The current business model is bad, and here's why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gelos, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Gelos

    SOE has created a business model that is far too expensive for the casual, or even hardcore audience to appreciate. Far too many people i know of are complaining about how they've made purchases that they now regret. A good f2p model is one that doesn't scam their players, or even gives the illusion of being scammed.

    So you can follow along: 1 cent = 1 station cash so $40.00 = 4000 station cash

    using that: ONE helmet for ONE class in ONE faction on ONE character = 500sc = $5.00
    in order to get ONE helmet for EVERY class you'd need to spend $30.00

    helmets are done, so how about a cool new camo? once again: ONE camo for ONE class or vehicle in ONE faction on ONE character = 500sc = $5.00

    in order to get ONE camo for EVERY class and vehicle it comes up to 7000sc = $70.00 + the previously purchased helmets and you're up to 100000sc = $100.00

    to put that into perspective for the same price you payed for ONE helmet on each class and ONE camo for each classand vehicle, you can get in LoL between 13 - 17 different skins that cost 975 riot points

    AND KEEP IN MIND THIS: LoL is a very lone warrior style game when compared to this. You won't be changing out into a new class because the need for someone different has arrived. A lot of people only play as ONE character and put money into that ONE character, making the model far more appropriate for that type of game.

    This game is still in a very early state even though it's out of beta. It's not too late to correct the business model to reflect the game more appropriately.
    We are going to be changing out to different classes and vehicles regularly ACCOMMODATE THAT.
    We are going to want to have different camos for different worlds ACCOMMODATE THAT.
    We are going to want the ability to change servers without losing our stuff ACCOMMODATE THAT.

    I love this game. I have had more fun playing this than i have any other multiplayer game I've ever played. I want to contribute to this (more than just the alpha squad I've already purchased). I don't want this game to just be successful, I want it to FLOURISH.

    Accommodate your customers and we, your playerbase, will reward you with our money.

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  2. Bogarth

    Don't compare it to League of Legends, please. Your argument is flawed because it assumes that everyone cares about having multiple visual customizations.

    If you regret a purchase you made... that is your own fault.

    What I know is that this is a great game and if you're willing to cough up some money and help SOE out, they will, in return, offer you the opportunity to unlock weapons and customizations faster. By the way if you're buying customizations before weapons that's your own prerogative.
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  3. LegioX

    All i want is a santa hat to wear for the month of dec. Make it happen!
  4. Alexander Angelos

    Repost this to Facebook / twitter let people know, I mean about the system
  5. Rylan

    Ive been playing in beta for quite some time now and I disagree with your assessment completely. Over time you'll find yourself gravitating to one or two different classes and focusing on them. Sure, occasionally you'll jump into one of the other classes but you'll find these are minimal and certainly not enough that you'd want to fully customise them.

    Similarly, with vehicles, you'll find yourself using one or two more than the others. These you will customise.

    Do not feel the need to upgrade everything. You will only find unhappiness.
  6. Xylogenesis

    Well Bogarth, the comparison to LoL is inescapable. LoL is THE successful F2P game, of course the comparison is going to be made.

    I actually disagree with OP about the prices in station cash. New LoL skins cost about $10. That's a skin for one champion. There are more than 100 champions. When you look at it that way, the station cash prices aren't that bad at all.

    Where LoL succeeds, and PS2 fails, is the rate of gain for the free currency. It's astonishingly slow. If your server is low pop currently or you're on anytime other than peak hours it's incredibly hard to get certs, and the prices are very, very high. I've played maybe 10-12 hours since launch and my cert total is pretty pathetic. In LoL a lot of people ONLY spend real money for skins, and do just fine. It's hard to imagine doing that in PS2, not because it's impossible to play that much but because it's just plain unsatisfying to wait 50 hours between unlocks.
  7. D0n

    Wait for the deals, I am sure they will not disappoint.

    As far as pricing goes, I can't say much, LoL does the same pricing,
  8. Gelos

    The reason i compared it to LoL is because that's the model SOE has based the game off of

    I haven't made ANY purchases yet, because the model is so flawed. I would love to support the game further, but the current system is too expensive to really deck myself out, and blaming the consumer for regretting his or her purchase is NOT a good way to make money.

    I am willing to cough up money and "help SOE out", but not at these prices. My main point was that they've gone with a model that's not appropriate for a game where you MUST change classes/vehicles regularly, but still want to show people that you've contributed to the game.
  9. Azarga

    Lolwut? I bought three types of infantry camo and those camo's were unlocked for every infantry class for that character. You are either mistaken or lying on purpose to make it look more expensive than it is.
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  10. Cevera

    Bought 7.500 Station Cash for 21€, so the most expensive weapons are about 2€ for me
    Doesnt sound that expensive to me
  11. Bogarth

    Compared to LoL, which I have played since release, this game is more fun for me. Much more fast-paced.

    It takes a few days of playing pretty heavily in order to get enough IP to buy a 6300 champion. I'm sure you're well aware. At the same time, there are 450 champs that are pretty easy to get. In the same vein, there are weapons that are 250 certs and ones that are 1000. I would honestly think that the difference is nearly equal when you look at it that way.

    I've only played a few hours of PS2 and I've gotten 200 certs already. People seem to get really upset because they watch their certs go up 1-2 points at a time if you're really watching it. In LoL you never see your IP except when in the store and in the launcher.

    If you win games, you can earn up to 100-150 IP, 250 for first win of the day. I think that might be the ONE thing PS2 should pick up from LoL, and that is a first cap of the day type thing. Or first defense of the day. They already have a offline cert gain per day, but I don't think that's the right way to go about it.

    Honestly, they could even incorporate "resting" xp like WoW did. That could compensate as bonus xp for the first hour or so when you haven't played in a day.
  12. dubplate

    However with their current price model I don't feel the want to upgrade anything, maybe a helmet or camo once I figure out where the rest of my SC funbucks are going. If customization was a bit more relaxed, say cosmetic items that are the same across characters are unlocked globally with purchase then it'd feel like a better buy. SOE should be encouraging us to spend more but with high prices and restrictions it's hard to feel like I'm getting my money's worth. My mind may change if I subscribe and end up getting 500SC each month though and run out of things to spend it on.
  13. MortarionX

    You forget they have the apply once camos for much cheaper. The 500 ones you are thinking of are permanent apply all you want camos.
  14. Xylogenesis

    Well, no. First of all, pretty much all the weapons are 1000, and less than half of LoL's champs are 6300 IP. Also, 450 = about 7% of 6300, whereas 250 is 25% of 1000, so the gap is much bigger in LoL. In LoL "cheap" means cheap. You can get enough to buy a cheap champ in an hour or so. Even the "cheap" guns in PS2 take forever to unlock.

    Also, there are multiple champs at varying price levels that have similar mechanics. You want a durable top lane with ranged capability and good sustain? Sure, Yorick is a favorite at 4800, but you could always just buy Cho'gath for 1350. Now, in PS2, if you want, say, a close combat recon option you are spending 1000. Period. There is no "scout rifle for 1000, shotgun for 250", it's one option at the highest price point.

    All of this combines to be really discouraging.
  15. Verdant

    Ha, i like how you make allot of assumptions in your post.

    decals are unlocked for all vehicles, weapon decals are unlocked for all weapons.
    I cant speak for helmets and such, but i would be willing to guess it unlocks for all.
    Also, when you buy a gun, it will unlock for all classes that can use that specific gun.
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  16. Bubkus

    Hello all!
    PL2 (PlanetSide2) was looking like a great game in beta! Fast action and lots of players in 1 world.... but then the release. As a gamer when advertized as FTP(free to play) i always check out what is free. Seems not too much here in Europe. Since the release I have not been able to connect to servers without a queue. OK so I wait a little to get on a server....but not really. 2 min turns into an hour or so of waiting waiting waiting. hmmm not so free and no playing. I know it is new but false advertizing is just that....False! Where is the play? I would think all the paid players get first pick but if waiting all night in a Queue is playing ...they should just call it free to wait because i have not played except for the first day of release. Is this the new business model for FPS?
  17. Xylogenesis

    Contrary to the quote in the article linked above, I don't believe they actually based their model on LoL, because the idea that you can play for free without substantial disadvantage or frustration is central to LoL's design, and that's not really true of PS2.

    I'm not saying it's "pay to win", I'm saying it's "pay to not want to claw your eyes out".
  18. Bubkus

  19. Rothnang


    If you want to play an ironic hat simulator go to TF2.

    In game items, without a question, ARE too expensive. The price of 10$ for a rifle is ridiculous, especially when some items are cheaper in carts. Station Cash will get you cool stuff and will let you access things sooner, but only a madman would pay 100$ for that.
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