Briggs down for over 12 hours now?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SKYeXile, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Dire_Evangelist

    Nobody is asking you to praise them. There is a middle ground, however, which involves not being part of the problem.
  2. Drakortha

    Who is better and why TR or NC?

  3. Aussie

    The Australian server was never a 'done deal' - the fact that we campaigned hard and long finally made them set one up here earlier than they would have liked to.

    After the hardware arrived and the server set-up, there was only a few weeks to try and load test it. Getting players was always a struggle with the servers down every evening, and the last weeks daily 2GB patches chased even more away.

    A lot of people and large outfits stated they wouldn't even use the server until after launch, as they had beta uber-characters and friends on the US servers, and they would not move.

    So who to blame? There's plenty of blame to go around.
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  4. Tullerion

    TR obviously, NC are nothing but scum on the bottom of my boot. and lets face it, red and black just looks better.
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  5. SpiderOz

    the beta worked fine - any amount of testing would not have given the current issue, which is a new build on a new server, the problems have been worldwide, the current issue we have is a network issue - making assumptions as to what could would and should be done without appropriate information just makes us look like tools.

    yes its annoying not being able to play the game we have waited so long to play - but being tools about it doesn't help resolve the issue.
  6. Maxi'sProteinPowder

    Well said! What i was trying to get to!
  7. crazykiwi22

    Ohh the joys of living in Aussie and NZ. Right in the middle of nowhere. >.>
  8. Jash

    TR for sure! everything is fast and fun, if u like travelling aroudn the world in slomo, cept i do like the impact everything they have does, but im sure with certs u can make TR hit just as nice :D
  9. Veratu SOE

    Ok folks, I know you've all been waiting patiently. We've implemented a set of changes and right now, we're happy with the performance metrics we're seeing for the Australian servers.

    We will continue to monitor this server very closely, and if it starts going sideways we will bring it back down.

    We're going to be bringing the Briggs server back online in a few moments.

    Please report any new issues you find. We'll be listening.
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  10. 5P4RKY

  11. dirtYbird

    Hey Epi I'm going to sort lunch and jump on vent later on if you want to hit up Connery again. :cool:

    or maybe Briggs if its still up.
  12. Rossinna-Sama

    It does have its advantages, being surrounded by water...
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  13. Sentnl

    There is no middle ground! There is only Worship or Destroy! As we can not destroy SOE, we must hate.
  14. Mahemium

    Well I'm afraid assumptions are all we have because you know... we've not been told the problem.
  15. SpiderOz

    cheers Veratu - lets cross our fingers and not our cables ;)
  16. Tullerion

    Thanks again to all the dev's for all your hard work, it's really appreciated!
  17. Dire_Evangelist

    Excellent. Now we can get back to killing each other :D.

    Thanks SOE.
  18. Eflande

    Why not just tell us the problem? I'm kinda handy with a computer. Maybe we could help?

    EDIT: Ninja'd. Wow.
  19. Harlequin51

    Cheers for getting it working. Must have been a tough problem.
  20. dirtYbird

    Thx Veratu, that MSY website can be a ***** to read and then there's the queue in store only to be told its out of stock, you've done well under the circumstances.