[Suggestion] Flash is OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ConradHorse, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. Stormsinger

    Nah, underbarrel smoke launchers - those things can do some damage*

    *when used as a suppository
  2. Moonheart

    Last time I checked (and I do not think to remember we recieved noticeable upgrades that should have changed this), the infiltrator class was the class with the lowest K/D ratio and cert/min rate of all the game.
    As the wraith cloak can only be operated by an infiltrator, every kill from wraiths is included in this ratio.

    I have an hard time to see where it is deserving the "OP" flag.

    Localized and episodic facts are not a good basis to decide what deserve a nerf.
    I once killed someone by throwing an EMP grenade at pointblank straight into into his face... does it means that EMP grenade direct impact damage is OP ?
  3. JohnGalt36

    I think the only times I ever die to a flash are when you have an infil patient enough to shadow your tank until you hop out to repair. If they want to follow me around for 20 minutes for one kill, I guess that's fine. It's obnoxious, but usually you can even see them drive by you, cloaked. Plus, AP round + flash = hilarious explosion and free certs!
  4. Ronin Oni

    I've killed plenty of Flashes as Infantry.

    Driver is exposed and dies just as easy as any other infantry

    Single RPG kills it too

    Flash can be a lot of fun... you can get some good runs... but good players have no problems taking them out.

    And if a tank lets you kill them..... there's only 1 person to blame (tank operator)
  5. hostilechild

    Speed coupled with cloak is what makes it so deadly. Even when looking it will show about 40m out but at high speed you might not get out of the way or have time to shoot off the driver. It can also shoot, cloak and escape as its hard to follow after cloak (unless damaged and smoking).
    Typically the above would not be OP, just annoying. However you toss in server latency, 500+ pingers and god forbid a big fight and now you have no reaction time and harder than hell to track. I am like how the hell is it moving so fast and invisible, seems like it has a 5hp lawnmower engine from my point of view when i drive it speed wise )
  6. ColonelChingles

    I don't think this is correct (though it depends on the database you're getting data from). After all, Engineers operating MBTs don't get credit for kills made by the MBT (otherwise Engineer K/D might be significantly higher).

    Statistically the Flash shotgun has an AKPH of 35.72 to 42.59. This makes it a more effective AI weapon than MBT HE cannons (AKPH of 31.32 to 41.08) or Lightning Viper cannons (AKPH of 21.74 to 22.61). So on average it is quite strong in certain departments.
  7. customer548

    As a Flash pilot, being destroyed by a single AP round is just terrible. You destroy the Flash, your destroy its pilot and your destroy the Flash pilot's dreams of domination, sir. ( Yes, i'm always sure that i am waaaaaaay too fast to get hit by tanks...But i 'm always wrong ). You should feel ashamed. But nice shot. :D
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  8. JohnGalt36

    Come to think of it, I've killed more friendly flashes that ram my tank than anything else flash related.
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  9. Scr1nRusher

    Underbarrel smoke launchers are more lethal then spitfires.
  10. XenoxusPrime

    This game has been nerfed to the point of Flash is OP threads are more common than almost all others, this is pathetic.
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  11. Moonheart

    What the people are mostly complaining about in this thread is the wrath fury, not the wrath shotgun.

    The shotgun is a good, but very situational weapon: it's powerless against vehicle, and still can only be operated outside, resulting you need very special situations to make it useful.
    Mostly, wraith drivers only operate it in a single situation: when the opponent starts to cluster themselves in a huge crowd near their own sunderer.

    The high KPH is the result of this weapon only being used in indeal circumstances. If people would equip it the way lightning drivers equip the viper canons, its AKPH would be drasticaly lower.... cause people rarely run in the outside with no allied vehicle in the vicinity.
  12. Alexkruchev

    I think it should just be limited to the 20mm basilisk main gun, all the others should be refunded and taken away. It should mount the cloaking module In the same slot as it's weapon. That way, it can do one but not the other. The Fury is ridiculous. 2 flashes in concert can drop Lightnings in one mag each. Nevermind there is -no- counter to flashes that are cloaked- they are completely invisible outside of 30m and at speed, you have no chance to see them coming if the're cloaked. I get run over by them all the time. Sure, eventually you kill them back, but, for the same nanite cost as a grenade bandolier, they're borderline unkillable. I even used a cloaker flash with kobalt yesterday and used it as a sniper platform. I killed around 20 guys from a hillside over- in a Harasser with the same gun, solo gunning, I would have been spotted and killed instantly.

    The shotgun and fury are ridiculous to let the flash have. But really, my first two sentances of my post would fix it- and I would still use the flash in that framework. Since I think they have a place but their current form is broken.
  13. Moonheart

    I think I'll have read everything on forumside now I've seen someone say that Wraith are "borderline unlikillable"...
    You never tried to drive one, it's obvious.
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  14. Diilicious

    okay boys, we have reached the end of the 'its op' type threads, the flash is now op. :rolleyes:
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  15. Moonheart

    Next week in "Forumside never reach the bottom", episode #174: "Decoy grenades are too OP" !
    Stay tuned ! ;)

    Honestly, I'm reaching a point where I consider that anything that never got it's own "XXXX is OP" thread seriously need some love... because anything that ever worked even slightly someday in that game got at least one of it
  16. ConradHorse

    Actually, I'm working on that;)

    But honestly, ramming with a flash + fury for 50 nanites is unacceptable to me.
  17. Jubikus

    i think my only problem with the Flash is its interaction with the max it just plows them over i mean come on the max is bigger and way heavier i know they kind of just have some blanket vehicle mechanics but when a flash slams into a max the flash should stop in its tracks take damage depending on how fast it was goin and the max just as much and well neither dies well untill the max obliterates whats left of the person on the flash but you get the idea.
  18. Moonheart

    First, I do not know where you take the information the MAX is heavier. The flash is full of metal, the MAX is full of meat.
    Second, even if it is, it's irrelevant. Game balance in a sci-fi game is not about being realistic.
  19. Exitus Acta Probat

    Trap is OP please nerf
  20. Lena_993

    Feel free to make a stream/unedited long video of your gameplay using a basilisk flash without cloak to show just how good and fun this would be.

    I thought i was a decent flash pilot, but you must be some kind of demigod on a flash right now if you think that would be "balance".
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