shooting tanks when there's ANYTHING else around. It's suicide to kill a tank when there's anything that can hit you around
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  9. Mekhazzio

    As everything else? What game are you playing? No matter if you're on foot, in a ground vehicle, or in an aircraft, if you are taken by surprise by anything but the weakest of weapons, the usual result to simply die on the spot. A Galaxy is the only thing that can expect to survive a serious alpha strike, and even then, its fate is usually unavoidable in the end. PS2 is a moderately high-paced game: nobody gets a chance to react once they're already knee-deep in it.

    ...nobody except MBTs, that is. They're the most survivable combatant in the game. Most infantry cannot effectively damage you at all. The ones that can, do so little DPS from front or side hits that they're usually wasting their time firing. Even if you manage to do so poorly with your positioning, timing, and situational awareness that a Heavy Assault gets a clean shot at your rear, it still does only half damage, giving you far more time than is needed to react and avoid your deserved demise (usually killing the HA for the temerity of striking you, to boot). You easily destroy any ground vehicle that isn't another MBT, and if you've screwed up badly enough to find yourself at a disadvantage against those, you can typically disengage with ease. This leaves the entire list of things you have to worry about at just two items: fighter rockets, and liberator belly guns. Tank play is the highest reward for the least difficulty of anything in the game. If it's not survivable enough for you, you are doing something very, very wrong.
  10. Fluff

    Get out and he targets and kills you as fast as he can kill your sunder. It's funny, it's stupid, it's nosense but this game is Airside 2, it is not, by far, a balance game. Everything is about how over powered rockets are, even small guns from air units will down you quite fast, or simple the big guns from a gunship leaving you ZERO chance to go anywhere... EVEN hidding under object is useless since the stupid gun has a billion mile splash radius.
  11. WolfA4

    If you are shooting at the front armor of a Vanguard, yes. But if you are shooting at the rear armor of any tank it takes half a magazine of rockets to kill any tank with any ESF.
  12. Mietz

    Fire pods, switch to rotary = instagib under 5 seconds.

    The MBT gets all the damage at once, you see the rockets fly, he doesn't.
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  13. Tasogie

    of coarse it is. Airpowers weapon systems are built to do that. In real world it takes 1 single maverick to take out an M1.Your getting hit by a dozen rockets at once. it is not only fair, but propper.
  14. Mietz

    In real world a G2A missile when hitting an airplane destroys it completely and the plane doesn't come back 10 minutes later.

    PS2 =/= real life.
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  15. Kyorisu

    Before making irrelevant comparisons to the real world you should consider all possible real world / game scenarios. Lest you make yourself look like a tool.

    "Oh but in the real world"

    In the real world if a tank shell managed to hit ANY flying piece of equipment it would no longer be flying in a controllable state. Yet in Planetside 2 you can hit an ESF with a tank round and it can fly off and live to tell the tale.
  16. Katana

    Didnt Matt Higby already say it's not gonna change so if you wanna be good give us your money to buy them?
  17. Uben Qui

    They make the complaint because they are the lonesome tank. They do not know if that ESF made it out of there or not. All they know is that they got picked off wherever they were, and do not think it is fair for some reason.

    It happens. It happens less or not at all if you are working with others. When I say working with others, I mean you call out the ESF on you and they respond. Not just wolf packing with the zerg without any communication.
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  18. Xarx

    Libs should be the main thing to go to for A2G, ESF is A2A and can specialize into A2G support.
    When 3 ESF can take out an armour column quicker than a Lib, there's a problem not to mention 1 ESF can scare away/kill a lib. 1 ESF can't do that much against 3.

    My idea of support is protecting flanks from infantry by bombarding their position or taking out a lone tank that has no AA support, not through raw damage but through the inability of the tank to do anything against it. At the moment these are flipped as in most cases it's easier and quicker to take out a tank from the rear than it is to take out infantry.

    The main problem with Rocketpods in general is not the amount of damage they put out per se as they should have very high burst damage but the ease at which the combination of a relatively quick reload speed and hovering can change the high burst damage into high sustained damage for almost no skill required. Added on to the fact at how little downtime an ESF has due to the abundance of rearming platforms and how quickly they can return to the fight.
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  19. irewolf

    No instagib refers to getting wiped out pretty much instantly. Which is what the OP described. This happened to me in the middle of a friendly base with LOADS of friendlies around, AA turrets, friendly ESFs, the works. However, the ESF can swoop in kill the tank in less than 2 seconds and be gone.
  20. Nivaurum

    I get killed in a tank... by rocket pods.
    I get killed as infantry... by rocket pods.
    I get killed in a turret... by rocket pods.
    It seems like every time I get killed, no matter what I'm playing, it's F'ing rocket pods!

    Dear Santa,
    Please change rocket pods so they shoot out those little nerf basketballs. And I hope you enjoy the extra big batch of cookies I left you.
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