[BUG] HUGE Bug with NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rezz, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. csvfr

    Canis is still a good SMG with its variable ROF, starting out as one of the worst SMGs then matching the DPS of the Jackal before firing its last 15-20 rounds with unmatched DPS.
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  2. Rezz

    I'm standing by my views. The only reason you defend it is because you know it is overpowered and you would rather farm your brains out with overpowered weaponry. Our weapons get nerfed yet the NC still has their Phoenixes? Lmfao
  3. LordKrelas

    You mean the nerfed Shotguns?
    The nerfed Railjack?
    The nerfed Vanguard Shield?
    The Nerfed Phoenix?

    How many Godsaws are they? Less than there are Butchers, let alone Beetlegueise.

    Phoenix being nerfed again, implies there is something to nerf.
    • Damage? So it can't even kill the lowest health class? And that repairs are even easier?
    • Speed? So it can be even slower?
    • Reload? That without the bug, starts after the entire guidance time?
    • Turning radius? So it's even harder to turn a corner or not be dodged?
    • Ability to fire-through spawn-shield? Unlike other launcher, You can't step back after firing, so it can't be used near spawn without suicide.
    • Ammo count? You already need a ton of it.

    Do we see nerfs of the Striker, which is a grand AA launcher presently?
    Lancer? It's only issue is the charge-time, given the range is still golden.
    Like do you know how ineffective the Phoenix is?

    What else to nerf for NC?
    RNG Shotguns? Add a second dice-roll that forces a reload mid-firing?
    Or relying on even more RNG pellets to land, making the extra slug add-on more required.

    It's pretty hard to nerf NC, and still have the equipment have a prayer against TR & VS.
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  4. Rezz

    NC even takes the piss because they know its broken as hell. NC KNOWS it is broken, which is why they say stupid **** like this. Not to mention, they are actually doing it, and not a single vehicle is able to push or do anything.
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  5. Rydenan

    Post your VS/TR character, and your NC character with those vastly superior stats, or it didn't happen.
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  6. AISkander

    I don't know where you see the stats. But the canis is a Cyclone but worse. Why they heck should someone use it?
  7. Rydenan

    I would argue that Prowler has the highest alpha damage, because both shots can be loosed well before the target can take cover.
    And indeed, the majority of times I die due to alpha damage, it's coming from a Prowler.
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  8. AISkander

    How to do that?
  9. Rydenan

  10. AISkander

  11. Rydenan

    SPM, Accuracy
    VS Infil: 289, 29%
    NC Infil: 295, 30%

    VS LA: 370, 28%
    NC LA: 262, 29%

    VS Med: 375, 9%
    NC Med: 292, 10%

    VS Eng: 292, 5%
    NC Eng: 258, 3%

    VS HA: 391, 27%
    NC HA: 339, 26%

    VS MAX: 384, 20%
    NC MAX: 189, 33%

    Yes, I can see NC was way too easy.
    And, despite playing Heavy Assault almost exclusively on the NC, you only managed a 0.27 higher KD...
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  12. AISkander

    That's my playstyle. I die a lot. But why? Becouse i'm a suecidal maniac. Anyway. I played my VS 2-3x times my NC. That's why the statistic are barly noticable
  13. Rydenan

    He says with 348xp/min on VS MAX and 189xp/min on NC MAX.
  14. Rydenan

    You're saying that you die more on NC..?
  15. AISkander

    Read again that i played my VS 3-2x time my NC
  16. Rydenan

    That's score per minute. Doesn't matter how much you've played in total.
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  17. AISkander

    Yes it does. Becouse the more i play, the more minutes passes
  18. Rezz

    Comparing a BR 99 character to a BR 43 character? Alrighty then
    Not to mention his BR 43 NC character has a higher K/D than his BR 99 VS character. Must be easier.
  19. Rydenan

    It's the same person, Einstein.
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  20. csvfr

    Just something I heard from a user of it. Anyhow the average KDR stats are:
    For comparison, the average KDR on the Cyclone is 1.2 ± 1.3343 (http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/item/27000). In conclusion the Canis is still the best performing of the three new SMGs. Note, it might be wise to check it once more in a month or so in order to let the kills and statistical effects from the initial Unstable Ammo be 'watered down'.
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