[Suggestion] The Main Reason Infils Don't Work In PS2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TRspy007, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. Scroffel5

    There are a few kinds of snipers. There is the guy who only shoots at still or slowmoving targets, and the dude that shoots at everything. The dude that shoots at targets that stand still will usually get a headshot until they flinch. Same with slowmoving targets. The guy who shoots at anything that moves will usually miss, except for the select few that can reliably hit a moving target. If you got sniped while you were moving fast, he was (a) either a good shot or (b), he just happened to coincidentally hit you. Chances are that if you are moving, they will miss the first shot and will hit the one after because you stopped and turned around or immediately started aiming and moving slow. If you didn't react at all, then they still may hit the second shot solely because you didn't react. That allows them time to readjust their aim and actually shoot you.

    If you got shot while you were standing still or not moving at all, that is pretty much your fault. There is ALMOST NEVER a reason to stand still. If you were shooting someone and strafing back and forth and you get sniped, sucks to be you I guess. You coulda gotten doubleteamed another way too. A tank could have shot you. An ESF could have plinked you to death. Another infantry unit could have interfered. Whats the difference between getting sniped? Your chances against any other infantry unit coming to get you are just as bad as the chances of out of all the gunfire, you are picked and that the shot actually hits.

    You can take the opportunity to learn from those kinds of mistakes. If you just randomly get sniped while you are running in a straight line to your target, don't run in a straight line. I never run in straight lines anyways, so I rarely get sniped. I am not looking at this from an Infiltrator main perspective. Its common sense to avoid making yourself an easy target. Its common sense to analyze what went wrong, and if you did everything right and still died, all you can say is "touche." Just because you can't see why you were the one who got shot doesn't mean its the Infiltrators fault. Stop harping on it.
  2. Scroffel5

    "Abuse clientside." There is an easy fix for this too. Why not force low ping players to a mid-range ping? Just use a script that adds time to how long it takes to communicate with the server based on the players ping. You can't do anything about higher latency players. You can't force them to connect faster, but you can force the average player to connect slower by doing a kinda simple adjusting math problem. Also stop saying they "abuse clientside." No one is actively or passively abusing clientside. Its just the way they are programmed. You can change the programming to make them always register, but even then you'd still find something to complain about.
  3. pnkdth

    Just because people complain does not mean we should listen. We'd all use nerf guns at this point if that was the case.

    There are ways to change and improve the infiltrator but the suggestions so far has come off as petty and self-serving.
  4. TheFlowingCert

    "Anything said in the forums is a on a subjective basis. Your claims are subjective too, does that mean I disregard them?"


    I actually wrote things that you yourself can check.
    Snipers have lower KPM. Long-range ones. CQC snipers do not suffer from low inherently low KPM.

    Being truly invisible in cloak is not an option for non-Stalkers. The time is often too short to hide with it.

    Cloak is good at long distances, but with one problem: Snipers have inherently lower KPM.

    Long-range snipers, which I think is what you appear to think the entire class is, are ineffective at close range.
    SMG's are ineffective at medium range to long.
    If one isn't skilled, Semi Auto Scout Rifles are ineffective at all ranges.

    "Now you and another also claim the 1hk is balanced because it's hit or miss. Well, launchers were hit or miss too no? "

    What is it with you and launchers?
    Using the sniper has an opportunity cost. It means an Infiltrator cannot use SMG's, FASR, SASR, or any other bunch of easier to use weapons.

    There is no opportunity cost for the third slot.
    That's why its fine to use PA Shotgun, because one loses out to everyone outside 10 metres. It's the opportunity cost.

    "The point was the class is useless, remove it."

    You don't even back up your points. Everything you say literally can and does get used by Infiltrators.

    1HK? They aim for Medics. Quick at killing? They kill the Heavy assault too busy firing at other people. Hacking? Sunderer pulls. Sitting on the point? Motion spotter. CQC BASR? Kills off flankers. SMG? EMP grenade to breach a room.

    Oh wait! I completely forgot Infiltrator has many different playstyles and can completely change the tide of battle!
    I'll just say sniping feels unfair and we'll remove the class from there.

    Honestly, we can ALSO remove Heavy Assault while we're at it. Every class can kill. Give the launcher to ENGINEER.
    Because "I find Heavy annoying"
    Let's face it. That's your entire justification to change the Infiltrator.
  5. strove

    Honestly, if there were a slight delay between uncloaking and firing, id be fine with them. Ive not been too bothered by them in general but it is real frustrating when one CQC sniper infil uncloaks and you only really see the cloak drop in your kill cam... The response window is next to nothing, especially if youre not using a 1 shot KO gun yourself
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  6. That_One_Kane_Guy

    So a little more than one out of every ten deaths then. In a game with 5 classes. You're right, that does make sense. Care to share the Player ID you used? Really interested to see the stats for LMGs and Carbines, specifically since, you know, they represent the actual most-used classes.
    No response needed here, your argument defeats itself.
    Sorry, that kind of false equivalency isn't going to fly.
    But thanks for drawing a parallel to another situation where people see a problem well in excess of its reality due to confirmation bias.
    Yes, hackers exist. No, they are not hiding under every rock. -> Yes, you die to snipers. No, they do not represent a majority, or even a significant number of your deaths.
    What a neat little argument you've got there. You've basically absolved yourself of any need to provide evidence for your claims by saying 'the numbers don't matter, I don't like them, therefore they're unsuitable for the game, the end.'
    Unfortunately that isn't how this works.
  7. Somentine

    Hey neat site. My only deaths to a max punch on all my chars is 3x by a friendly max... lul... Nc max to.
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  8. TRspy007

    Infils and pilots: constant whining causes every class in the game to be nerfed.

    Me: points out a few thing wrong with the classes.

    Every infil and pilot: QUIT COMPLAINING!
  9. TRspy007

    ..... did I not just provide you with 2 statistics? Was one of them not above that significant 10%?

    False equivilence?

    What's unfair is unfair. Whether the dude is camping terminals, sniping others in the middle of an engagement or simply teleportating around trying to kill a few dudes with his amaterasu, it's not fair. It's not fun and engaging gameplay either. As I keep saying, the devs didn't learn anything from beta or Planetside 1.

    And really, you like stats, yet act like infil users are such an anomaly.


    Sure, this is a bit old, feel free to link me some much newer data that totally contradicts this trend.

    But basically, you'll see the infiltrator comes second to the heavy. People use the engineer when in vehicles, which is why I assumed that that's the reason the number is a bit higher than infils. Ofc, if you want to deny that, the infiltrator is still in 3rd place, and this is old data before the nerfs to the other classes. My guess is that infil actually ties if not surpasses the heavy, but I haven't found any website that gives info about the most played classes so it's just in game observations and following the trend.

    Then again, I'm just a guy who started playing since second week beta, and who is on all servers except briggs(RIP) and Soltech. I'm sure there were no infiltrators there. If you were a veteran, you could at least admit seeing a huge spike in the use of the infiltrator class. Almost every new player I see is a sniper, and many of you hardcore "heavy mains" actually use the infiltrator to help bump up their kdr (I'm not talking about my friends even, these are ASP 100 dudes who've maxed out every character they play and have been constantly glued to this game for a good portion of their lives).

    If you're going to act like there's only a handful of dudes playing infil, you're not qualified to speak about this topic, because you either play in VR or haven't logged on to the game since beta.
  10. TRspy007

    buddy, I may be bad, but I know the basics of how to play the game ok?

    I don't even footzerg anymore with all this air, snipers and orbitals just waiting to ruin the fun. I have to jump up and down and shoot around terminals because you never know what stalker is there camping the terms, or what ASP 100 dude is still sniping dudes tryna pull a bus from his spot hundreds of meters away.

    I'm considering starting using /suicide to redeploy again, because it was much quicker and I didn't have to run around for 10 seconds to make sure some troll doesn't snipe me while I'm redeploying.

    I never run I a straight line, I switch to my deringer when turning corners, I have my eyes peeling for the "presents" infils like to drop everywhere they hacked something, and believe it or not, I've played with the infiltrator class.

    As I said earlier, I personally find it boring and unfair, which is why I avoid that sort of gameplay at all costs.

    But hey, if you find giving invisible dudes 1hk weapons and the ability to stay indefinitely cloaked is perfectly fun and balanced, then it MUST be fun and balanced. My apologies. I guess all my in game observations and stats are useless, you have spoken the truth.
  11. LordKrelas

    I'd like to see when a Kobalt Vehicle, HESH \ HEAT Tank, Shotgun user, or Typical Ace Heavy-Assault is a fun-death.
    As if that's the basis, none one of those is fun - in the slightest.
    And outside the shotgun, they also take a lot less than the Infiltrator.

    Which given it is a squishy target; Has every single normal infantry counter.
    In addition, it has no AV, so any vehicle immune to small-arms is completely a one-side affair even if near dead-asleep.

    Not to mention; Light Assaults can camp terminals.
    Engineers can as well; Hell, even a Heavy-Assault can.
    If you need that Infil to be 100+ meters with a sniper rifle doing it, for it to be "bad", or at the station with a Knife...
    I can't wait for you to meet tanks at Spawn-Rooms; As it doesn't matter if you can see it.
    Unlike the Sniper, at that single terminal whom can miss, That Tank is firing an AOE shell & you need to actually exit that Spot.
    The Terminal? Deployable Cover, Crouching, Quick-Select, Different Terminal.
    Tank at Spawn-Room? Re-deploy is about it, if a Sniper stalking a single terminal, is a terminal-issue.

    KDR; Which you can improve ten-fold with an ESF or Tank.
    Since it casually improves your ability to survive ten-fold, while improving your killing-power.
    Infils? Slower Kills, high vulnerability.
    If they're using it for pure KDR, they might as well be logging out after every kill, the second they can - which can be done with any class.

    As well; No one bright footzergs.
    A single AI vehicle , and that is a slaughter.
    Not to mention; Any class or Vehicle can camp a terminal.
    All of them benefit from head-shots, and they all (past maybe a vehicle, as body-shot is just as damn lethal) aim for it.

    I find it incredibly boring to play HA.

    "But hey, if you find giving invisible dudes 1hk weapons and the ability to stay indefinitely cloaked is perfectly fun and balanced, then it MUST be fun and balanced. My apologies. I guess all my in game observations and stats are useless, you have spoken the truth."
    Invisible Dudes with 1k weapons, infinite cloak.
    1) Not Invisible.
    2) 1k Weapons would include Shotguns, given you've erased every other bit of info about the gun, It's not a 1 body-shot, nor have multiple-chambered rounds, but damn do you make it sound a lot better than it actually is.
    3) Indefinite Cloak, does not exist with Primary Weapons, they have only Sidearms. But you just presented it as if it did.

    We can describe Heavy-Assault like this
    "But hey if you find giving double-HP with full body-damage resistence on a tap, rechargeable by kills guys, with the ability to pack one-shot-kill Long-range Rockets, Heavy Weapons, LMGs, and Sidearms at once, perfectly fun & balanced, then it must be"
    When, the Shield advantages aren't all in 1 package, their rockets aren't all 1-Shot kills nor as effective as implied, Heavy-Weapons aren't as grand as they sound & can't be paired with Primaries without Perks.
    But sure go ahead, Blend Infiltrator skills together & hide the actual aspects of it.

    Sounds the same as people claiming Raw Damage per Bullet matters, in debates about NC guns.
    You know, where they look at 100% Perfect Accuracy on a Gauss-Saw, Head-Shots on every Bullet, and perfect timing.
    Sounds fantastic, but it's not practical - and in those fantasy worlds, they're at least not blending ****.
    As they're not claiming the Gauss Saw attachment effects are built-in, or all-in-one, nor blending God-Saw with Gauss-Saw.
    You however, Blending Infiltrator Cloaks, giving false impressions about what Bolt-Action Characteristics are, and the lie that Cloaks are invisibility, when they are not.
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  12. Scroffel5

    Thats not even what I said. I said that even if we fixed Infiltrators registering, you'd still find something to complain about. Also saying that only Infiltrators and Pilots complain about everything isn't backed up by anything anyone has said here. And even that statement doesn't counter what I said.
  13. TRspy007

    Shotgun is a potential 1hk (because pellet spread is random, so there's a chance your starting pellet is on the edge of the COF, meaning you can still miss half your pellets even when your reticle has been perfectly lined up with your target). Also, it does take some skill to actually main with, since they can't do anything past a few meters. You can actually see the dude coming, and flanking you. Sure, not fun in bios or whatever, I'll grant you that, but try to main a shotgun and come tell me it's the same as a sniper.

    " it just kinda picks off kills or sits cloaked in a corner somewhere." Maybe that's your problem, you have trouble reading? I don't see an instance where I've "merged" the cloaks. Would me writing: they can snipe, or cloak indefinitely with the stalker cloak, the cloak that by the way removes your primary, but lets you use 2hk pistols and 1hk knives, be a little more clear for you simpletons? I didn't think I had to emphasize what each cloak did, but if that's what you feel blatantly discredits my arguments, then by all means, I'll do my best to include it.

    Sure kobalts are annoying and definitely could use some looking into, especially kobalt ants, but they're sitting ducks to any armor. Tanks can be easily wrecked with air or other tanks, or hey, this cool class called the light assault, which excels at blowing up basically any vehicle after a 1 second delay. And you can also C4 tanks with other classes too. Only vehicles that does have a simple counters to them would be air vehicles.

    As for the ace heavy assaults, they force you to challenge yourself, and usually only have limited amount of medkits. Really dude, the 407 added hp does not double their health or cancel headshots, you can even 1hk a shielded heavy in most cases (with a shot to the head of). Really, I hope with your cloaking ability lining up a dude's head isn't a problem. You can instagib the "ace heavies" before they even have time to react with a sniper. You can also take them on as any other class and win provided you land headshots. And I'm saying this as an engineer main. You also have a tool (emp nade) as an infiltrator that instantly takes out 50% of most player's health. Even with his shield, the heavy only has 7hp more than you as an infil after being emped. Not to mention their shield drains regardless of them being shot or not.

    "are, and the lie that Cloaks are invisibility, when they are not."

    Now that's where I start to have a problem with you. I don't mind trying to grind a bit of common sense, maybe even spark a reflection with some of completely mentally disabled beans I share the game with, but just because you have trouble reading and understanding reality doesn't mean you can disregard statements as "lies" and call it a day. Based on settings, implants, positioning and lighting, infiltrators do become invisible, HENCE THE FACT THEY ADDED DARKLIGHTS AND PREVENTED CLOAKED INFILS FROM CAPPING SOME POINTS YOU ****!

    Ok buddy? I don't mind you having a difficult time trying (or avoiding) processing information, but just because you lack basic reasoning skills doesn't mean people who say stuff you don't like are "liars", and that every dude you die to is a "hacker".

    And you really sound like you haven't played the heavy assault in a long time. Nothing wrong with finding a class boring. Odd that you find the class meant to break choke points, fight on the front lines and turn the flow of battle more boring than infiltrator, but that's not my problem. As a dude who's unlocked the kraken post nerf, I can tell you the only launcher that is sometimes a 1hk against infantry is the decimator or the masamune (which doesn't count to the directive unless you are NSO :( ). I wouldn't call it a long range launcher, but if you have problems dodging the 60m/s velocity bright yellow rockets but not 680m/s rounds shot by some invisible dude, please dm me your youtube channel or what server you main on, you must have a really rare playstyle with unique skills I'd love to watch.

    Neglecting resist shield, because no one runs it, the typical heavy will have 40.7% extra health upon instantly activating his shield along with a nice speed penalty (unless they are running a certain implant). So no, not DOUBLE health. If you're gonna try and nitpick my points, make sure you have accurate ones yourself. A class that has double health is the MAX. Try pulling one without a team of engineers and medics up your rear and see what "double the health" does in this game.

    The fact the shield recharges a bit after every kill doesn't impact the current engagement, and does help the class fulfill it's role of pushing a bit more. You also seem to forget that lmgs have a slow ttk than snipers and ars and carbines and most pistols. The point of the lmg is to have larger mags to help push without constantly stopping for reload, but you can check, they are not the fastest ttk weapons.

    Please, show me direct quotes from where I "blend" infiltrator abilities.

    Also I'd like to clear up something. I write these assuming you are playing the game, know what I am alluding to and have tools to figure out what I am alluding too if need be. I am not a wiki-fandom here to give a page report about each gun and ability I refer to, you can pretty much google whatever you need specifics on and find it. The messages are already long enough without that.

    Also, ironically, I did participate in a debate about the lmgs and which ones are the most impacted by nanoweave or whatever. I was the one debating against the people you contrast me with, and go ahead and dig up that old thread if you really think I'm a "liar".
  14. TRspy007

    I am not creating these posts as a way to "complain". Maybe you see them that way and shut off all form of critical thinking when approaching them because they bother you. But most my posts are suggestions to improve the game, pointing out discussions/observations I've had in game and trying to find ideas to keep players or attract new/returning ones.

    I know a good amount of people that have left due to excessive trolling by air, frustration from the CAI and yes, infiltrators. Are these the only, or even the main reasons people left? Probably not, they might not even have been a factor.

    It's well know the pilot and infiltrator community have driven the other classes/vehicles into the ground and actually killed the new player flying experience, and if you can't tell by the new additions or daily gameplay, I'm pretty sure there's still tons of old posts you can dig-up about that community whining (if you really want to know the truth), and then contrast those suggestions to what gameplay currently is.

    There will always be issues to address, and it's pretty incredible that despite the lack of attention from the devs people keep trying to improve the game in the comments. They're not all "complaining", even if they are, that's a great thing, it means they care about the game and don't want to see it die. Instead of taking every call to reason as an offense and disregarding everything you don't like as "complaints", try to actually have a meaningful reflection, maybe even look at other player's perspective. Think of the new/returning players, think of the current community, and see what's best for it as a whole.

    .....or continue to be toxic and run headfirst into disaster following unwarranted ideals, not even pausing to wonder why your game loses 10% of it's playerbase every month, discrediting any advice/suggestion/complaint.
  15. Scroffel5

    Nicely said. If cloaks were invisibility, I would die 50% less. If they lasted forever while being perfectly invisible, no start up delay, no sounds to detect them, while retaining Primary weapons, I would die even less than that, but they don't, so I still die in situations where this perfect class mentality would have been super helpful.

    There is a slight delay. You have to be fully uncloaked before you can fire, and that in itself gets me killed with the Railjack, because it won't do damage if you shot too fast or clicked, cloaked, and then the bullet came out. Its just that the delay isn't present to people on the other side unless they are running the same ping, at least from what I have seen.

    First off, welcome to the club, dude. I personally think there should be a way to always detect Stalkers without needed a Darklight, and then to just boost the darklights range to balance it out. Darklight for easy mode, actually having to spot them while they are still for hard mode. I think the visibility of deep cloak for the Stalker should be reduced to aid with actually trying to find then when you can't go get a Darklight, because waiting for them to shoot at you is a boring way of finding them. Otherwise, you have to shoot around randomly and become a bigger target or you run.

    However, you go on to mention a ASP 100 who is sniping people who are trying to pull a sunderer... Do you not see how that counters your point? You say it is easy and doesn't take a lot of skill to do, then you turn around and use the example of an ASP 100 player sniping people from hundreds of meters away, which also is an exaggeration, depending on how many hundreds you mean. At 100m, you are still very killable and have a lot more kill potential than at 200m, which you are less killable and have mid kill potential, which is still better than 300m and 400m where you are more safe but have almost no kill potential.

    You are also saying that you are considering to use /suicide instead of redeploy because you don't wanna get sniped while you are running around. Do you know how hard it is to hit a weaving juking target? Pretty hard in this game, especially from hundreds of meters away. And stop calling them trolls. Someone trying to flee a battle is a great target to kill. Then you go on to say you look out for mines and junk. Congratulations. You are being aware of your surroundings. I can't tell if you have a bigger problem with Stalkers or Snipers. Plus Engineers also have Anti Personnel Mines too, so that isn't exclusive to the Infiltrator. Then you go on to conclude with crap I already addressed so I don't need to say it again.

    As for anything regarding Snipers, the chance you, out of everyone the Infiltrator can see, is the one to get sniped is low unless you make yourself a target. Plus, if you die to him, you can thank the kill cam for YOUR next target. Now you know where he is and you have every tool at your disposal to do something about it. Even if you know where any other class is, you can't do anything about it unless you can double team them or outshoot them. You don't necessarily have to do any of that to an Infiltrator. You can just snipe them or flank them and shoot them, and you will most likely win because they usually don't see it coming. You can shoot them with a tank or an ESF or attempt to run them over with a Flash. You can throw a frag up there or use an AV turret. Just do something.

    Now, on the topic of sniping again, there is a low chance you are targetted and you can change that probability by being hard to hit. If they do decide to shoot at you while you are running, they better be a good shot and you better not move in a straight line. If you are juking, you are gonna be hard to kill, but now they have to kill you because you know they are in the area and the general direction if you can read bullet tracer lines. Get to cover or literally juke all 4-10 of their shots by being sporadic. All that shooting is going to draw someone to them and compromise their position. If you are still dying a lot to snipers, I don't know what to tell ya, bub.
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  16. Scroffel5

    I'm gonna leave this post with a very relevant quote:

    "Stupid is as stupid does." - Forrest Gump

    There is no point in reasoning or arguing with you, because you will continue to be right to yourself. I get it. Its no fun getting murdered by something you didn't and couldn't shoot at first, but you didn't know you could have avoided death by simply tapping the A or D or W or S key. Maybe you could have lived by not tapping any keys and the bullet woulda went right over your head. Maybe the time the sniper shot at you and missed, you could have payed attention and maybe looked in his direction. I don't know what you or anyone else has attempted to do, but there is no point in arguing or reasoning with you any further if you can't accept simple logic. Goodbye.
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  17. TRspy007

    scroffel's ways of dealing with the infiltrator: 'JUST PULL A TANK OR AN ESF, AND NUKE THE ENTIRE HEX YOU IDIOT!' It's totally balanced and sounds really fun and simple to deal with them now that you've explained your method.

    Also who looks at the killcam, and what does the thing even show you? Name one time the cam doesn't show you air or a wall or whatever. If you actually manage to decipher it, and use that to determine your next target, you're probably playing infil yourself.

    Also I'm not saying I haven't tracked down infils before, it's just half the time you do your 40 mile hike to his spot, he's already gone/redeployed, or you do kill him and what? Congratulations: you spent 20 minutes outside of the fun fight to track down a troll, who by the time you hike back/redeploy will be in his spot again.

    And you miss the whole point of the post, or try to stray away from it to my personal experiences. The point is a class that shoots you before you can see them (thank's to clientside) and has access to 1hk weapons with this invisibility, something that was not the case in the successful Planetside 1 goes against what the game is about. The very way you play the class suggests it's not meant for the game. Would I care if infiltrators were removed? Probably not. Would it benifit me? Sure, I might be able to do my engagements without being shot in the back, or shoot all around the room looking for that one stalker. Do I have my ways with dealing with them? Yes, that's why I'm here. The problem is the people who don't have my patience and want to play a fun game, which end up leaving this one because the devs wouldn't learn from their past examples.
  18. TRspy007

    “I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am.” -Cormac McCarthy

    Or I suppose this one might be more fitting:

    “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”-Mark Twain

    “I awoke, only to see that the rest of the world is still asleep.”-Leonardo da Vinci
    Although in the end, there is no greater fool than me, since I continue to argue what I know is a losing battle. You guys are excused for being foolish, but my foolishness outclasses yours as I argue against those I know do not want to separate from their stupidity. Keep quoting fiction.
  19. That_One_Kane_Guy

    It's not perfect, for example there are some deaths like roadkills it doesn't show properly. But it gets the job done as far as rough estimates are concerned.
    You provided us with two numbers. What makes you think that 10% was significant? Because I asked for it? That's adorable.

    I also asked for your numbers regarding LMGs and Carbines, yet those don't seem to be forthcoming. Wonder why.
    Pretending complaints about hackers and complaints about a legitimate, playable class are in any way related is this, yes.
    I guess we all bow to your wishes, then. After all, you are the Planetside Diety which makes you the sole arbiter of "Fair" for now and all time.

    Seriously, though the double standard you've got going on here is amusing. I bet players find it equally unfair when a Light Assault C4s them, or Jump-Jets around with a Shotty+Nightmare, or when they lose a DPS war against a shielded Heavy, or when they get knifed by a Vampire+Carapace Medic, or strafed by an ESF, or run into a MAX suit, or get TK'd by a friendly Harasser.
    There are 1001 ways to die in this game that are frustrating and 'unfair'. You've just got a raging hate-boner for one in particular.
    Did I ever say they were an anomaly?

    Wow. In a game with 5 playable classes they appear to be taking less than their fair share of the population. In what universe does this represent a problem to you?
    According to your statements in previous threads the Heavy Assault class has been nerfed into the ground, yet that doesn't seem to be hindering their numbers at all.
    This statement cam be summed up thusly:

    "...I assumed...and this is old data...My guess is...I haven't found any...so it's just in game observations and following the trend."

    And nothing of value was lost.
    I don't care who you are or where you play bud, sorry. But if you're going to keep playing stupid games you're going to start winning stupid prizes.

    According to your own numbers, the most used classes in the game are not infiltrator and the most prolific weapons are not infiltrator weapons. According to the numbers easily obtained on the .fisu website, the classes doing the most killing are also not the infiltrators. But somehow they are still a problem, because they're 'unfair'. Because you say so.

    Then you say that there is a 'huge spike' in the infiltrator class, despite admitting in the previous paragraph that you 'haven't found any website that gives info about the most played classes'. So are you just super-cognizant? Are you a wizard, Harry?
    Show me where I said this. Right now.
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  20. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Arguing against things he wishes you said in lieu of what you actually said is this guy's specialty.
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