Game Update: Oct 30 Discussion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ribero, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Degenatron

    One WHOLE month?! You mean THIRTY DAYS? Well then, that changed everything! That breaks the Second Commandment of Coding - "No bug shall liveth for more than one cycle of thy moon!". That's right after the First Commandment - "Thou shalt comment thy code!"

    Can you detect the sarcasm? Because I'm laying it on thick. More to the point, what exactly do you expect to happen here? Yes, it's a bug. Yes, SOE knows about it:

    In fact, it is the highest rated Major Bug on the PS2issuetracker website. I don't know how much more anyone needs than that. I don't know of any software company that tells you all of the things they DIDN'T fix in their latest patch so I can't imagine why SOE would go out of their way to tell us about not fixing this bug.

    You know why I take exception to your tone? Because you, and people like you, hold SOE and PS2 to a different standard than any other game publisher or game out there. You look at a publisher like EA which just s**t all over their users and straight out LIES to them and people just eat up their games - their MEDIOCRE games - like they're the greatest thing since the moon landing. Meanwhile, SOE is literally trying to do what no one else has done (or is even attempting to do) and they are putting it out there FOR FREE hoping people will appreciate it enough to kick some cash back to them and instead they get dragged through the mud for letting bugs linger for more than "A WHOLE MONTH". So when I see little snide comments about how SOE is bad, or greedy, or incompetent, or "forgetful", it reminds me of a simple adage, "No good deed goes unpunished," and that people are fundamentally bad, greedy, and unappreciative.
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  2. Flag

    Best representation of how glorious that bug was!
  3. vanu123

    You mean a strafe speed that doesn't effect anything within 150-250 meters?
  4. vanu123

    You mean get close and blow up. The mag doesn't have the speed and DPS of the prowler or the armor, damage, and IWINSHIELD of the Vanguard to have a chance at surviving in close. Meanwhile prowlers w/ lockdown still lob from miles away.
  5. vanu123

    Meanwhile the vanguards still have the IWINSHIELD and the prowler can still lob from a mile away.
  6. vanu123

    Prowler AP, Vanguard AP, AV turrets, manaturrets, ravens, phoenix, etc. It is all pretty straightforward trying to hit a magrider within 150 meters.
  7. Cest7

    Posted this one on reddit regarding the spiker:

    Why couldn't you have just added a 2nd fire mode? Did it have to have a splash mechanic?
    The biggest complaint was that it would charge when you wanted it to fire or other unwanted effects. The splash damage severely ***** the 2nd fire mode, making the weapon undesirable. I would have rather seen it retain theburst fire charge and just have a single or double shot fire mode. As it stands now, I doubt I will ever use the spiker.
  8. boey

    Ok, the PPA got changed. Now its time for SOE to take a closer look at the Banshee, the Pounders, the Prowler main cannon and the Ravens.
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  9. Imperial Sect

    Sad no banshee nerf, gotta love a weapon that just one shots you without warning.
  10. vanu123

  11. vanu123

    Nerf it, it can farm from a mile away just like the PPA except harder.
  12. vanu123

    "VS don't use anything that isn't OP"
    "VS cried their way out of any relative buffs they would have received."
    - Higgles
    VS aren't supposed to get anything good, if it is it has been/will be nerfed.
    Case and point: Orion, PPA, Magrider, Saron, ZOE, every one of our God awful pistols (but at least terrible pistols are a VS faction trait no other faction has), VS shotguns and sniper rifles are inferior to their counter parts due to a slower velocity but they still have bullet drop, SVa88, no viable max AV except vortex which has to be used in a group (Total BS because the other factions never have to use anything in a group to be effective), the lasher is still utter trash, etc.
    Give VS love for a change instead of trying to rid the game of VS entirely.
  13. Flag

    I'm sure there's plenty of TR ready to tell you that you can't compare the P2-120 with the PPA because one is a primary and one is a secondary gun.
    That's basically what every argument I've had over it the last few weeks have boiled down to.
  14. vanu123

    It farms harder than any other vehicle, weapon, or secondary, etc. in the game. Is that any better? Besides the mag was originally balanced out by having superior secondaries, now that it has inferior secondaries, the mag can't compete.
    Only the best mag drivers will be able to stay alive.
  15. vanu123

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  16. vanu123

    Prowlers don't need any secondary updates, if anything vanguard secondaries need to be nerfed along with the prowler HE because it farms2h4rd. Still waiting on those mag buffs. Meanwhile ZOE is still trash along with the lasher and the other VS weapons/pistols.
  17. TraatAdmiral

    This isn't true.
  18. t31os

    Nothing else to see here, just give this one a thumbs up, well said sir. :)
  19. vanu123

    They have bullet drop.
  20. z1967

    Comets, but I have something else I noticed about VS special weapons. Most of the Vs special weapons are odd in the fact that they are pretty bad but increase exponentially on the "OP-BSomometer" when used in larger groups. Take the lasher for example. Alone, it is just a mild inconvenience as you turn the corner and kill the guy spamming the disco balls of doom. But have 4 guys supressing the doorway in a way that they are all never reloading at the same timemakes the weapon downright impossible to combat. You can dodge or cloak past bullets, but you can't dodge splash damage. Repeat for the ~3 other doorways that exist and all you have to deal with is LAs playing "peeka-boo, C4 for you" in the windows.

    Notable exception is the Magrider, which scales worse in groups than it really should because it loses the advantages of mobility by bumping into other magriders. Other than that there is a trend in VS special weapons is exponential and tied to number users, going from mildly annoying to nerf bat target.
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