2 Orion Myths Debunked

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by a-koo-chee-moya, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Xasapis

    From the Oracle FAQ:
    • Kills - Daily sum of kills of the particular weapon
    • Uniques - Daily sum of unique killers of the particular weapon - i.e to be a unique, at least one kill has been made with that weapon.
    • KPU - Kills per Unique, i.e Kills / Uniques. For normal-high usage weapons, this is a performance stat and not a usage stat, as the average KPU is calculated on a per period basis (one day)
    • Average BR - Average BR value of unique users
    • Qn KPU - KPU broken down by Unique BR quartiles - Q1 = BR 1-25, Q2 = 26-50, Q3 = 51-75, Q4 = 76-100
    • Headshots - Sum of kills that were made with a headshot
    • Headshot % - Headshots / Kills - Percentage of kills by headshot
    • V KPU - Vehicle KPU - ground vehicles destroyed / Uniques
    • A KPU - Aircraft KPU - air vehicles destroyed / Uniques
    • Playtime - Playtime in hours of the particular weapon
    • KPH - Kills per Hour - Kills / Playtime
    • V KPH - Vehicle Kills per Hour - ground vehicles destroyed / Playtime
    • A KPU - Aircraft Kills per Hour - air vehicles destroyed / Playtime
  2. ballZ Deep

    Like I said earlier, look at the Anchor and Orion before the directives. they're pretty much on par depending on the day.

    To level the Anchor up to ARX, if they hadn't already, as you can see it wasn't as big of a jump compared to the Betel, but that's probably because a lot of those who bought it, leveled it up already.
  3. ballZ Deep

    Cheers! ;)
  4. Xasapis

    So what you're saying is that the BR75+ that were using the Anchor up until the directives and on a regular basis, were not as good as the people who picked it up and auraxiumed it, just so as to unlock the GODSAW?
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  5. Kryvakryz

    A 6 month chart shows that Anchor performed slightly better than Orion (there are a lot more blue performance spikes than purple ones) despite the fact no directive weapons could be involved.


    This would require you to prove that only dedicated HA players buy Anchor. 75BRs< have enough certs to diversify their gameplay, and you need to show us the scale of non-HA dedicated players ruining Orion stats. Right now it's pure speculation.

    Anyway, I've already showed that performance stats are nonsense. But even if we cling to them we can see that it was the Anchor that performed better in the past.

    Here you go.
  6. DatVanuMan

    Plus, you can even equip an advanced laser sight on it. It's so controllable, you need not worry about a grip:D \You should get it if you don't have it, man:)
  7. DatVanuMan

  8. Lamat

    You buy? I make good deal...
  9. Saool

    The Orion is an excellent gun. Is it OP? No. Is it a far superior default gun than those available to the TR and NC? Yes absolutely.

    However, from a personal point of view I would still take an SVA-88 or Polaris over it. That said I am a low accuracy player. Both the SVA and the Polaris can fit compensators and grip making them more accurate and can fit SPA, and the Polaris has low recoil to start with.

    Interestingly, even through the Betelgeuse is supposedly a stock Orion with the heat mechanic, I find I perform much better with it than with an Orion. That however might be a placebo, as I am using it constantly and may simply have grown very used to how it handles.
  10. Champagon

    Thanks for trying OP, but when it comes to Vanu weps, the other guys don't believe in stats. It's a miracle i know
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  11. hostilechild

    YET if you go to VR at 20-30-40m the orion will easily have the best pattern on the wall. (at least for me)

    I find numbers to be totally ******** in this game when compared to actual combat. Too much effect the outcome of a fight and small adjustments are much easier than large ones. But the orion reminds me of the SAW in one aspect if you hold down the trigger to long your ******, but luckily up close with orion they die before that usually happens.
  12. Eyeklops

    HEY! :mad: I eat hot pockets, and what is exercise? o_O
  13. hostilechild

    Screw that, put it on the anchor. (and give VS a med-long range choice higher damage tier)

    The gauss saw can't hit the broad side of a barn while strafing. It is for crouch still shooting at med-long range no .75needed. Gauss saw is also ok stationary with shield up ADS closer in if you can land consistent head shots. Worse gun in the NC arsenal and highest skill cap, yet a starter gun, i have auraxium on them all and hate the gauss saw.
  14. hostilechild

    Actually i think this just proves TR players are not as good on average :p:p:eek:;););) couldn't resist
  15. GhostAvatar

    No, I don't see your point. You was trying to debunk that the Orion has good accuracy, when you have just shown that in fact it does.
  16. Villanuk

    You don't need charts or stats to prove how good the Orion is, just as you don't need to be a weatherman to know its raining.
  17. Lamat

    I'm fine with the Orion as a gun, just change NC's default LMG to something better for a newb that doesn't require complex attachments to perform decently. GD-22S or something like it, make a stripped down GD-22 version (no alt fire modes but give it 600 rpm).

    Then the Anchor could be more like the Bandit with 632 rpm and adjust other stats to balance it (more damage fall-off)
  18. Vixxing

    No, indeed, stats is not as important as how you "feel"... If you "feel" something is OP it must be nerfed!
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  19. Villanuk

    LOL Vixx, I don't think it needs a nerf, but when players try to prove its not a good weapon with stats, well that's stupid. We all know its the best LMG, but so what, that doesn't mean it needs a nerf, just that the VS should stop with saying its not.
  20. Vixxing

    That is also very subjective... im VS and i much prefer Polaris over Orion...