This game is frustrating as hell

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Captain Kid, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. Dunkarooo

    I don't know. Maybe vent your nerdrage more constructively I guess. Actually do whatever you want I don't care because I'm obviously too clueless to care.

    In all seriousness though no it is not too much to expect something from complete strangers on a forum I guess. I was more interested in commenting on how you respond with outrage at how noone is saluting your elite status but I've kind of lost interest...

    Maybe you are confusing me with the guy who was saying you are wrong. I was saying that your comments are funny that's all.
  2. Kunavi

    My experience, know how and other RL stats related to PS2 attributed to nothing every single time I died by something I could not have seen, anticipated, known, countered or avoided. Something often related to either lag, hit reg, hitching, freezes, stupid rendering culling, excessive damage out of my and the attacker's LOS even, total randomness, over the top blatant TKing or flavour of the month tactics(Cheese in need of NerfHammer) such as Wraith Flash Road Kill, NC CQC SkillSuit corner camp, LA+C4 and so on.

    The amount of moments such as those increases exponentially when I try to play the game as it is intended, help my team, play tactically or simply when I don't feel like being a KDYOLOL2PM9RektTROLLSWAGProMLG11!1 to others.
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  3. iller

    You famously claimed you've never seen any cheaters... in that incredibly long thread. IIRC...
    That means you don't know what they look like.
  4. JTM4x

    I used to care about cheese. Years of my faction (NC Connery) being out-coordinated, out-aired, mbt/max-nerfed into the ground, and Hossin has only made me care a lot less. Add to that, I finally joined an outfit. When I have an SL screaming at me to hold/take a point, and I see 30 TR maxes spawn in, I am going to pull out a shotgun and slow your support classes down however possible. Trust me, I don't want to be there anymore than they do, but people are counting on me to keep you off the point. I am going to use whatever tool fits the task. You can cry nerf on shotties/max/HA all you want, but you will just be inviting counterrnerfs, which I am sure people are sick of by now. I think you are right about the C4. I have had to deal with fairies for as long as I have been playing. So, as far as "cheese" is concerned, I am way past the point of caring on that one.
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  5. Giasira

    At first i was probably completely useless, but I simply loved the massive large-scale battles where i was just another clueless infantryman, and my contribution didn`t matter at all. There are too many power-fantasy games out there IMO. After 100 hours i have gotten alot better, but my individual contribution doesn`t really matter all that much anyway. I used to play HA mainly and have shifted to LA and i can relatively often get 4-6 kills before i die, but in the grand scheme of things getting kills doesn`t matter all that much. If one doesn`t like the idea that you are just another infantryman amidst a chaotic war, then i think one won`t ever like this game. In CS for example, one man can turn the tide of battle so to speak, if you are good at shooting.

    Now, there ARE ways you can make things less frustrating. If you are pinned down in the spawn room, just change battle. This has nothing to do with honor, as being pinned down in the spawn room the enemy has basicly won anyway. They have a massive tactical advantage; they have several firing lines on you, and you are rushing out blind. Another way to avoid dying alot is to minimize exposure, what i mean by that is that whenever you pop out of cover, don`t stay out for long, analyze the situation, are the enemy rushing your position or are they being forced back? Then choose an action quickly, either pop out, fire for a few seconds and pop back or move forwards, throw a nade etc.. don`t stay out to try to finish off someone who is hard to hit, that`s just asking for sniper bullets. Practice the AD-tapping (small strafes) routine, if there`s a high chance of snipers, try to be a harder target so they`ll pick someone easier. You`ll know they`re focused on you by the sharp "swish" sound if they miss. In that case, be more careful, and swap positions.

    Another thing you can do is try joining a platoon, dont just press insert, see if there are squads or platoons, all from the same outfit and see if you can join there. Either that or try to play during alerts, when outfits will usually play, and sometimes give a Teamspeak server address you can join.
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  6. Klypto

    I actually encountered one two weeks ago. First obvious one in years.

    But if it is elusive, you would quickly realize his accuracy isn't that stellar if you actually fight him.
  7. Alizona

    I hear what the OP is saying... I'm not a very good fighter - if you can't see my signature graphic, my K/D is 0.46 over two years of play. But I am also BR99, a mere 800,000 XP away from achieving my goal that I set for myself when the game began.

    So if I'm not a very good fighter and die all the time, how am I BR99? How am I still enjoying this game and calling it "the best game I own (or play)"? Well, I found my own niche, my own playstyle. Most people would probably be bored to death by it, but it works for me - I am a "Fearless Maytag® Repairman Extraordinaire". :) I repair stuff that needs fixin'. Terminals, turrets, MAX's and vehicles. You broke it, I repair it. No, it doesn't generate the highest XP/min, but 250 XP/min of play isn't awful either. It's like the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare. The guys with 2.72 K/D and 597.03 XP/min like Klypto above my post, those are the hares. I'm the tortoise. Slow and steady XP accumulation. Nobody is ever gonna look at me and say "wow, what a great player". But so what? I have fun, and I think I fulfill a role for my faction that is helpful and productive. To me, that's all that matters.
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  8. Palbuddy

    Even this very funny picture is full of truth in case of EvE Online, comparing PS2 with EvEs learning curve, time consumption, meta and complexity, that's blasphemy!! *lulz

    I was playin Eve for 8+ years, starting a few months after release, just sayin...

  9. AlterEgo

    This is one of the most disturbing graphs I've ever seen...
    But yet it is so accurate, although I would place WoW MUCH higher.
  10. AlterEgo

    People like you make the world a better place. I like the little R you put there. Made me chuckle:D
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  11. iller

    I can tell you from personal experienced in building some of them... that Aimbots in a simulated "bullet time" physics model (read: NOT hitscan) are anything but super accurate... even when they're completely server-side via an Artificial Intelligence script for a "sniping mob" PVE entity. I've spent loooooong hours as an Admin spec'ing Competitive snipers who were more consistent in all the trickier / problematic physics solutions. ...and explains why the guy I'm talking about is also seen missing plenty of shots that a true competitive player would have hit if he'd just waited a split second longer for the Interpolation to favor his vectors / prediction. Not even no-spread can overcome all those variables when you introduce SOE's discount netcode into the equation.

    Personally, I don't give a crap how long this guy gets away with his charade either. As far as I'm concerned, SOE deserves this slow silent cancer eating away at their more casual base. I just believe that those truly frustrated players should know the full story and all the X-factors contributing to their frustration because they're still human beings who deserve some small comfort instead of only being told "It's only you, you're just BAD". Meanwhile you had to nitpick a single sentence out of 2 full paragraphs of details about LEGIT sniping in order to focus on the one little exception to the rule. That's fine...I know your stance on it is important and respect how many hours you've put into the game. But I have one question: Do you really think a poorly utilized Aimbot with a single gimmick could ever be as consistently accurate and strategically "purposeful" as a truly dedicated player such as Matti, Posse, or yourself?
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  12. Dualice

    This may not be the best place to ask, but can someone give me a definition of "cheese" in a Planetside 2, or indeed a general gaming context? It seems to mean using tactics or equipment that is considered "cheap" or "skill-less".
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  13. Get2dachoppa

    Ah, at least some people still remember POTBS. Had so much potential....
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  14. Captain Kid

    Everything except Engineer using carbine.
    Not coincidentally the thing you actually have a chance to fight back against and is not op against anything really.

    Which is also the way I play the game 99% of the time.. Hmmm. I think I'm playing the wrong game..
  15. Captain Kid

    Last bump. I think I've come to the root of the problem.
    There is definitely something going on with Snipers.
    I don't know if it's the relatively new attachments or something else changed but they are able to hit me while I'm moving now with ease.

    I changed server and empire to see if things would go better.
    I still get my eyes sniped out like crazy and just now I had the ultimate test which confirmed, at least to me, snipers have no trouble with moving targets anymore.

    A hill on Indar, heading towards some infantry and I just scared of a cloaker so I knew there was maybe a sniper pissed at me.
    So I ran back to friendlier grounds, REALLY moving erratic zig zagging like crazy. Two shots missed, third shot hit, now I was really running like a madman on fire, going left, right, completely random. BOOM, next shot also a hit killing me.

    This is not like it was a few months ago. Snipers were a nuisance but not like this.
  16. iller

    Nothing has changed in regards to their bullet Velocity. It still has a maximum speed of the following (these are the FASTEST 2 snipers in the game BTW ... showing how long it takes for the bullet to hit the target at that range from the time the trigger was pulled):
     full firing delay:
    Range_____Longshot 650m/s________________RailJack 850m/s
    50m_________ .07 sec _______________________ .25 sec
    100m________ .15 sec _______________________ .31 sec
    150m________ .23 sec _______________________ .37 sec
    200m________ .30 sec _______________________ .43 sec
    250m________ .38 sec _______________________ .49 sec
    300m________ .46 sec _______________________ .55 sec
    You never actually specified a range and I can understand that'd be difficult when you're not an "experienced" sniper yourself and thus don't know where to look for them. But in most cases, they'll be at or around the 100-200 range because that's where the 7x to 10x scopes feel most comfortable while being far enough out that the tunnel visioned sniper himself will not be constantly farmed by short roaming LA's.

    To be clear in what these numbers actually mean... even with with perfect "compensation" for the Railjack's delay (0.20 second) ... you're still looking at an averaged 0.18 second "prediction time" which is actually incredibly long in terms of Computer Science. And thus there's not many reasons even for Cheaters to attempt to use Aimbots at that range. They're erronious on BASRs and it's actually automatics that fair a lot better at getting a kill in less time at that range. Since you like Carbines so much, here's a perfect example of someone who was getting much better performance with a Carbine & nospread Bot at long'ish ranges
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  17. Captain Kid

    I never mentioned the word aimbot or cheater..
    I'm saying snipers are MUCH better at hitting moving targets then a few months ago.

    No idea why.
    Could be they have gotten used to the new attachment which let's you fire faster.
    Could be there are less newer players so I'm facing more veteran snipers.
    Honestly, I don't snipe myself so I have no idea.

    I was already frustrated with the game, then they added the resource revamp (tanks everywhere!) and the server issues. (which are STILL here)
    Now this. I cant fight outside bases because of snipers. (I can avoid tanks)
    I can not fight inside bases because of snipers. And tank spam obviously.
    It's frustrating to fight inside buildings because of Heavy shotgun users and maxes. And tank spam obviously.
    (and snipers shooting inside buildings through windows!)

    I should redeploy and redeploy till I find a good fight?
    It's already annoying changing planets/continents/whatever and not even being able to spawn at ONE fight.
    (I know of no other online shooter which does not let you spawn at a fight but only at empty bases.)
  18. drstrange2014

    Well said. Sadly though all too many are in denial or are at least passive enablers.
  19. iller

    I fully agree with your stance that this game IS really really frustrating. I've said so myself multiple times. At one point I actually had to quit the game because it contributed to an Ulcer according to 2 different Doctors I visited. Unfortunately the Designers will not have a serious discussion with us yet on how to fix that problem. So far the best "Representative" we've got for that case is Wrel who seems to have gotten more frustrated himself over the past months. But if you still want to check in on the game's details from time to time, I'd recommend watching his channel. Good luck to you friend! :cool:
  20. ronjahn

    Wow dude does what happened to you in that video happen often? I've experienced that maybe 2-3 times in 2 years and it is frustrating as hell. It's usually tied with my ping jumping to like 10000. I couldn't imagine enjoying the game if that happened to me more than once or twice a year. I mean if this happens often and while your ping isn't bad, it's obviously some sort of ****** up connection/latency issue that only affects certain people.