Developer Thread: QoL Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Rohxer

    Thanks, I thought I heard this, but didn't work when I tried it. Maybe a bug with my client, or brain error. I removed from my post, thanks!
  2. Plague Rat

    Feature: Scoped Semi-Auto Sniper buff. (velocity/recoil/both?)

    Reason: These weapons are rarely used and seem to fall outside the side-grade model. There is little merit to these weapons once the scope-less iron rail varients are aquired. The downside of being forced to make multiple accurate shots in very brief hold breath durations (especially when nanoweave and heavy shields become involved) far outweight what benifits come from a minor (50m/s) velocity increase and +6x zoom scopes.

    Feature: AI MANA turret shield redesign for more coverage w/ aegis mechanics.

    Reason: Staying in the turret for any duration makes the user sniper bait. A shield that protects more but can be destroyed by damage might have the potential to make the turret more useful as a gun emplacement by providing a reasonable though limited expectation of forward protection, and possibly make upgrades in the associated cert line more meaningful.

    Feature: Camo Presets or 'favorites'.

    Reason: Owning a lot of camo patterns can make flipping through the quick camo selector tedious and tiresome. Having 2-3 pre-sets or 'favorite' options one could scroll through instead would reduce this when a player wishes to change their colors to match their enviornment.
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  3. Ripshaft

    Have the option, by default or by selection, to be able to bypass the seat request when changing seats as the owner of the vehicle.

    This is particularly geared towards sundies, where you may immediately require a gunner to change targets to the heavy assault shooting you but they're busy trying to shoot down aircraft with a bulldog.

    The ability to blacklist sundies in some way shape or form

    Many overwhelmingly bad sundy positions are often selected as the default spawn simply because they're closer; I'd like to say "no I do not want to spawn under the biolab"/"No I'd rather not spawn on the cliff above the base"/"No I dont think that the sundy immediately outside the wall of the enemy spawn is a useful position" - and streamline the process.


    Quick-Toggles in the loadout UI

    Ie the ability to cycle abilities/suit slots/etc, to toggle implants on/off

    Annnd more later, must go find food for brain workings.
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  4. eatcow0

    They have this already. Social tab, voice settings,
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  5. DFDelta

    I retract my previous statement.
    Thats what I get for expecting audio settings to be in audio settings.
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  6. Hosp

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  7. RaiMarie

    Feature/Bug: Horns costing certificates or station cash; not just station cash.

    Reason: I always wanted a horn and cannot afford to buy it through USD. I think it would be funny to rush up to an enemy not paying attention. blow that evil laughter horn, then shoot him to death lol.

    Link: N/A.
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  8. Tieom

    Feature: Show the mini-map while on the death screen.
    Reason: Can't tell whether there are any friendly medics nearby, or whether they are headed towards you, without going to the map screen. IMO this defeats the purpose of the auto-spawn button.
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  9. Sixstring

    Feature:I NEED A GUNNER! Callout with an icon showing potential gunners an icon designating that your vehicle is open for random gunners Also a way to drop passengers from a Galaxy or Valkyrie without forcibly locking them out,give them a warning such as "dropping in 3...2...1"

    Reason:makes the game easier to play without organized squads/communication.
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  10. DatVanuMan

    Feature: Better ES variety.
    Reason: Because the game can be better.
    P.S. Fix my FailRider. Higby plz do it.
  11. Octiceps

    [Feature] Ability to customize the HUD. Or at the very least, being able to turn everything off except a crosshair.
    [Bug] UI causes huge FPS loss and increase in hitching.

    Reason: Performance. Example: 29 FPS vs. 53 FPS (+83%) in Bio Lab 48+ vs. 48+


    The UI is low-hanging fruit if you want to improve performance in this game. Disabled HUD is the only way many of us can play this game with an acceptable frame rate, yet it places us at a severe competitive disadvantage as it disables hit markers and makes hip firing, vehicles, sniper rifles, and IRNV worthless.

    Please do something about this.
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  12. John_Aitc


    Whether I am on foot or in a vehicle, I would like the appropriate amount of traction to be able to scale the slightest of inclines.

    Now that we have seen this same Forgelight engine in EQ:Next-Landmark, we know that walking up terrain is possible.
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  13. Hosp

    Feature/Bug: Spawn System Logistics

    Reason: To much spawn hopping and a lack of necessary personnel logistics. To often you either can't spawn to an adjacent Hex to defend a base getting ghosted at the last second. Or, you can too often spawn at some base cross the continent because it shows up as a hot spot and turn the tide at the last second.


    Suggests a modified older spawn system.
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  14. JarJar2

    Feature/Bug: Hacked vehicles
    Reason: It would genuinely be fun and would offer a chance for a couple of infiltrators to implode armor columns. When you have giant armor columns they become gamebreaking at times.
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  15. JarJar2

    Feature/Bug: Allow /outfit platoon invite all
    Reason: Instead of inviting people player by player it would be great to be able to get everyone in your outfit invited in one go.
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  16. ZoranTheBear

    Feature/Bug: View Model/ FOV changes

    Reason: Although the current FOV slider allows us to extend the FOV on infantry to a tolerable level. The weapon models themselves are still shoved right in our faces, causing extreme annoyance and headaches. I would love to customize my FOV even more, without resulting to FOV Programs to "fix" this problem.
    This topic of more adjustable FOV has been discussed countless times. And in some cases resulted in Bans due to players using software to change the FOV value, so that they can play the game in their own comfort.
    Along with infantry FOV, Vehicle FOV should also be adjustable. The talk to "restricting vehicle view and would give an advantage" becomes more nulled if all players have the option to change it. Not to mention that accuracy is also harmed when the FOV is higher. Making targets smaller from farther away.
    A players comfort should not be affected by a game's decision to limit you.

    •How vertical FOV works:
    •People's complaints of FOV on Vehicles/Infantry:
    •People banned for using FOV Fixes to just play the game comfortably:

    Higher FOV isn't going to make people magically god like. It's there for people like me, and others. To play comfortably, avoid simulation sickness, and headaces from the FOV itself.
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  17. Stopper

    Feature : Indicate the status of deployables and especially mines on HUD.

    Reason : It's a real better quality if we can know, exactly and in real time, how many mines we still have after having set up some (and which ones) or if our motion sensor or ammo pack is still there. Or if we need to or can deploy anothers.

    For deployables that cost Nanites, also avoid wasting them.

    Link : for mines, many on the engeener forum. Also here :
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  18. NoctD

    Feature/Bug: Infantry/Vehicle/Weapon Cert Trees

    Reason: I'd like to be able to track my cert progress on a single screen/easy to use interface instead of clicking all over the place. Bring back the early game cert screen where you could view it all, your infantry abilities, weapon attachments, vehicle abilities, vehicle weapon attachments. There was NO reason or excuse to remove this.

    Feature/Bug: Properly Aligned Reflex Sights

    Reason: One should think that if you're aiming with the dot, that the dot is actually where the bullet should go. Ya know?

    Feature/Bug: Hornet Speed Increase/Reticle Change

    Reason: They travel so slowly that an ESF can run/afterburn into its own Hornets. And the square reticle is just wrong for a precision guided missile, these aren't rocket pods.
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  19. Andrea SKye

    Feature/Bug: Laggy c4/no damage c4. Sometimes when you put c4 on a moving vehicle and detonate, the explosion seems to do no damage/reduced damage.

    Reason: Because I have died a million times to tanks who i put c4 on, and can visibly see it, but when I detonate they dont die. Bunch of my friends have had it too.


    Extreme example, but it happens on tanks/harrassers quite often.
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  20. Visigodo

    Feature/Bug: More precise in-game mouse sensitivity adjustments.

    Reason: The current setup is a very crude slider from 1 to 100. This is not ideal for most players, especially those using higher-dpi gaming mice where the difference between .11 and .12 is substantial. Right now the only way to precisely set your sensitivity (say to .115678) is through editing the UserOptions.ini file, and it is quite cumbersome and inconvenient. More fine tuning without having to manually edit .ini files and continually restart the game to test your new settings is the goal.

    Link: Here's something close to what I would like; you still have a slider but there is also a space on the side for you to type in your sensitivity for fine-tuning adjustments. Ideally It would provide 6 to 8 decimal places of adjustment. Image link.